
Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna

Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna
Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna

Poplar nectar

Cantonese sugar water

Poplar manna refers to a Hong Kong-style dessert with grapefruit, mango and sago as the main ingredients, and the main cooking process is boiling. Both mango and grapefruit are rich in vitamins and are a nutritious dessert.

Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna
Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna

Step 1: Cook sago

Cook water in a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, add sago, boil and turn to medium heat, cook for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot

After 15 minutes, cover the pot, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, until the sago basically no white spots, if there are still white spots, you can cook for a while, simmer for a while

Scoop out the sago, rinse the mucus with running water and soak in ice boiling water for later

Tips: Because sago has a starch-like nature, adding more water is easy to cook thicker and thicker, you need to add more water, so that the boiled sago is crystal clear and the particles are clear.

Step 2: Cook the rock sugar

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil over high heat with an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Note that the kitchen utensils used to cook rock sugar must not have oil to prevent the rock sugar from discoloration.

After the rock sugar is basically dissolved, put it in cold water together with the container and set aside.

Mango to pit the pulp, horizontal knife along the core of the piece under the two pieces of thick flesh, on the flesh of the flower knife, from the peel side to push up, the diced pulp immediately into a flower shape scattered, and then slice the diced flesh can be

Set aside some neat and beautiful diced mangoes, refrigerate for garnishing, and place the rest of the pulp in the blender's blender.

Add milk, coconut milk and coconut milk in turn, and season with rock sugar water according to your preference.

Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna
Cantonese sugar water - poplar manna

Add the ice cream balls, mango chunks, sticky rice (optional), sago. Pour in the prepared mango milk coconut milk and add the grapefruit and serve.

A delicious Cantonese sugar water to cool off the heat- yangzhi manna is ready.

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