
Tibetan Doctor Wang Ganlu: Spanning 3,000 Miles and Aiding Tibet in a Lifetime

author:China Tibet Net

Chayu, located on the southeast border of Nyingchi in Tibet, is a vast and sparsely populated area with scattered and scarce medical resources. Nowadays, a brand-new second-level general hospital is located on the bank of the Sangqu River in Chayu County, and it is unimaginable that the medical conditions of this hospital are no different from those of Shenzhen's second-class hospitals. Batch after batch of cadres who have come to Tibet's aid have made great contributions to the medical development of Chayu County, and Wang Ganlu, who is currently deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Fuyong People's Hospital in Bao'an District, Shenzhen, is one of the witnesses.

"I must come back here again"

Before the official aid to Tibet, an experience of going to Chayu for free medical treatment made Wang Ganlu determined to come to Chayu to help Tibet, he said: "The medical environment there is really too bad, and I want to bring some changes to Chayu." ”

In April 2018, Wang Ganlu followed the Shenzhen medical team to conduct a free clinic in Chayu County, which was his first time in Tibet, and he took the initiative to arrange one or two surgeries, wanting to do something practical for Tibetan compatriots. It was an operation that Wang Ganlu will never forget, the patient suffered from cholecystitis and gallstones, and he was actually quite confident in the operation after analyzing the patient's condition. But when he walked into the operating room, he was shocked by the dilapidated facilities and rudimentary instruments in front of him, "The environment in the operating room is even worse than that of the township health centers in the seventies and eighties in the mainland." "During the operation, there were three or four power outages, so I had to do it with a flashlight." In the end, Wang Ganlu completed the operation in fear.

The next day, Wang Ganlu rushed to the ward to check the postoperative situation, although the patient had just woken up, but still insisted on supporting the iron bed to help her body, "She held my hand tightly with tears, although we didn't understand the language, but I can never forget her eyes full of expectation and gratitude in my life, at that moment the fatigue and rush in my trip disappeared completely, and the inner feeling could not be expressed in any words." Wang Ganlu recalled that he choked up many times during the process of describing to reporters.

Tibetan Doctor Wang Ganlu: Spanning 3,000 Miles and Aiding Tibet in a Lifetime

The picture shows Wang Ganlu operating on a patient at Chayu County People's Hospital

It was this operation that brought a great shock to Wang Ganlu, and he secretly decided, "I must return here again if I have the opportunity", and he wanted to contribute to the people here and the medical cause here. Perhaps it was really the arrangement of fate, not long after returning to Shenzhen, Chayu County People's Hospital applied to Shenzhen Bao'an District People's Hospital to send an expert who not only understands management, but also has clinical knowledge. After hearing the news, Wang Ganlu was the first to take the initiative to ask Ying to apply for aid to Tibet. In September 2018, as a medical expert from Shenzhen stationed in Chayu County, Tibet, he officially embarked on a three-year road of aid to Tibet.

"I have no hesitation"

Because of the poor medical conditions and medical standards, Chayu County Hospital was nicknamed "Transfer Hospital" by the locals. After coming to Chayu, Wang Ganlu decided to start with the comprehensive reform of Chayu County People's Hospital. He boldly reformed and innovated, improved various management systems, job responsibilities, work processes and standard operating procedures, and made all work have rules to follow. With the joint efforts of him and his team, in the past two years, the hospital has had no maternal deaths in terms of "two drops and one liter", and the neonatal mortality rate has gradually dropped to the national average; A total of 400 critical and critical cases were rescued, with a rescue success rate of 90%. "The medical facilities of Chayu County People's Hospital can be said to be basically the same as those of Shenzhen Second Class A Hospital." Wang Ganlu proudly told reporters that the county people's hospital has also changed from a "transfer hospital" to a "good hospital at the doorstep" and has become a benchmark for county-level hospitals in the autonomous region.

After seeing the initial results of the reform and upgrading of Chayu County People's Hospital, he shifted the focus of his work to 6 township health centers and 192 village infirmaries.

From the county to the township, from the local area to the front line, he has walked countless dangerous road sections, experienced road collapses, mudslides, avalanches, rockfalls, waded through cold and biting snow, and ate the most difficult meals in his life, he has never flinched, "It is the sincerity and kindness of Tibetan compatriots that infect me, inspire me, spur me, and I have no hesitation!" ”

Tibetan Doctor Wang Ganlu: Spanning 3,000 Miles and Aiding Tibet in a Lifetime

The picture shows Wang Ganlu and the old Tibetan grandmother Courtesy of the interviewee

From blood transfusion to hematopoiesis, from material poverty alleviation to consciousness poverty alleviation, Wang Ganlu understands that he will return to Shenzhen sooner or later, and how to build a medical team that cannot be taken away, which he has been thinking about. He has cultivated a large number of medical and health talents for the local area through mentoring and apprenticeship, general practitioner training, village doctor training, and health educator training, which has improved the shortcomings of the lack of medical human resources in Chayu County. Until now, some doctors in Chayu County will ask him anytime and anywhere on WeChat if they don't understand any questions. With the help of the medical advantages of Shenzhen Bao'an People's Hospital (Group), through the Internet medical treatment mode and remote consultation mode, Wang Ganlu also actively promoted the construction of a smart medical and health platform in the county, and gradually changed the traditional medical treatment mode and concept of the people, so that the people in remote mountainous areas can seek medical treatment at their doorstep, and completely get rid of the status quo of "poverty due to illness and return to poverty due to illness" in the county.

"Nectar is a miracle medicine in Tibetan"

Talking about his regrets during the period of aiding Tibet, Wang Ganlu said that in fact, he would like to stay for a few more years, and although the level of the Chayu County People's Hospital has been greatly improved, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the medical level of the township and town health centers and village infirmaries. Since returning to Shenzhen, Wang Ganlu has always been concerned about the primary medical work in Chayu County, and has participated in guiding the daily medical work of county hospitals and township health centers and the training of village doctors through the three-level telemedicine platform, telephone, WeChat video and other methods built with Chayu County People's Hospital and various township health centers.

Tibetan Doctor Wang Ganlu: Spanning 3,000 Miles and Aiding Tibet in a Lifetime

The picture shows the pennant sent by Tibetan compatriots to Wang Ganlu and his team Courtesy of the interviewee

In order to continue to improve the medical level of local village doctors, Wang Ganlu also provided PPT templates for lectures to village doctors during the aid to Tibet as materials, and participated in the compilation and publication of the book "Plateau General Medicine" for grassroots medical personnel in the plateau area to learn. Before the interview, Wang Ganlu told us that he had only learned in Tibet that the Tibetan word for "manna" is བདུད་རྩི།, which means "miracle medicine for healing." Perhaps his fate with Tibet and the Tibetan people has long been sealed.

Just after the interview, Wang Ganlu's mobile phone rang, and the other party was a Tibetan compatriot with whom Wang Ganlu had been in contact for a long time. "If it's convenient, you can come directly to Shenzhen for treatment." Wang Ganlu said to the other party on the phone. Even after many years of aid to Tibet, he still maintained contact with the masses in Chayu County.

The friendship of aiding Tibet across 3,000 miles has made Chayu County, Nyingchi City, Tibet, the most important place in his life, and the people there have also become the people he cares about the most. (China Tibet Network Reporter/Lu Jing, Yi Wenwen, Yao Haoran, Wang Dong)

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