
What can be light and thick is nostalgia, but what can be near or far is the way home, the first, the second, and the birds

author:Life is on the side

What is home?

Some people say that home is such a place -

When you were a child, you would think about running away from it again and again; when you grew up, you would miss it again and again.

Sure enough, the words broke the sky, and the contradictory feelings brought to people by home were portrayed vividly in an instant.

So, to paraphrase a well-known phrase about home, it might be possible to say something like this—

Hours do not know how to warm up at home

I know that I am a foreigner

Nostalgia is common to everyone, and this emotion, Li Bai described it particularly vividly in his poem "Bodhisattva Man":

The plain forest is full of smoke and smoke,

The cold mountain area is sad and blue.

Twilight into the tall buildings,

Someone upstairs is sad.

The jade steps stand empty,

The birds are in a hurry.

Where is the homecoming,

The long pavilion is shorter.

What can be light and thick is nostalgia, but what can be near or far is the way home, the first, the second, and the birds

Pictured: Forest and smoke

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > First, there are people</h1>

It was a dusk.

The dusk of more than 700 years AD is no different from the dusk of the present.

All twilights are the same.

It's different, it's the people who watch the dusk.

At this moment, staring at Pinglin's indifferent eyes, he was obviously full of sadness.

The cold mountains are sad and blue, and no matter how turquoise the color, no matter how deep the mountains and forests, they can't cover the layers of cold between the mountains.

At such a moment full of depression, it is undoubtedly a very unwise thing to go upstairs alone.

What if it's unwise?

When the mood is not good, some people like to hug and fall asleep, while others always like to find something for themselves to do.

If nothing else, because once idle, you can't face yourself who will collapse at any time.

The person who walks alone in the twilight obviously belongs to the latter, and he may also know that climbing the building has no effect, but if he does not walk away, if he does not fill the field of vision with something, the feeling of blockage between the heart and chest is really impossible to discharge.

Then go around, just walk around, walk aimlessly.

Ascending, going upstairs, is probably an excellent choice.


Who is this person, and why is this person so melancholy?

We can only see a vague figure, but the dark color between the figures is incomparably clear, and it overwhelms the sky.

Who doesn't have such dark moments?

In the darkness, we have lost all the characteristics of distinguishing each other, and the only thing that is specially marked is the thick sorrow of the whole body.

What can be light and thick is nostalgia, but what can be near or far is the way home, the first, the second, and the birds

Pictured: Someone

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the bird</h1>

The jade steps stand empty.

His clothes fluttered and his hair fluttered.

Man, however, is motionless, solidifying time into a statue.


Yes, it was a bird in a hurry to go home at dusk, and in the darkness of the night, despite the exhaustion of the day, its wings flapped rapidly, and it was eager to rush back to the nest.

Are the birds really in a hurry?

Perhaps the bird that fell into the eyes of the stand-up was really a bird with some delay, and when it returned later, it naturally sped up the speed of flapping its wings.

More likely, the birds returned at the same speed as in the past, flapping their wings and just maintaining their usual rhythm and not saying anything about being in a hurry.

Therefore, the urgency of returning to the flight does not lie in the birds, but in the standing.

It is only at this time that the inner world of the protagonist of the lyric is set off in a mysterious corner, allowing the viewer to see the hidden feelings inside it-

Climbing the stairs, worrying, standing, it turned out that it was only because of the protagonist's homesickness.

Wandering wanderers in a foreign land, who has not yet had a homesickness?

Only when you are homesick, you will feel that the scenery of other places is beautiful, and you will lose the ability to soothe people's hearts in an instant.

Only when I think about it, will I hear a little eagerness, a little anxiety, and a few hurried lines in the flapping of the bird's wings.

Where is the return journey, the long pavilion is shorter.

Unfortunately, even if the birds are in a hurry to return, they are not worried about the high mountains and long roads, sooner or later, they will surely return to the nest smoothly, and where are the travelers who climb the stairs and look out, the long way home?

The ancients in the countryside, will build pavilions for passers-by to rest, usually five miles to build a short pavilion, ten miles to set up a long pavilion, therefore, the long pavilion and short pavilion for the ancients, not only will be a place of farewell, but also a place of homesickness.

It is worth tasting deeply that the author said that the long pavilion is shorter, why not the short pavilion and the longer pavilion?

Or is the author just trying to be ingenious, or even just unintentionally?

What can be light and thick is nostalgia, but what can be near or far is the way home, the first, the second, and the birds

Pictured: Birds

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

If you see home as the origin, and the distance as a different point near and far, then for people who travel, the excitement may be that they can go further.

The short pavilion, the long pavilion, the long pavilion from the short pavilion, will be a clear portrayal of this feeling.

Toward the far side, farther, farther, always think that it is not far enough.

And if you turn it upside down, from the perspective of a homesickness or homecoming person, then the feeling is naturally the opposite, and the heart is so excited that it seems to jump out of the chest, only because home is getting closer and closer.

The long pavilion, the short pavilion, the long pavilion and the short pavilion, are the best illustrations of this feeling.

Towards home, a little closer, a little closer, always feel why can not be reached in one step.

In this way, the long pavilion is even shorter, which is exactly the conveying description of the homesick protagonist in the lyrics who is homesick and eager to return to his eyes.

Some people may say that if you really miss home, you will go home, homesick, just thinking, thinking, don't you think it's too boring, too hypocritical, too meaningless?

This is true, but even in the case of extremely developed modern transportation, for many foreign travelers, travel may be able to say that you can go, but you may not be able to go back when you go home.

For example, I am reading hard in the cold window.

For example, I am working hard in the workplace.


There are thousands of reasons, and homesickness will naturally grow wildly, and there is no need for a large area of rooted fertile soil.

Because of this, about the hometown that cannot go back, some people will issue the following sigh:

Hometown seems to have become a dream for me. Perhaps, only when you are really old can you return to the hot land of your hometown. Never drift again, never wander again, quietly watch over her for the rest of her life.

Miss a person, miss a city.

Perhaps, whether it is a person or a city, thought is always the most helpless and softest feeling in our hearts.

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