
Come and fatten the intestinal noodles

author:It's not late in 2020

The weather is beginning to be cold, life is not easy, and troubles and trifles occupy the daily life. At such a time, it is impossible not to be anxious and not distressed, but to find a way to regulate the mood. We can't go sightseeing, go to a luxury hotel, can't indulge in the downtown, and see the prosperity of the world. What you can give yourself and your family may be a bowl of fat sausage noodles.

Come and fatten the intestinal noodles

Fat intestines remove the oil, clean up, put cooking wine in cold water to remove fishy, boil, take out. Remove the old soup, add the new ingredients, add the fat intestines and boil. Slowly simmering over a small fire, the aroma begins to haunt, and the kitchen with fireworks makes the family feel warm in the cold.

Come and fatten the intestinal noodles
Come and fatten the intestinal noodles

Make good noodles, wake up, stew beans and potatoes as a side dish, chopped green onions, chili noodles ready, everything is ready, only the noodles are owed, and the "whoosh" sound of oil.

Come and fatten the intestinal noodles
Come and fatten the intestinal noodles
Come and fatten the intestinal noodles

When all the preparations are completed, the children have already cheered around the fat intestines, prepared a large bowl, and wanted to have a feast of noodles.

Come and fatten the intestinal noodles

Serve the bowl, chew on the soft and sticky fat sausage of the Q bomb, eat the milky noodles, talk about home, integrate the vision of the family and the teachings of the children, and enjoy a moment in a good atmosphere.

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