
It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

author:Play Gathering Circles

Marvel Studios and Disney have previously adjusted the release schedule for the MCU Phase IV follow-up, which mentions several Marvel movies that have not yet been announced. Now there is news that this may include the first work of "Nova" landing in the MCU.

In Marvel Comics, the name "Nova" represents multiple characters and organizations. The Nova Corps is an organization that defends the Xandar (already featured in Guardians of the Galaxy), both as Shandar's army and with the scientific mission of exploring the universe.

It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

The Legion of the Nova is divided into multiple levels, ranging from ordinary soldiers to centurions, and Richard Ryder, one of the characters code-named "Nova" in the comics, is the heir of Roman Day, the centurion of the Legion of Nova. Dai was wounded and dying from a mission and had to choose an Earthling to inherit his power.

It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

Another "rising star", Sam Alexander, came from his father, Jesse. Jesse is a nova deserter who disguises himself as an ordinary person after settling on Earth and marries and has children.

It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

The Nova Legion is somewhat similar to the Green Lantern Legion in DC Comics, and their power also has a unified source, the Nova Force, which is an almost unlimited amount of energy generated by a supercomputer called Worldmind at Sandal Star, which allows the Nova Legion to gain super physical strength, strength, and flight ability.

The story of Nova is closely related to the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Sandal Star is an important location in the MCU film Guardians of the Galaxy, in fact, part of the setting of the Nova Legion has been involved in the previous plot. In the comics, Sam is on his way to becoming a rising star with the help of Guardians of the Galaxy members Kamora and Rocket Raccoon.

So now the news believes that a new MCU character mentioned by director James Gunn in the promotion of the "Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" short film may be a new star.

It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

It's unclear, though, whether Marvel is willing to put the origin story of a new star in a project outside of his MCU's solo films, and marvel studios' choice to make him an established superhero from the start seems unlikely. After all, Richard Ryder's transformation from an ordinary teenager to an experienced space protector is a key part of his comic book story.

Next, guardians of the galaxy holiday special may show the plot of the young Richard Ryder before he gets the power-nova helmet, perhaps before Sam Alexander finds his fatherhood — the key is to see which new star will appear.

It is rumored that the next superhero of the MCU will be a new star, and he will land on the screen with the help of guardians of the galaxy

If so, the holiday special will only bring a new star into the MCU, but will not officially introduce him, so that he will still keep his own MCU personal movie, and the threshold for the audience will not be too high. So there is no need to rush to look forward to the arrival of the new star, after all, the conqueror Kang, who has been rumored for so long, has used "Loki" to pave the way, and has not yet appeared.

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