
Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age": In Hong Kong, it is also classified as a subordinate work, who understands his pain


In 1997, a quiet night was broken by a rapid knock on the door, Wang Xiaobo's mother Song Hua hurriedly opened the door, two policemen stood in front of her, a serious face to ask her how many children there were in the family, which one of them worked in the country, the police asked quickly after leaving, leaving her standing alone in the doorway, the mother's intuition told her that there must be something wrong with Wang Xiaobo.

Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age": In Hong Kong, it is also classified as a subordinate work, who understands his pain

Song Huaqian couldn't think of anything that would happen to Wang Xiaobo, and in her memory, although Wang Xiaobo was a little mischievous when he was a child, he certainly wouldn't alarm the police with something out of the ordinary. So Song Hua hurriedly dialed the phone of Wang Xiaobo's home, but as a result, no one answered until dawn, and she called everywhere to inquire about Wang Xiaobo's whereabouts, but still did not get any news.

A phone call the next day ended Song Hua's search for Wang Xiaobo's behavior, and even more made Song Hua, who had not slept all night, collapse to the extreme, the phone call was from a policeman, the content was very simple, did not say a few words, Wang Xiaobo died. Song Hua, who was originally in a nervous mood, was directly knocked down by this phone call, and a grief-stricken emotion instantly broke out.

On the day of the incident, Wang Xiaobo's neighbors once heard a cry of pain coming from Wang Xiaobo's home, but they turned a deaf ear and ignored it, and after a night, they waited until the next day to push open the door during the day to find that there were deep scratches on the wall of the home, Wang Xiaobo died, and the cause of death given by the hospital was sudden heart disease.

Flesh and bones are connected, ten fingers are connected to the heart, Song Hua as a mother's heart-rending feeling is really too desperate, for Wang Xiaobo himself, the biggest regret is that before he died, he could not see his "Golden Age" released in the mainland, this may be his long-cherished wish, when writing this book, Wang Xiaobo himself felt that it was the best one to write, full of confidence to find a publishing house to want to distribute, but the result was that the content was vulgar and not suitable for distribution.

Wang Xiaobo, who did not accept defeat, took the book to Hong Kong, China, although the smooth distribution also got his own fee, but what made Wang Xiaobo feel uncomfortable was that in Hong Kong, the book was actually classified as a subordinate work, obviously it was his best work, and it must be very sad to change it to who was psychological.

Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age": In Hong Kong, it is also classified as a subordinate work, who understands his pain

Wang Xiaobo's original intention in writing this book is by no means to attract the attention of the public, he very sincerely wants to show the literary thinking depicted in the book to everyone, hoping that someone can really read the core of the book, rather than just see the superficial cosmetic description. But even though he and his wife ran all kinds of publishing houses and got rejection, Wang Xiaoboto's friend printed out the book, and he and his wife sold "The Golden Age" on the newsstand, but what he himself experienced was a completely dark era.

This is the way the world is, no one cares about it before death, and it is highly sought after after death. After Wang Xiaobo's death, "The Golden Age" began to be released, and even his previous "Black Iron Age" and "Silver Age" were also stained, and the sales of the Era trilogy instantly soared. Wang Xiaobo once said: "When everyone thinks that something is more shameful, then this thing is not worthy of shame." Unfortunately, Wang Xiaobo himself failed to see the era that everyone recognized.

In that era, the sales of "Golden Age" increased day by day, its popularity was jaw-dropping, this kind of scene is difficult to make others believe, once called the "Golden Age" of vulgar books, can even be transformed into the public acceptance, even sought after the object, Wang Xiaobo's works are like this, like the famous painter Van Gogh, when he was alive, he did not think that his paintings were so good, and only after death did he realize that every painting was a classic.

Nowadays, there may be many friends who have not known Wang Xiaobo, and many people may have known him but have not read his books, in this era of looking at faces, Wang Xiaobo can stand invincible for many years with an "interesting soul", there is definitely a reason, Gao Xiaosong said: "He is absolutely the first among the vernacular writers I have read, and he is very far away from the second place, he is a god-like existence in my heart." ”

To understand this interesting soul king Xiaobo must start from "The Golden Age" - "I was twenty-one years old that day, and in the golden age of my life, I had a lot of extravagance." I want to love, I want to eat, and I want to turn into a half-light and half-dark cloud in the sky in an instant. Later, I learned that life is a slow process of being hammered. As people grow older, their extravagant hopes disappear day by day, and they eventually become like cattle that have been hammered. ”

Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age" trilogy ¥38 purchase

A very interesting place about Wang Xiaobo's works has been recognized and accepted by countless readers, that is, as long as you are willing to read his works on a page, then you will definitely be attracted by his humorous and witty words, and you are not willing to remove your eyes. Leaving aside those plots that were once considered vulgar, Wang Xiaobo is concerned about this era, paying attention to the real life in which each of us lives, and all the words and lines are his most sincere emotions, without a trace of pretense.

Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age": In Hong Kong, it is also classified as a subordinate work, who understands his pain

His wife, Li Yinhe, said of him in her eulogy: "He was a romantic knight, a bard poet, a free thinker. If you can, you may wish to start a set of era trilogy, but from the book you can feel the meaning of an era and Wang Xiaobo's inner monologue, although the current time is twenty years later, but this does not affect everyone to pay attention to these things, because some things are not understood.

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