
#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

Angel Cake Roll, the name derives from Angel Cake. Because of the hollow cake mold used, the cake without egg yolk participation is as white as snow, so it is named. Since the ingredients are about the same, the cake roll rubs the heat of the cake. If you have to correct the name, it may be more appropriate to call it a protein roll. It is not recommended to make it deliberately with egg whites, because the aroma and color of the egg yolk are missing, and the overall appearance is too plain. In terms of taste, there is no rosin of whole eggs, the taste is a little more elastic, and the texture is like marshmallow. If you have extra egg whites, you might as well give it a try.

By meggy dancing apple 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Egg whites 195 g

Caster sugar 50 g

Milk 85 g

Corn oil 40 g

Low gluten flour 50 g

American coarse grained yellow mustard sauce to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

1. Group photo of materials: egg whites, caster sugar, milk, corn oil, low gluten flour;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

2, pour a little vegetable oil into the baking dish, use kitchen paper to wipe the chassis and the four walls again, so that you can easily release the mold without laying oil paper;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

3, corn oil and milk mix evenly;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

4, sift into the low gluten flour mixture, the batter is delicate and flowing;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

5, the egg white with an electric whisk high-speed out of the coarse foam, divided into three times into the fine granulated sugar: out of the coarse foam, out of the white slightly delicate foam, out of the fine foam with the grain;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

6, lift the whisk, the protein paste is a large bend or a large right angle; the oven is preheated 170 degrees;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

7, take 1/3 of the protein paste into the milk batter, stir evenly, and then take 1/3 of the protein paste to mix;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

8. Pour the mixed batter back into the remaining protein paste basin;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

9. Stir evenly;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

10. Pour the cake paste into the baking tray, and lift the baking tray so that the cake paste is evenly spread over the baking pan;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

11, into the middle layer of the preheated baking dish, up and down the heat 170 degrees, 25 minutes; according to the actual situation of the oven used to high speed temperature and time;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

12, out of the oven back from the baking pan from the light vibration of a few times, because the inner wall of the baking pan rubbed oil, no need to wait, inverted buckle, fingers lightly touch the edge, easy demoulding;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

13, originally wanted to towel noodles, but the inner wall of this baking pan is unusually smooth, so there is no waste;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

14. Transfer the cake blank to a large piece of oil paper, cut off the upper and lower sides obliquely, and smear a layer of American coarse grain yellow mustard;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

15. Roll into a roll from near to far, and set the shape at room temperature for 15 minutes;

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

16. Cut evenly into pieces.

#Happy 10th Birthday Bean Fruit # Angel Mustard Cake Roll

17, angel mustard cake roll, salty, slightly sweet, soft and loose!


1. The egg white roll does not need to be deliberately made, and the rest of the egg white that only needs the egg yolk is made; the taste of the egg roll is very elastic, there is no fluffiness of the whole egg roll; use this recipe to make a cake roll or an 8-inch cake; 2. Different baking pans of grease wipe effect is not the same, today I am also the first time to use this brand of disc to wipe oil, originally wanted to make a towel roll as the skin, but the overall smooth surface off the mold, so I use the colored surface to do the skin; 3. The filling is not limited to yellow mustard, but also cream or jam.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of egg whites</h2>

1 Egg white is slightly cold and clear, can easily replenish qi, moisturize the lungs and throat, clear heat and detoxification, supplement high-quality protein, skin care, beauty, help delay aging.

Therapeutic diet: take 50 grams of sugar, 2 egg whites; use egg whites to dissolve the white sugar, 1-2 spoons per serving, 2-3 times a day, to treat chronic pharyngitis.

2 Take one egg white, a little alum, mix well, take it after foaming, you can clear phlegm and cough

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