
The 10 famous generals who helped Qin Shi Huang destroy the 6 kingdoms, where did they go, why only Zhang Handan was resisting Liu BangXiangyu

author:Teng Fei said history 1

The reason why Qin Shi Huang was able to destroy the 6 kingdoms, in addition to his outstanding command ability, also had a lot to do with the 10 fierce generals of the unified army. After all, these generals are all fierce generals with one enemy and one hundred enemies. Casually pulling out a general to lead the army can make the enemy shudder. However, the question arises, when the Qin Dynasty was attacked by Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, why only Zhang Handan resisted. Where are the other generals?

The 10 famous generals who helped Qin Shi Huang destroy the 6 kingdoms, where did they go, why only Zhang Handan was resisting Liu BangXiangyu

First of all, let's first look at who are the ten fierce generals in the Qin Shi Huang period. Wang Qi, Yang Ruihe, Meng Tian, Li Xin, Nei ShiTen, Meng Wu, Meng Yi, Zhang Handan, Wang Ben, Xin Sheng, Wang Li. To be sure, if these generals were still alive at the time of the fall of the Qin Dynasty, it would be very difficult for Liu Bang and Xiang Yu to destroy the Qin Dynasty. So why didn't these generals come out to resist?

The 10 famous generals who helped Qin Shi Huang destroy the 6 kingdoms, where did they go, why only Zhang Handan was resisting Liu BangXiangyu

There are generally three cases here. When the first Qin Dynasty fell, some people had already died. For example, Yang Ruihe, Li Xin, and Nei ShiTen, who had already announced their deaths at that time.

Li Xin was one of the outstanding representative figures of the Great Qin Dynasty's Shaozhuang Sect. He was also one of the most trusted people in the Qin King. Regarding his ending, the history books do not record in detail. However, it is certain that Li Xin was indeed loyal to the Qin Dynasty. If he saw that the Qin Dynasty was about to perish, he would definitely come out to resist. It can be analyzed from here. At the time of the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Li Xin was no longer alive. In the end, it is the battlefield that died in battle, and it is impossible to know whether it is sick and dead.

The 10 famous generals who helped Qin Shi Huang destroy the 6 kingdoms, where did they go, why only Zhang Handan was resisting Liu BangXiangyu

After Yang Ruihe unified the Six Kingdoms in Great Qin, he confronted Zhao Gao many times and died of illness soon after. Nei Shi Teng, after the Unification of the Six Kingdoms by the Qin Dynasty, was appointed Asi Shi (内史), mainly responsible for Kyoto affairs. From the position point of view, being able to take charge of the position of the capital city also shows that Qin Wang Yingzheng has great trust in him. Unfortunately, when the Qin Dynasty fell, he himself had already passed away.

The second kind of victimization. Meng Tian and Meng Yi were the most trusted generals of the King of Qin. If they were still alive at the time of the fall of the Qin Dynasty, they would certainly rebel. It is also possible to restore the situation in which the Qin Dynasty was destroyed. Meng Tian was a fierce general of the Qin Dynasty, and he once led an army to defeat the Xiongnu. During the Qin Dynasty, Meng Tian was also known as the "First Warrior of China" due to his brilliant achievements. It's just a pity that Meng Tian committed suicide by taking poison during the Huhai coup. Meng Yi was framed by Zhao Gao and eventually died in prison.

The 10 famous generals who helped Qin Shi Huang destroy the 6 kingdoms, where did they go, why only Zhang Handan was resisting Liu BangXiangyu

The third kind of unknown destination is Wang Qi, Wang Ben, Xin Sheng, and Wang Li. Since the Qin Dynasty unified the Six Kingdoms, Wang Qi and Wang Ben's father and son chose to retreat bravely and return to their hometown in honor, no longer paying attention to political affairs. Even if they were still alive at the time of the fall of the Qin Dynasty, they had long since stopped worrying about political affairs. Xin Sheng made great achievements in the unification of the Six Kingdoms. His whereabouts are a mystery. Wang Li was captured at the Battle of the Giant Deer, and his whereabouts later became a mystery.

From this point of view, the ten major generals who helped the King of Qin unify the Six Kingdoms. By the time the Qin Dynasty fell, only Zhang Handan remained. Zhang Handan was the last military pillar of the Qin Dynasty and ranked as a general. In the Battle of Zhangluan, Zhang Handan surrendered to Xiang Yu. In 205 BC, during a battle with Liu Bang, the city was destroyed and committed suicide.

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