
Brooke: A playboy at the age of 10, her mother used her as a cash cow, and she was admitted to Princeton at the age of 18

author:Shine a light on the past and the present
{"info":{"title":{"content":"波姬小丝:10岁登花花公子,母亲拿她当摇钱树,18岁考入普林斯顿","en":"Brooke: A playboy at the age of 10, her mother used her as a cash cow, and she was admitted to Princeton at the age of 18"},"description":{"content":"一头金棕色的长发,一双深邃会说话的蓝眼睛,望向你时,就连女子也无法抗拒的容颜。这就是被誉为世界第八奇迹的美女,混合着法国...","en":"Long blonde hair, a pair of deep talking blue eyes, when looking at you, even the woman can not resist the face. This is the beauty known as the eighth wonder of the world, mixed with France..."}},"items":[]}

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