
How is this well-known bubble claw made?

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
How is this well-known bubble claw made?

Hors d'oeuvres

By Langka


Chicken feet 1000 g

1 lemon

1 onion

Passion fruit 2 pcs

10 cloves of garlic

Rice vinegar 100 g

Light soy sauce 100 g

Sugar 30 g

Salt 6 g

Ginger slices 8 pieces

Cooking wine 20 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

1. Wash the claws and cut the nails

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

2: Chop one into two pieces

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

3, chop open to make it easier to taste

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

4: Cook in cold water, add cooking wine and a few slices of ginger to taste, bring to a boil to remove the foam, and cook for another 8 minutes

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

5, cook well, fish out and pour into the container, ice cold, so that the heat expansion and contraction will make the taste more elastic

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

6. Process the seasoning, cut it open and chop it

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

7: Pour all the spices into the container and mix well

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

8: Pour in the chilled claws and mix well

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

9. Seal the refrigerator for one night, and the flavor will be more flavorful after coloring. I haven't pickled enough time for this picture

How is this well-known bubble claw made?

10, the taste of lemon and passion fruit stimulates the taste buds, can't help but taste a piece, 100 dim!

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chicken feet</h2>

1. Remove lipids and lower blood pressure

Chicken feet can soften and protect blood vessels, and have the effect of lowering blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

2. Skin care

Chicken feet enhance skin tone and eliminate wrinkles.

3. Rich in copper

Chicken feet are also rich in copper, which has an important impact on the development and function of the blood, central nervous system and immune system, hair, skin and bone tissue, and internal organs such as the brain and liver and heart.

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