
Heart-warming Liu Yan: I want to donate kidneys to my mother who suffers from cancer, buy a house for my parents, and pay tuition for my nephews and nieces

author:Movie little love letters
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"暖心的柳岩:想给患癌母亲捐肾,给父母买房,为侄子侄女交学费","en":"Heart-warming Liu Yan: I want to donate kidneys to my mother who suffers from cancer, buy a house for my parents, and pay tuition for my nephews and nieces"},"description":{"content":"提到娱乐圈当中的性感女神,相信很多网友都会选择柳岩。不可否认,柳岩确实是非常性感的,但是正是因为她的性感,所以才使很多人...","en":"When it comes to the sexy goddess in the entertainment industry, I believe that many netizens will choose Liu Yan. It is undeniable that Liu Yan is indeed very sexy, but it is precisely because of her sexiness that many people..."}},"items":[]}

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