
Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

author:Guangzhou New Oriental Cooking

Today Guangxiaoxin would like to recommend to you is the blogger's little sister who loves to eat barbecue meat, two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, the ingredients are simple, you can do it at home! Make your own, healthy and delicious!

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

Ingredients: purple potato, sweet potato, tapioca starch, boiling water, sugar, ginger, red dates


Start by making taro balls

(1) The first time you do it can be simpler, this time only made sweet potatoes and purple potatoes. Peel and cut into pieces, put them into a steamer basket and steam;

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

(2) Take out the steamed sweet potatoes and purple potatoes and mash them while they are hot, and use a spoon for fear of heat! Add white sugar first (those who do not like sugar can not add sugar, sweet potatoes themselves have a sweet taste);

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

(3) Then add some tapioca starch (other flour is not OK) and knead into a dough, then add part of the boiling water (be sure to boil boiling water) and knead it while it is hot! If you are afraid of heat, use a spoon before starting, then continue to add the remaining tapioca starch and boiling water. Then knead all the way to a non-sticky hand smooth dough!

(4) Wrap the kneaded dough in plastic wrap first, and skip this step directly! It doesn't matter if you wrap it up and put it there to do anything else. Because if you move too slowly, the dough is easy to dry and crack in the back operation;

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

(5) Open the plastic wrap and take part of the dough out first. Sprinkle the cutting board with tapioca starch and then rub the dough, roll out long strips, cut the taro balls, and then sprinkle with tapioca starch and roll it to prevent sticking;

(6) Boil the water, and when the water is boiled, put it down. After all the taro balls are floated up, cook for another 2 minutes, and then go through the cold water to make more Q bombs!

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

Then boil the sweet potato sugar water

(1) Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into pieces, wash and dry, and slice the ginger;

(2) Put sweet potatoes, ginger slices and dates into a pot and add an appropriate amount of water. Just cook the sweet potatoes, and then put the sugar according to the degree of sugar you like!

Finally, add the taro balls to the sweet potato sugar water and finish

Zero failure of two-color taro round sweet potato sugar water, do it yourself, healthy and delicious

Source of the picture text Little Red Book: Little Sister who loves to eat barbecue

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