
The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

author:Taiyi Wisdom Calligraphy and Painting Art

In the contemporary book world, many people may know Shen Peng's name, because in some public materials, he is a poet (published two poetry collections), a critic of calligraphy and painting (in terms of calligraphy and painting, he is not only the editor of the People's Pictorial, but also often writes some commentaries to artists) and a calligrapher (he has served as the chairman of the China Book Association, honorary chairman and other positions, and also has many calligraphy theoretical works). Among the above three "families", it is generally believed that calligraphy is a strong point of Shen Peng.

The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

Mr. Zhao Puchu once praised his calligraphy as "a masterpiece that does not allow MingXian to be admired." Mr. Zhao said that Shen Peng's calligraphy works, like those of the wise and wise people, deserve admiration and commendation. Zhao Puchu is also a calligrapher, and his evaluation should be counted as a pertinent sentence. The famous calligrapher and master of traditional Chinese studies, Qi Gong, also commented on Shen Peng, saying: "The servant has been handed over to Mr. Shen Peng for more than thirty years, and he has a unique point in his art criticism. "The grass that is done is not as old as it was, and the art is noble and innovative, and Mr. Won." Mr. Qi Gong's evaluation is very interesting, in addition to recognizing the unique insights of his literary and artistic evaluation, he also talked about Shen Peng's cursive calligraphy. It refers to the small mortar-shaped pit on the old-style door that bears the shaft, and the door must occupy a place in this small pit when it rotates, otherwise, the door will collapse.

The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

Seeing this, many people may think that learning calligraphy must be passed on to the ancients, which is equivalent to the door to turn, it must be in the same way, otherwise, learning will be a wood without roots, a rootless foundation, and may collapse at any time. Mr. Qi Gong said that Shen Peng's cursive calligraphy is very innovative, but this is not a negative word, it is preceded by a saying: "Yigui innovation", and for innovation, Shen Peng has done it. But these three sentences add up, in fact, it shows that Shen Peng is an innovative calligrapher, although he did not abide by the "stick".

The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

Cultural people are very subtle in their speech, especially some famous artists, who often evaluate a person or a thing in a subtle, humorous tone when evaluating others, and the result of this will not offend people. For example, Li Ao also said this when evaluating Fan Zeng's calligraphy, "such as Mr. Bookkeeper's Brush Characters", we know that in the past, Mr. Accounting Room was something that only cultured people could do, and ordinary people could not do it, you can say that Li Ao is demeaning Fan Zeng's brush characters. But then I thought about it, there was also a problem here, what is it? Fan Zeng, as a generation of calligraphers, did he only write the brush characters of Mr. Bookkeeper? Brush characters only have the function of recognizing and recording, and the calligrapher's words are not only these functions, it also has the problem of artistry and philosophy, so some people will think that Li Ao is scolding Fan Zeng's brush characters in the tone of a cultural person.

The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

As a master of traditional Chinese studies, qi gong, from the perspective of calligraphy, linked to Shen Peng's cursive works, can not see the shadow of the ancients, but he does not say it clearly, nor does he say it correctly, but on the contrary, shen Peng is an innovative calligrapher. If you are an ordinary person, you may say to each other in private, you study calligraphy, do not copy the works of the ancients, what are you writing blindly? But Qi Gong did not say so, but the purpose was achieved. Shen Peng himself once said that I myself do not copy the works of the ancients very much, generally read more and write less, this is a problem of the ability of other masters, we can not say anything.

The three masters of sinology commented on the calligraphers in this way, and Qi Gong's comments on Shen Peng were too much

Some people also say that Shen Peng became famous by relying on these two sentences of the previous two masters, and Shen Peng also quoted these two sentences everywhere, because he was an editor and also wrote articles. We don't know about this, but there is one truth that is very clear, that is, the celebrity effect. In the past, we used to say that if you stand on the shoulders of giants, you will become giants. This makes a lot of sense, how did celebrities come about? Like a star, people act in a film or television work or sing a song, and maybe become a star overnight. And celebrity, refers to a unique achievement in a certain field or profession, or after the comments of a professional, it will become a celebrity, this giant is a reviewer, and the person standing on the shoulder will also become a celebrity.

Zhao Puchu and Qi Gong's evaluation of Shen Peng's calligraphy, what are your different views, welcome to publish a message to discuss together.

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【Dangdang】Qi Gong tells you calligraphy ¥19.68 purchase

Wonderful reading:

Shen Peng: Calligraphy is not mysterious, you can write as much as you want

Shen Peng praised his schoolgirls for their excellent calligraphy theory and works. Netizen: Words don't work

Li Ao: Fan Zeng's calligraphy is just a brush character in an accounting room. Fan Zeng: Impossible

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