
10-year-old boy is precocious and almost doesn't grow tall... Dad regretted: he should not have been told this 10-and-a-half-year-old boy, suddenly ejaculated twice a week

author:Morning News

Source: WeChat public account "Tencent Dashen Network" "News Workshop" City Express Qianjiang Evening News

Recently, Ren Yu, deputy director of the Children's Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Zhejiang Greentown Cardiovascular Hospital, met two old friends at the outpatient clinic, which is a father and son. As soon as he entered the door, the child's father and director Ren said excitedly: "In the first half of this year, it grew by 7 centimeters, and now it is 1 meter 59, there is hope, there is hope!" "To know the height of the child, since that summer two years ago, it has been the heart disease of the whole family...

At that time, the boy Hao Hao (pseudonym) was only 10 and a half years old, at the beginning of the summer vacation, Hao Hao had no signs of development, but the holiday was only halfway through, the corner of the child's mouth actually grew a mustache, the testicles enlarged and developed, and sperm remained twice a week...

10-year-old boy is precocious and almost doesn't grow tall... Dad regretted: he should not have been told this 10-and-a-half-year-old boy, suddenly ejaculated twice a week

The network is equipped with pictures, and the pictures and texts are irrelevant

When I went to the hospital to check, the child's bone age had run to 13 years old, and the doctor predicted that Haohao, who was only 1 meter 44 in height at that time, might only grow to 1 meter 6, and the root cause of all these problems was in the books that children listened to every day

Recalling the sudden early development of his son in just one month, Haohao's father shook his head in remorse: "Now there are thunder everywhere, and it is too challenging to raise a child well." ”

< h1 class="ql-align-justify" > 10-and-a-half-year-old boy who suddenly loses sperm twice a week</h1>

Hao Hao is thin and thin, and his height has maintained the average level of his peers since childhood. Until 2 years ago, halfway through the summer vacation, when his mother helped him wash his small panties, she found that there were a lot of pale white secretions on them. Mom felt that the situation was not good, quickly called Dad to confirm, he picked up the small panties and smelled, the brow immediately locked, judging by the experience of the people who came over, this is a sperm.

Could it be that this little hairy child who doesn't know anything has developed? Sperm should have happened only by chance, right?

Mom and Dad were nervous and unwilling to believe it, and the two discussed observing for a while

However, only a few days after the first sperm loss occurred, Mom soon found secretions on Haohao's small panties, and the amount was even greater. At this point, the couple is really anxious.

The next day, Dad took Hao hao to Zhejiang Greentown Cardiovascular Disease Hospital for treatment. Ren Yu, deputy director of the Children's Diagnosis and Treatment Center, conducted a preliminary examination of the child and found that the child's mouth had grown a black moustache and the testicles had also enlarged and developed.

Sex hormone levels are then measured, which are already high to pubertal levels. Check the bone age again, it has run to 13 years old. All indications point to the fact that Hao Hao has begun to develop.

When I first had summer vacation, there was no sign of development, how could I suddenly develop early in just one month?

Haohao's father always felt that things were too strange, and Director Ren couldn't believe it, and began to help them find the reason carefully

10-year-old boy is precocious and almost doesn't grow tall... Dad regretted: he should not have been told this 10-and-a-half-year-old boy, suddenly ejaculated twice a week

First of all, the possibility of long tumors should be ruled out. Fortunately, after doing B ultrasound in many parts of the body and magnetic resonance imaging in the brain, no tumor was found.

Secondly, there is a common factor that leads to precocious puberty is the intake of exogenous sex hormones, that is, to check Haohao's daily life, especially eating.

But Dad said that his life during the summer vacation was no different from usual, as for eating, they were Taizhou people, in addition to seafood, they ate more, and did not eat anything special.

10-year-old boy is precocious and almost doesn't grow tall... Dad regretted: he should not have been told this 10-and-a-half-year-old boy, suddenly ejaculated twice a week

After excluding the factor of eating, under the inquiry of Director Ren, Haohao's father said that Haohao had developed a habit of listening to books this summer

It turned out that Nahui Haohao had finished the fourth grade, and his writing level was similar to that of a first- and second-grade child, and the teacher suggested that he read more extracurricular books in the summer to help improve.

But Haohao was born to be quiet and couldn't bother to read books, so his father downloaded a software for him to listen to books. At first, these books listened to were selected by my father, nothing more than four famous books, but within a few days Hao Hao was not good, he looked for it on the Internet, and then insisted on listening to it before taking a nap at noon and before going to bed at night, and his parents were particularly happy to see him listen to it with relish.

How can listening to books also affect children's development? Haohao's father was even more confused

Director Ren said that it is a good thing for a child to love to read or listen to books, but if the content of reading or listening is not suitable for his age, it may have a negative impact. If the book contains sexual pornography, it will stimulate the cerebral cortex, so that the gonadotropin is released too much in advance, resulting in precocious puberty.

When Haohao's father heard this, he immediately called his wife and asked her to open the tablet to see what his son was listening to every day. It is said that it is an online novel called "Three Kingdoms XXXXX", looking at the title of the book like the wild history of the Three Kingdoms, my mother only found out after listening to a few chapters that it contained some romance sections.

So in the past two years, Director Ren has made chinese medicine adjustments according to Haohao's development in stages, while inhibiting development while stimulating growth, now the child has grown to 1 meter 59, close to the average height of 13-year-old boys 159.5 centimeters, the predicted height has also risen to 1 meter 67, and the genetic height of 1 meter 68 is almost the same, more gratifying is that Haohao may still have room to improve, there is hope to climb 1 meter 7

Director Ren said that in his outpatient clinic, he had encountered many cases of children who had precocious puberty due to exposure to pornographic books like Haohao. This situation is often not easy to detect, and he has encountered some precocious boys until they change their voices, and they are brought to treatment by their parents, but it is too late.

< h1 class="ql-align-justify" > data is displayed</h1>

More than 95% of precocious puberty comes from environmental stimuli, in addition to eating food in the stomach, the pollution impact of the language and cultural environment can not be ignored. It should be reminded that seeing has a greater impact than listening. Now there are too many passionate scenes in TV and movie programs, and even some cartoons have romance sections. Children receive too much of this information, and the more they look at it, the more they want to see it, and their bodies are also inadvertently changing.

Both parents and society should create a healthy language and cultural environment for the growth of their children, and hope that parents who have children who have just grown up in the family will take this as a warning!

10-year-old boy is precocious and almost doesn't grow tall... Dad regretted: he should not have been told this 10-and-a-half-year-old boy, suddenly ejaculated twice a week

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