
Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

author:Tongzhou knows it all
Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

Oil steamed bun is one of the most common varieties in Tongzhou tea culture.

We also have many stores in Tongzhou that make oil steamed buns. Whether it is a small shop at the entrance of the wet market or a bakery under the Beiyang Bridge, there are also many loyal fans and diners. (On the sands alone, it may be the best food of beiyang bridge)

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

Beiyang Bridge oil steamed bun shop

But if you want to talk about the best oil steamed buns in Tongzhou, you must talk about the shop in Dongshe Town: Cai San Oil Noodle Shop.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

The shop is located on a small riverfront on the east side of the main street of Dongshe Town, two on the north side of several bungalows. Next door is the owner's brother Cai Er's house.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard several old people and neighbors who came to buy steamed bread, talking to the masters in the store, using the Dongshe dialect and Hong Kong dialect, and the lively traffic was lively.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

That's right, it's the smell of the intimate neighborhood. I rejoice in the feeling that everyone is gathered around to chew a song, chatting and waiting.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

The person in charge of pounding the dough in the early stage was Master Cai San himself.

Master Cai San said that the oil bun is an ancestral craft. His father warned him from an early age: A craftsman will not die of starvation in the famine years.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

He dropped out of school at the age of 13 and returned home and began to learn to do a craft with his father for more than 40 years.

I can do it for so many years and make a name for myself in Tongzhou. The taste in it naturally has its own uniqueness.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

The flour is all imported from the Galaxy Flour Factory, and there is a gap between the different qualities of flour and the oil steamed buns, color and taste.

In addition to flour, there is another key link: pounding the dough. Only after repeated pounding of the noodles, the blow out will have tendons.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

The beaten noodles are cut into strips with a knife and kneaded repeatedly to make steamed bun strips. Put it in a large vat and soak it in oil.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

This old tank with plate strips is full of a sense of age and carries my infinite memories of childhood.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

This very emotional corner was once the most sought-after "raw wo" in childhood: the pot. It is estimated that it is really rare in the future.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

Pick out the strips in the old jar, put on two long chopsticks, pick them up, pull them apart, three or two strokes of effort, a thick strip, it becomes many neatly arranged thin strips.

This series of craftsmanship is definitely a great god in front of me and other handicapped parties.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

Dip into the oil pan, and after three minutes, the yellow, crispy and fragrant oil steamed buns will come out of the pan. Don't you say, this is the first time I feel the unique aroma of oil steamed buns.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

His steamed buns use only the most basic raw materials such as flour, oil and water, and are not adulterated with other additives.

"My family has been doing this since my grandfather. A lot of the guests came, ate my steamed buns, and said, "Oh, this is what we ate when we were kids." ”

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

"Still that old taste" not only expresses everyone's nostalgia for the past, but also praises and respects the craftsmanship of Cai Sanjia.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

We have a custom in Tongzhou: pregnant women should eat brown sugar tea to make steamed buns during the month. Nowadays, the children in the family have a full moon wine or a hundred day feast, relatives and friends watch sangwu, feast on the banquet, and the main family will also send two bags of oil steamed buns before the guests leave.

I remember when I was a child, brown sugar tea with oil steamed buns was definitely a delicious dish. I don't know why, I don't have to eat it now.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

That day, I bought a few bags from Cai San's house and brought them to my grandparents to eat. Grandpa finished eating and said: The amount of things done by this oil bun is strange, and the real amount is not ugly.

It turns out that this simplest and purest happiness, The Cai Sanyou Steamed Bun of dongshe, can help us create.

Thank you craftsmen and salute you guys.

Tongzhou's best oil steamed buns! Many old Sands people go out of their way to buy...

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