
The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

I miss my hometown's sweet wine brewing the most, and every time I get to the market day, I will go to the stall with my friends to drink a bowl of sweet wine, as long as two dollars, you can drink a full bowl. There are many advantages for women to eat wine, first of all, you can beauty and beauty, we are best to choose to eat wine in the morning, on the one hand, you can nourish the stomach, on the other hand, you can also beautify your face, for women, the benefits are many, wine can put a little ginger, put a little goji berries. Often eat wine, there is also a digestive effect, if indigestion, you can also eat wine, now we generally work longer, work more tired, often indigestion, you should eat some of this liquid food, more conducive to our digestion and absorption. Women eat more wine, there is a role in softening blood vessels, because wine contains a certain amount of wine, but the concentration of alcohol is not high, for our blood vessels is good, often eat wine, soften soften blood vessel effect is very good, can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

By Oo Hee Ma Kitchen oO

Glutinous rice dumplings to taste

Brew a bowl of wine

Water 500 ml

Rock sugar to taste

Goji berries a little

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

1. All materials are ready.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

2, 1, the use of Jiuyang's D68 this health pot, the pot put the right amount of water, not too much, 500 ml can be. Press the tonic to start boiling water.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

3, 2, after the water boils, put in small balls to boil, stir with a spoon to prevent sticking to the pan.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

4, 3, after boiling again, add sake and bring to a boil.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

5, 4, when the balls are all floating, then add goji berries and rock sugar.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

6, 5, cook for about three minutes, the sugar melts.

The preparation of sake stuffed small rounds

7, autumn, drink a bowl of wine, the stomach is warm, comfortable.


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