
Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

In addition to the lack of pork in our family, seafood and beef and mutton are eaten in rotation almost every day, but I don't dare to get live animals, plus Mr. Is a Zhejiang person, so those fish, shrimp and crabs and the like are all cooked by Bao Dad, so I rarely appear live seafood in my recipes, ashamed! However, I cook a lot of beef and mutton. Mutton, has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, tonifying the kidneys and spleen, eating more mutton can nourish the body and enhance resistance. It's just that the first keyword that most people think of when they mention lamb is fat, in fact, lamb is tender and delicious, and it will be forced to do it well, but as long as you master a few skills, there is basically no possibility of smell ~ Today's tips for going to the stomach are to add a delicious black pepper sauce, only the flavor, no smell ~

By Dora Mommy


1 lamb chop (about 600 g)

1 scoop of delicious black pepper paste

2 shallots

Ginger five or six slices

5 octagons

Light soy sauce half a scoop

Gardenia 3 pcs

3 incense leaves

Tangerine peel 1 small piece

1 small onion

White sugar 1 loa

Cooking wine half a scoop

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

1, a lamb chop, buy back to rinse with water several times, soak in water for half an hour, aimed at removing excess blood water, but also to remove a part of the smell;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

2, prepare the seasoning: good taste of the black pepper sauce, two pieces of green onion, a few slices of ginger, 35 slices of fragrant leaves, a small piece of tangerine peel, 3 gardenias, 5 star anise, 1 chili pepper; (using seasonings and soy sauce, sugar and cooking wine)

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

3: Rinse the lamb chops, add a piece of green onion, three slices of ginger, delicious black pepper sauce, then add half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of soy sauce, a little sugar and half a spoon of cooking wine, stir well;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

4: Marinate the lamb chops for 15 minutes;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

5, and added some onions, onions are also to go to the small master Oh!

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

6: Heat the oil, add a spoonful of white sugar and fry until small bubbles can be made;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

7: Pour in the marinated lamb chops and stir-fry until the lamb changes color;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

8. Pour in the remaining seasonings and continue to stir-fry;

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

9, stir-fry out the aroma, add the appropriate amount of water and simmer; (first boil on high heat, then simmer on low heat, and finally collect the juice on high heat, the whole process is about 40 minutes ;)

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

10, before the pot of lamb chops ~ ruddy color, so not tempting!

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

11, lamb chops plated, and sprinkled with some small green onions, look at it is not more delicious!

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

12, there is delicious lamb to eat, haha life is not very beautiful!

Black pepper lamb chops, ruddy in color, tender and flavorful, delicious enough to suck fingers

13. Let's take a close-up!


Tips for lamb not to be fattened: 1, wash with water and soak; 2, taste good and beautiful black pepper sauce; 3, specially added with onions, and black pepper is very compatible!

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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