
Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

author:Red Shiling

People often say that playthings are lost, but there is such a person who "plays" to become a general. In his lifelong military career, he played with his life, played with cannons, played with cameras, played with cars, played with radio, played with Katyusha, and everything became the driving force behind his promotion.

He was successful in world war I, and even General Chen Yi invited him to watch the opera "Borrowing the East Wind". He was even more a person who dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao, but caused the chairman to laugh. What kind of legend is his life full of?

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

General Qin Jiwei

Let's take a look at the unique legendary life of this Chinese general known as the "Great Knife of Qin", Qin Jiwei.

Born in 1914, Qin Jiwei grew up lonely and bitter, and lost his father and brother successively, making his childhood extremely difficult, he guarded the broken grass house alone, cutting firewood, herding cattle, digging wild vegetables, all the work you can think of is not what he has not done.

At that time, there were families in the village, who only got rich by exploitation, and Qin Jiwei quietly leaned on a scarecrow in front of his door or put a large stone on the door at night.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

When the rich man opened the door the next morning, he was either startled by the scarecrow or hit on the head by a large stone. He also used to say, "One day, I'm going to make those bullies walk backwards." ”

In 1927, at the age of 13, Qin Jiwei volunteered to join the volunteer brigade and went to the front, and in November of the same year, he participated in the jute uprising, and people called him "Red Boy".

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

This red teenager participated in countless battles in his lifetime, and he was all present in the Long March of the Red Army, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and even the Battle of Shangganling to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. And why would a general who was able to skillfully operate the "Katyusha" rocket artillery that could support the Soviet Union in the Battle of Shangganling call him "Qin Dadao"?

It turned out that when he attacked Huang Ancheng, he had just served as a company commander, but he was guarding the headquarters and could not go to the front line, and Qin Jiwei, who watched other companies go to the battlefield with long guns and long knives, was very unwilling, afraid that the heroes would be useless.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

He rushed to the battalion commander's side in a hurry, kicked open the door of the battalion commander's room and said loudly: "This post Lao Tzu is no longer standing, Lao Tzu's company wants to fight." At this time, the battalion commander's head did not lift a bit, and he still did not hurry to mend the military coat in his hand.

After a while, he said without hesitation: "Good, you Qin Jiwei hero!" That company is left to me, you can go wherever you like! Qin Jiwei was confused when he heard it, and if the company stayed, it would not be a company commander.

He slowly shifted his gaze to the battalion commander, only to see that the battalion commander was still holding a needle and thread to mend the old military coat. Xu was Qin Jiwei's gaze too hot.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

The battalion commander said slowly, "Leave the gun behind, after this battle, I will seal you as Qin Dadao." Since then, this nickname has spread in the camp, and although it is a nickname, it does not hide the admiration of people.

General Qin Jiwei was young but able to win battles, and led his troops to fight non-stop along the way, but he lacked knowledge. As mentioned earlier, Qin Jiwei played all the way, why he loved to "play" so much, we have to start from that autumn in 1933.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

At that time, Qin Jiwei had already become the regimental commander, and one day after breakfast, several soldiers pulled a line into his room, and Qin Jiwei was confused and couldn't help asking: "What is this thing?" The soldiers smiled and said, "Commander, you will know this by putting this in your ear." ”

When Qin Jiwei put this strange thing to his ear, he did make a big jump, and a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear: "Commander Qin!" Qin Jiwei hurriedly put down this strange thing, and he couldn't understand what it was, so he thought that the warriors were trying to tease him.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Instantly, his face sank, and he just wanted to get angry, and the soldier hurriedly said, "Commander, this thing is called a phone, and Minister Zheng wants to talk to you on the other end of the phone!" Qin Jiwei was suddenly overwhelmed, and quickly picked up the phone again, and the voice was Minister Zheng's voice.

But the phone was something that Qin Jiwei had never seen or heard before, and Qin Jiwei's ears listened to the voice but his mind was not placed on it for a moment. When Minister Zheng came from the other end of the phone, he said, "Understand? When asked, Qin Jiwei could only mechanically reply with "understood."

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

As for what the task given to him by Minister Zheng was, he didn't remember it for a long time after he hung up the phone. So Qin Jiwei and his soldiers hurried to march to Minister Zheng's office 30 miles away.

Minister Zheng was holding a meeting, and looking at Qin Jiwei, who was sweating profusely, he suddenly appeared in front of him and couldn't help but wonder: "How did you come back?" ”

Qin Jiwei straightened his waist and said, "I have to listen to the minister's face-to-face explanation." After hearing this, Minister Zheng was even more puzzled and asked, "Didn't I just say it very clearly on the phone?" Qin Jiwei said, "I can't believe that thing!" ”

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Minister Zheng smiled and said, "That thing is a telephone, now that the conditions of our troops are good, we will all use the telephone to communicate in the future, you have to get used to it." Since then, Qin Jiwei has understood the importance of learning knowledge and understanding new tools and new weapons, and this time he made a joke, and next time he absolutely can't do this again.

So Qin Jiwei made up his mind to strengthen his study, and he would pay attention to anything new on the battlefield. During this period, Qin Jiwei also found that not only he was like this, but most of the people in the army were like this, and the team often had little knowledge and experience in actual combat.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Soldiers who lack culture have more practical combat experience. In order to avoid the polarization from becoming more serious, he told the soldiers more examples and experiences of actual combat, while encouraging them to study hard.

As the leader of the whole team, he is bound to take the lead, and in terms of learning cultural knowledge, he uses the simplest way to write a war diary to lead the whole army, and his daily insistence on writing also brings him more spiritual enjoyment.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, as the commander of the Taihang Military Region, he joined the Liberation War without stopping, and in the Battle of Zhengzhou, Qin Ji showed his great skills and displayed his outstanding wisdom of prejudgment. The troops he led at the time were not important players in the original planning of the campaign.

However, he did not let down his guard, but felt that the escape of the Zhengzhou defenders was very likely, so he deployed his team to prepare for the enemy's escape. Sure enough, when the first, third, and fourth columns approached Zhengzhou, the Kuomintang army immediately abandoned the city and fled north, and the battle plan was disrupted.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Deng Xiaoping hurriedly called Qin Jiwei, who was in the north, and asked him not to let them escape. Qin Jiwei, who received the call, said unhurriedly: "The political commissar is assured, my net has been formed, and he cannot run away."

After listening, Chen Yi took the microphone and said to Qin Jiwei: "Qin Jiwei, this time it will be up to you, play well, I will go to you to sing "Borrow the East Wind", if you can't beat it, you have to spank." As soon as the phone hung up, the team led by Qin Jiwei annihilated more than 11,000 Kuomintang deserters north of Zhengzhou, and won a complete victory.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Liberation of Zhengzhou

On October 22, 1948, when Zhengzhou was liberated, Chen Yi arrived in Zhengzhou and invited Qin Jiwei to dinner and watch a play as promised, but when he returned, he was caught by Deng Xiaoping and was not in the duty room, and received an inspection, which made the two cry and laugh.

But what is the point that such a heroic and warlike commander lied in front of Chairman Mao? In 1953, the anti-US and aid-Korea troops led by Qin Jiwei returned triumphantly, and Qin Jiwei went to Beijing to meet chairman Mao Zedong.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao received the commander of the Volunteer Army

Chairman Mao commented that the Battle of Shangganling, which he commanded, was a miracle. After saying that, he handed over a cigarette, smiled and said, "You have won the battle, I have to show something, but I don't have anything good here, so please smoke a cigarette." ”

However, Qin Jiwei, who usually did not have two packs of cigarettes, shook his hand and told Chairman Mao that he did not smoke. This was the first time he had lied, or in front of Chairman Mao.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Afterwards, he said: "Chairman Mao is a great man, and I think it is not appropriate to swallow clouds and spit fog in front of Chairman Mao." "But if you say a lie, you have to pay a price, because if you say in front of Chairman Mao that you don't smoke, it will be bad to smoke again, even if you secretly cry bitterness in your heart afterwards, you have to endure the pain of cutting love and quit smoking."

Such a great man not only dominates the battlefield, but also governs his family. The two men and one woman raised by him and his wife Tang Xianmei are also extraordinary. His two sons, Qin Tian and Qin Weijiang, later became lieutenant generals, achieving the glory of "one door and three generals".

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Among them, there are many qin jiwei's earnest teachings. Once Qin Tian was ordered to go to the border to fight, the road ahead was dangerous, and before leaving, he said to Qin Jiwei: "Father, the son may not be able to fulfill filial piety in the future." What was originally an affectionate picture was broken by Qin Jiwei's few words.

He said sternly, "What is this little battle of yours?" Can it be compared to my past wars? You are a regimental commander, how can you have such emotions? At that time, Qin Tian was not able to fully understand his father's words, but he did not refute them.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Later, in one battle after another, he gradually understood the connotation of his father's words, as a regimental commander who was about to go to the battlefield, the emotions of children and daughters would only affect the entire team's combat.

At that time, Qin Jiwei, the enemy soldiers did not panic at all, he stood in front of the team with a weapon and said loudly: "As long as I Qin Jiwei is there, Linze will definitely be there, if you need to break through, I Qin Jiwei will definitely be behind the palace!" ”

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Such a remark greatly increased the morale of the soldiers, and they fought for 3 days and 3 nights until they received the order to retreat. Fathers use their own personal experience and experience to teach their children how to lead soldiers. Later, the two sons also had to pass on the true tradition of their father, passing on the spirit of their father.

And such an iron-blooded general is also tender as water, in addition to loving his wife and children, he also shows tenderness in the face of the doctors and nurses who take care of him. During his serious illness, he braced himself to write three letters before Women's Day on March 8.

Qin Jiwei, a famous general: commanded the Battle of Shangganling and dared to "lie" in front of Chairman Mao

Qin Jiwei

One congratulated the eldest daughter on her return from school, the second asked Xiao Bing to buy a holiday cake for the doctor and nurse, and the third worried that the nurse would hope to deliver the cake a day earlier. Unable to speak, he wrote down the notes, without the slightest gratitude for others.

On February 2, 1997, General Qin Jiwei died of illness, and his life came to an end on that day, but his story has been passed down to this day.


Memoirs of Qin Jiwei Qin Jiwei, 2007, People's Liberation Army Publishing House

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