
The Forest Guard Station of the Forestry Bureau conducted a test on the parasitism of the red-eyed wasp on the larch caterpillar

author:Lin Hai Daily

In order to comprehensively and systematically implement sustainable control of larch caterpillar populations, the forest defense station of the Tuer Forestry Bureau recently carried out a basic test on the parasitism of red-eyed wasps on larch caterpillars under different population densities.

According to the occurrence of larch caterpillars in Tuerlin District this year and the conditions of forest ecosystems, the experimental team composed of senior engineers of Inner Mongolia Forest Industry Group Forest Defense Station, senior engineers of Qiersen Defense Station and technical personnel of Red-eyed Bee Breeding Farm, divided into four types of heavy, moderate, mild and low density by forest class, each type was set up with 3 test sites, and 1 control land was set up, and the feathering and spawning period of larch caterpillars were selected, and the red-eyed bee egg cards were released according to different densities of types, marking the egg blocks that were easy to observe. Regularly observe and record their parasitic conditions, study and analyze them. At the same time, they collect pine caterpillar pupae for artificial rearing feathering egg laying and collect pine caterpillar egg blocks in the wild, and put red-eyed bee egg cards in the laboratory to observe parasitism every day.

Larch caterpillar is one of the main pests of larch and has continued to occur in the Thorin area for the past two years. The purpose of this experiment is to further control the artificial release of biological predators, the red-eyed wasp, as an important and effective means of long-term control of pine caterpillars and create healthy forests. (Li Xueling, Li Yaqin)

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