
Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

author:To be explained

In the struggle between good and evil, love reproduces and reproduces, which is older and more courageous than the cruelty of death. —— Chang Yao, "Cihang"

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

The novel was originally titled Angel Love

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">1</h1>

The dust of twelve hundred and twenty-eight years of time gradually swept away the figure with a faint sense of regret carved in my eyes. At this moment, the stubborn and infatuated tears finally rushed out of the eye socket that had imprisoned it for ten thousand years. It hoped that its flowing body would be able to touch the dust of time, so that the figure that was about to grow old would once again shine with the appearance of youth. It really miraculously did.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">2</h1>

I am a girl with a pair of wings.

My sister said that before I was born, God spent three thousand years in heaven and prayed for a name for me: Angel. So, after I was born, everyone around me called me Angel.

A thousand years later. My sister secretly told me in a dream that my name represented my identity and destiny. So, I know, I'm an angel —an angel of love. A love angel who can only fly all the time. Because if you land on the ground, you will die.

My sister said that I am a love angel who combines robbery and rigidity into life. But I was doomed not to have love in this life, because the arrival of love would burn the devastation and rigidity in my body. And their flames will devour my innately fragile heart and life.

I thought that in this life, in the dictionary of my life, the word "love" would never appear again. But that doomed trip completely changed the trajectory of my eternal life.

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">3</h1>

The angels are to spread their wings and fly high alone. Must go through a long trip, trekking through mountains and waters. Only this trip can grind the delicate wings of the angel into a strong and mature independent. So this trip is destined to be full of hardships, novelties and ruins.

The day of one thousand two hundred and twenty-fourth birthdays. Accompanied by my sister, I began this journey to achieve a life of ups and downs.

My sister said that my trip would take three thousand years to complete.

I smiled at my sister. I found that my sister's pupils overlapped in an instant, a completely different me from the reality. My sister's pupils seemed to be able to figure out what my future would look like.

In autumn, the sun falls.

My sister and I set off to another strange world full of hardships, novelties and extinct things for me.

As the night began to overwhelm our sights, we began to hide in the cold and dim clouds to fall asleep. At midnight, the cold wind swept away the rare heat in my body. Only then did I find that I had long since left the happy paradise that gave birth to me and raised me.

The sun climbs up the hill with shame. The new day's travels are starting to sound the call again.

afternoon. We came to a lonely wood. Its complexion is green with golden yellow. Suddenly, I found that some of the leaves were full of pity and worry. My sister said it was because they were about to enter the grave—they were afraid to end their old lives.

Why don't other leaves have this expression? I am full of novelty and puzzlement about everything in this strange world.

Because they are always at peace in the face of life and death. They understand that something, once ripe, means withering. They believe that death is just another rebirth. These are also the reasons why the skin color of this forest is mixed with gold in the green. Joy and sorrow, gain and loss, gathering and dispersing, love and hate are always dependent on each other.

Listening to my sister's words sometimes makes me forget to fly.

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">4</h1>

A thousand years later. My sister and I saw a river. Fish jump out of the water from time to time in the cool, transparent water. I thought it was they releasing the joy in their hearts.

A moment later, the sky was suddenly rolling and the wind was rising. Dark clouds engulfed the entire sky in an instant.

The disoriented clouds, because they collided with each other, left a series of angry eyes and rumbling pain in the displeased sky. Then, like a woman's sad tears, the continuous rain flowed down uncontrollably.

Because his wings were not strong enough, he was mercilessly wet by the rain. As a result, the power stored on the wings for tomorrow's flight was knocked to the ground. From the laughter of the wind and clouds, I knew that I was embarrassed. Their laughter gradually blew the delicateness off my wings, allowing my wings to find the strength and courage to be strong and fly high alone. And so another thousand years passed in the midst of their ridicule.

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">5</h1>

At dawn, the fog is faint. On my nimble wings were dewdrops that had not woken up. Their cute and innocent smiles made my eyes flash a blue figure. With a gentle call, the figure awakened me to the footsteps of my last thousand years of travel.

The figure's name was Ocean. It has the broadest chest in the world and a heart that is loyal to love.

Its blood was blue, as blue as the complexion of the home in which I lived all the time. I love this sky-like blue. It brings me warmth and security.

It was this sky-like blue that swallowed my deep and stubborn gaze into an ocean of love without another shore.

It makes me rejoice in drunken dreams and taste the memories that sorrow and love bring me.

Thus, the love story of an angel and an ocean began to fly and flow under a pair of smart wings and a piece of blue blood.

Qi'er, this last thousand years of travel we must always fly. My sister's words felt like I was wet by the morning fog, which made me feel confused.

Sister, why is that?

In this millennium, what we will fly over is a blue ocean. Above it was only blue air, not a single cloud. We will fully enter a blue world. There is not a single cloud there that can keep us staying.

I understand. We can only stay and rest in the clouds, we cannot land on the ground. Therefore, we can only fly for this thousand years.

Sister, why is there not a single white cloud above this ocean, and even the air is blue?

My sister and I walked over the blue ocean. Breathe in the blue air around you. It feels a little unnatural, but it feels unusually comfortable.

Qi'er, you know what? There are too many sorrows and charms hidden in the heart of this ocean, and there are always layers of melancholy in its eyes.

It fears that its loved ones and friends around it will find itself always acting out tragedy. It does not want to see the happiness of its relatives and friends around it gradually swallowed up by its own mood, so it chooses indifference. So its relatives and friends began to drift away from it. These are the reasons why there is not a single white cloud above it. Because the white cloud could not stand its indifference.

This ocean is blue, not only its entire body, but also its entire life and soul.

Air and the ocean are the most devoted confidants. Each other' hearts are imprinted on each other. Inseparable. The air, then, is only swallowed up by the ocean. That is, swallowed up by the blue. So the air over the ocean turned blue.

Sister, why is this ocean blue? Was it like this from birth?

This world originally had no oceans. It is made up of the tears of some angel in our family who shed after meeting her loved one. Angels are always devout and faithful to love. The same goes for the tears that flowed. And only blue is a symbol of piety and faithfulness. Therefore, the tears shed by the angels are blue, and the ocean formed by the tears of their tears becomes blue.

Why do angels shed tears when they meet their loved ones? Should I be happy?

Love is made up of joy and sorrow, in a positive proportion. The back of love is tears. When the angel meets the person he loves, tears are inevitable. Because, love brings each other, in addition to smiling, there are only tears.

How does the angel know he is in love with someone?

When the angel meets the person she loves, her pupils will suddenly dilate at that moment.

Sister, how did you know so clearly? Could it be that she had personally experienced the feeling of her pupils enlarging in an instant?

Sister, are there your tears in this ocean? I couldn't help but blurt out.

I don't know, maybe there is. But now it doesn't matter anymore. When the sister replied, her eyes were fixed on the front, as if she was looking for something. I knew that my sister's eyes must still be hiding an unknown past—about love.

My sister's expression told me that she would not turn this long-sealed past over to show me again.

Many things that look fixed and unchanging sometimes give people a kind of unexpected surprise.

It was that night. The sister couldn't help but turn over her long-sealed past in her heart. Under the cover of dreams, I secretly followed my sister's memories and finally peeked into a moving love story.

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">6</h1>

Space-time reversal. My sister's back faded from my pupils until she finally became a young girl.

It turned out that her sister's past life was a girl from the earth. I know, there's a boy coming up. Because it's a love story between a sister and a boy.

I heard my sister call the boy: Ocean. The boy's name was Sister: Lu.

I know, it's a love story about ocean and dew.

Winter in the north. late at night. Lu, "Leisurely, tossing and turning. "In half an hour it will be Dew's twenty-fourth birthday.

Lu was waiting for someone's call. His name is Ocean. It is Lu's first love boyfriend.

The day after Lu's twenty-third birthday. They walked around the city and fell in love until they fell in love.

In a few minutes will be Lu's twenty-fourth birthday. Lu is waiting for a call.

Silent bedroom. Only the second hand of the wall clock was beating rapidly. The clock at zero is about to ring. Lu's heartbeat rate suddenly accelerated. It seems to want to transcend time and space in an instant and reach the day of Lulu's twenty-fourth birthday first. Because it knew that there was a boy who was holding a missing heart on the other end of the phone, anxiously waiting for this moment to come.

The moonlight began to recede. Lu's heart rate began to gradually return to normal. The phone seemed to have passed through. There was no sound at all.

Lu, finally couldn't support sleepiness and fell asleep. Perhaps she missed the ocean too much to wait to meet her in her dream.

dew. I am sorry. I gotta go. Ocean held the phone in his hand and looked pale. His hands trembled uncontrollably—trying desperately to shake off every drop of him and Lu.

walk? Where to? Her eyes were wide open, and her face was full of confusion and panic.

I don't know. That place would be unfamiliar. After going there, I may never come back. The tone of the ocean carried a deep wind, as if it were blowing out of hell.

Not coming back? Why? What about me? What should I do? Exposed lips are trembling, and so is the heart.

Sorry, Lu. I can't take you with me. I'll miss you every day when I get to that place. The ocean felt its blood betraying itself, releasing temperature outward through its pores.

Can't you bear to leave me alone? I don't want your thoughts. I just want you to stay for me. Never leave me, okay? Dew's tears erupted violently from the eye sockets like volcanic eruptions. A look of unstoppable emotion.

Sorry, it's too late. I..., the words of the ocean could not be finished, and the body flew away uncontrollably.

Lu's outstretched hands returned empty-handed. All she saw was the ocean waving at her. Lu was empty. Lu woke up. Lu found it dawn. Through the window glass in front of the bed, the sky was so gloomy that everything felt depressed and breathless.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">7</h1>

Lu's twenty-fourth birthday was not as warm and romantic as she imagined. Instead, it brought her loneliness and sadness like never before. Because of Lu, her most beloved boy inexplicably abandoned her. No one knows where to go.

Days without oceans.

Lu, "Pink smoke and haggard skin, tears only except for the sleeves of the shirt." ”

Lu has become: haggard, sluggish, mentally confused, depressed.

"Ocean, do you know that I miss you, do you know that I love you?" Day and night, I miss it all the time. Torturing myself every second. ”

Lu often cries at the ocean in the photo. Late at night, he often wakes up from nightmares by calling the name of the ocean. Lu, unable to control herself. Like the doctor said about severe depression.

"Lu, I've been waiting for you at the entrance to heaven. Have you forgotten the vow we once made, to never be separated in life and in life? ”

Lu, she really saw the ocean in the photo in her hand waving at her.

"Of course not forgotten. The entrance to heaven? Ocean, tell me where it is? Lu was thrilled to see her ocean again.

"I don't know. All I knew was that standing at the entrance to heaven and looking inside, was a long tunnel. I know that's the way to heaven. ”

I know. I know where it is. You are there waiting for me, not leaving for a moment. Lu finally understood that the entrance to heaven was the subway entrance not far from her house.

Lu, like crazy, ran toward the subway entrance. Run towards the entrance to heaven and the ocean of her dreams. When Dew finally came to the ocean in a sweaty breath and stretched out her hands to embrace him, her ocean suddenly disappeared.

Dew, embracing in her arms was not her ocean. It's death.

Lu, as she ran to the ocean, was instantly taken into another world by the speeding train behind her. Lu, instantly gone. The world was suddenly pitch black. At the same time, I can no longer see the story that is happening below.

Lu, no, is my sister. Did she and her ocean meet later in another world?

The appearance of the train shattered my dream and fell to the ground. So I lost the cover of my dreams and was completely exposed to the air.

Angel love, a love story from a netizen, is there your shadow here? 12345678 [Afterword]:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">8</h1>

I woke my eyes up. I want to see my sister's expression. But I found that in front of my eyes, there was only blue air and blue ocean.

It turned out that my sister was just a fantasy for me. She's just a shadow of myself. I was accompanied by only my most loyal shadow throughout my journey.

At this moment, my pupils suddenly dilated. The blue ocean was like a black hole that swallowed me up in an instant. The blue air immediately sank into the blue ocean.

So I knew, and that's the end of my three-thousand-year journey.

I'm finally living a life of ups and downs. I can also choose another rebirth after the death of my faith for love.


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Postscript]:</h1>

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