
High incidence of "family-style cancer"? These 4 factors are the most common! Do these 2 points or can "prevent cancer" Why is the incidence of family-style cancer gradually increasing? How can the whole family prevent cancer?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Although cancer is not contagious, in recent years, there have been more and more family-style cancers, that is, a person with cancer is at risk for the whole family. The reason for this problem is usually related to heredity and the common living environment. If you want to prevent cancer, you should mobilize the whole family, correct bad habits in time, and minimize the risk of cancer.

High incidence of "family-style cancer"? These 4 factors are the most common! Do these 2 points or can "prevent cancer" Why is the incidence of family-style cancer gradually increasing? How can the whole family prevent cancer?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >Why is there a higher incidence of family-style cancer? </h1>

1. Genetic factors

Most cancers have a genetic predisposition, in the case of breast cancer. If you carry a genetic defect in the body, the risk of breast cancer is higher, the age of onset is early, and it tends to be multiple. Surveys have shown that about 5% to 10% of breast cancer is familial, and if one of the immediate family members is a case of breast cancer, the risk of cancer in family members is up to three times higher than that of different people; if there are two cases of breast cancer in the immediate family, then the risk of breast cancer in family members increases by 7 times.

2. Invisible smoke

Long-term exposure to highly polluted environments is the main cause of lung cancer, yet there is a lot of invisible smoke floating in the home. If you smoke indoors, it will cause tobacco smoke pollution; fried and fried in the kitchen, there will be fume pollution; formaldehyde, benzene and radon gas emitted from decoration materials can cause indoor air pollution, and long-term exposure to the above substances will increase the risk of lung cancer in family members.

3. Eating habits

Many cancers are closely related to dietary habits such as esophageal cancer, stomach cancer and liver cancer. For example, drinking a lot of alcohol can induce liver cancer; preferring pickled barbecue and fried foods, long-term leftover meals, etc. will cause stomach cancer; frequent eating of hot food can induce esophageal cancer; high-fat, high-animal protein, low-dietary fiber diet can cause colorectal cancer.

High incidence of "family-style cancer"? These 4 factors are the most common! Do these 2 points or can "prevent cancer" Why is the incidence of family-style cancer gradually increasing? How can the whole family prevent cancer?

4. Virus infection

According to surveys, liver cancer shows familial clustering, because more than 80% of liver cancers are transformed from chronic viral hepatitis. Because the hepatitis virus has a long incubation period, there are no obvious symptoms even after infection, and the middle and advanced stages of liver cancer have been reached when jaundice or upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" how can > the whole family prevent cancer? </h1>

1. Smoking must be stopped

For the sake of your own health and your family's health and to reduce your risk of lung cancer, it is imperative to quit smoking. Whenever a person in the family smokes, harmful substances such as nicotine or tar will stain clothes and walls, causing family members to be harmed by second- and third-hand smoke.

2. Provide a safe home environment

A better quality range hood must be installed in the kitchen, and the range hood cannot be turned off immediately after each stir-fry, and then turned off after all the smoke is gone. If possible, an air purifier or a fresh air system should be installed in the home. It is worth noting that the range hood and air purifier are cleaned up every 6 months. The newly renovated house is ventilated for at least 6 months to move in, and it is not possible to put pungent objects in the car.

High incidence of "family-style cancer"? These 4 factors are the most common! Do these 2 points or can "prevent cancer" Why is the incidence of family-style cancer gradually increasing? How can the whole family prevent cancer?


In fact, everyone has cancer cells, but there is a strong immune system in the body that can eliminate abnormal cells in time. In order to reduce the risk of cancer, you should adjust your diet, choose low-temperature cooking methods such as steaming and stewing, and control oil and salt intake. Because the early symptoms of cancer are not very obvious, regular check-ups are essential, with gastrointestinal endoscopy done every year from the age of 40. Early vaccination against hepatitis B and HPV can reduce the risk of liver and cervical cancer. In addition, participate in more outdoor activities to enhance their physical fitness; balanced and comprehensive intake of nutrients, maintain a regular schedule and optimism, and cannot use drugs at will in life.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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