
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

author:Bright Net

Recently, the Nanchen Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, successfully destroyed a chain selling fake and shoddy liquor, and arrested 5 criminal suspects. After investigation, since June 2020, the criminal suspect has recycled and purchased various types of high-grade liquor packaging, then purchased low-grade liquor, filled it with shoddy quality, and manufactured various types of counterfeit high-grade liquor, which were sold to Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places, with a value of more than 20 million yuan.

"Fake Wine" Lost Face by New Year's Greetings The masses angrily accused the merchants of leading the case

On February 13, the second day of the Lunar New Year, Mr. Li, who lives in nancheng district of Chuzhou City, came to His father-in-law's house early in the morning with famous wine to pay respects to the New Year. During the meal, the brother-in-law tasted that the wine tasted wrong, and then through the scanning code query, found that the wine anti-counterfeiting code was also fake. Mr. Li thought of the boxes of "kana wine" that had been sent out as a New Year gift, and suddenly felt that he had lost face, and his heart was getting more and more unpleasant, and in a fit of anger, he dropped his chopsticks and ran to the Longpan police station in the jurisdiction to report the case.

After receiving the police, the police immediately went to the tobacco hotel where Mr. Li purchased liquor to investigate, and found that the tobacco and liquor store had stored more than ten boxes of counterfeit high-end liquor of various brands. According to the owner, he did not know that these liquors were counterfeits, and this batch of liquor was imported from a liquor dealer named Yang. This Yang mou has been engaged in liquor wholesale for a long time, and the owner has cooperated with him several times, but no problems have occurred. The Spring Festival is approaching, the demand for liquor in the store has increased, at this time, Yang Mou, under the guise of taking care of the old patrons, sold dozens of boxes of "various brands" of liquor to the owner at a price ranging from 20 yuan to 40 yuan per box at a price of 20 yuan to 40 yuan higher than the wholesale price.

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

Police seized 1,020 cases of counterfeit brand liquor

In order to prove his innocence, the shopkeeper took the initiative to help the police contact Yang and used the order as an excuse to get Yang out. On February 16, after Yang was arrested, the police searched a large number of liquor suspected of counterfeiting various brands in his rental room, totaling 1,020 boxes. In view of the seriousness of the case, the party committee of the Nanchen Sub-bureau attached great importance to it and immediately set up a special case team to carry out an investigation, and in the face of a large amount of evidence, Yang confessed the facts of the crime.

Desperate for profiteering Dealers sell stolen caves

It is reported that Yang Mouben is a local ordinary liquor dealer in Chuzhou City, in June 2020, Yang Mou met a foreign man through the introduction of others, the man said that he had "high imitation" liquor on hand, and the average person could not drink the difference between real wine and asked him if he was interested. Driven by huge profits, Yang was moved, he tried to enter some goods, and found that the packaging of the wine was indeed very similar to the real thing, and after selling for a period of time, no one found that there was a problem with the wine. As a result, Yang began to interact frequently with this man and buy a large number of goods from his hands.

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

All kinds of counterfeit high-end brand liquor

Huge profits let Yang lose his principles, on the road of breaking the law farther and farther, the police retrieved Yang's WeChat bill and found that the amount of "fake wine" sold in only one month was as high as more than 200,000 yuan. In addition, in the three rental houses rented by Yang, the police also seized 1,020 boxes of liquor suspected of counterfeiting various brands, with a value of nearly one million yuan.

In order to catch the line, the police squatted for nearly 6 hours on the cold night

Yang mou knows very little about his own online, only knows that the man who contacted him is surnamed Wang, with a foreign accent, whenever Yang has a need, Wang is actively delivered to the door, and asks for cash transactions in the middle of the night. Yang also revealed that every time Wang arranged for the truck driver to deliver, in order to avoid risks, he would take care of another car to follow him for observation, and if he found that the situation was not right, it was convenient for him to immediately abandon the goods and flee.

According to the analysis of the police, Wang Mou has a cautious and cunning personality, and has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. In order to ensure that the arrest operation is foolproof, the special case team has formulated a detailed arrest plan and plan. On February 18, under the instructions of the police, Yang and Wang got in touch and asked him to come to Chu the next day to deliver the goods on the grounds of purchasing goods. At about 10:00 p.m. on February 19, the Nanchen Sub-Bureau dispatched more than 20 police forces to carry out an ambush at its delivery site. In order to ensure that the suspects are caught in the net, all police forces arrive at the predetermined location 3 hours in advance. At 4:00 a.m., the cautious and suspicious Wang finally appeared in the sight of the police, and under the unified order of the command headquarters, the police divided into three ways to encircle and arrest the 5 criminal suspects at the scene in one fell swoop. After on-site inventory, there were more than 350 boxes of suspected counterfeit and inferior brand liquor on the truck.

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

Arrest the scene and the suspect involved in the case

Destroying fake dens The family-style workshop actually produced "ten million" Yuan liquor

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

Photos of police interrogations

After the interrogation learned of Wang's dens for making fake and shoddy liquor, the command immediately organized police forces to go to Pei County, Xuzhou, overnight, and seized 3 manufacturing machines on the spot in the simple tile houses of two small farm courtyards, more than 270 boxes of suspected fake and shoddy liquor finished products, 23 barrels of bulk liquor (25 kg / barrel), more than 40 boxes of various liquor packaging boxes, 240 empty wine bottles and various types of filling utensils.

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

The tools used by the suspects to counterfeit

The evidence was conclusive, and the criminal suspect Wang Mou and others confessed to the crime of creating fake liquor for sale. It turned out that in September 2012, Wang was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison and fined 100,000 yuan for selling fake wine. After his release from prison, Wang's life was tight, and his desire for money drove him to take a crooked road again. After investigation, since 6020, the criminal suspect Wang Mou has rented a house in a village in Pei County, Xuzhou, and together with his son, he has filled cheap bulk liquor into various high-end brand bottles, packed them into various high-end brand liquor bottles, and sold these fake and shoddy liquors with a cost of less than 30 yuan to Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places at prices ranging from 110 yuan to 130 yuan.

The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop
The scene is like a pigsty! "Ten million" Yuyuan "famous wine" is actually produced in a family-style workshop

The suspects counterfeited dens and inferior bulk liquor

On February 26, five criminal suspects led by Wang Mou have been transferred to the detention center, and the police handling the case have officially submitted to the procuratorate for arrest, and what awaits them will be severely punished by the law.

(Source| Nanchen Public Security)

Source: Nanhe Public Security, Jingdezhen

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