
Baisha conducted a "family-style" honest government talk about the newly promoted and further use of cadres this year

author:White sand media

In order to give play to the role of the family, a social cell linked by feelings, affection, and blood, in the building of a sound party style and a clean administration and in the anti-corruption work, we should enhance the awareness and ability of newly promoted and further use cadres to resist corruption and guard against degeneration, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of the county with a strong work style. On the morning of October 28, Baisha held a "family-style" honest government talk meeting on the newly promoted and further use of cadres in the conference room on the third floor of the Standing Committee building of the county party committee, and conducted a collective integrity talk on the newly promoted and further employed cadres and their families since the beginning of this year.

Baisha conducted a "family-style" honest government talk about the newly promoted and further use of cadres this year

Meeting site

Baisha conducted a "family-style" honest government talk about the newly promoted and further use of cadres this year

Fu Chuande, member of the Standing Committee of the County CPC Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and acting director of the Supervision Commission

Fu Chuande, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and acting director of the Supervision Commission, attended and held a talk on clean government.

Fu Chuande stressed: Conducting talks on honest administration before cadres take office is not only an important system for strengthening supervision within the party, strengthening cadre education, and promoting cadres' honesty in performing official duties, but also an important measure for educating cadres, reminding them to come first, and protecting and caring for cadres. As leading cadres who have been trained and educated by the party for many years, everyone must improve their political standing, maintain their political determination, strengthen their political stance, build a solid foundation of faith, replenish the calcium of the spirit, and stabilize the rudder of their thinking; no matter what the circumstances, they must always be loyal to the party's belief and the cause of the party and the people, and they must not shout empty slogans, and they must implement them ideologically, organizationally, and in action.

Fu Chuande demanded that we seek truth from facts, take responsibility for our deeds, and strive to temper a more excellent work style. We must always persist in taking the people as the center, bend down, go to the grass-roots level, worship the people as teachers, be willing to be primary school students, and especially make a few more grass-roots friends who can speak from the heart. It is necessary to seek political power in its position, make preparations for fighting "tough battles," crossing "deep waters," and gnawing "hard bones," and be at the forefront and in the most difficult places. Persist in learning from practice, sum up and grasp the law in resolving complex contradictions, and increase courage and ability in overcoming difficulties. With the courage to take responsibility and the courage to act, we should create new achievements worthy of the party, the times, and the people. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the "leading geese" and the "locomotive," resolutely implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, and earnestly assume the responsibility of being the "first responsible person" in the construction of work style. It is necessary to exercise strict self-discipline and honesty in running the family, and strive to temper a more pure family style. It is necessary to be a good benchmark for family honesty and self-discipline, to play a good role as the "secretary of the discipline inspection committee" of the family, and to be a good "honest internal helper" of the "number one."

The meeting also conveyed and studied the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening Supervision over the "Number One" and the Leading Bodies," and some newly promoted and further employed party and government leaders and representatives of their families made statements.

Baisha conducted a "family-style" honest government talk about the newly promoted and further use of cadres this year

Some newly promoted and further employed party and government leaders and family representatives made statements.

Newly promoted and further used party and government leaders and their families since 2021 participated. (Reporters: Wu Xiuzhuang, Fu Huan)

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