
Inner Mongolia is short of supplies, but tourists throw away free lunches, and what is more terrifying than the virus is the giant baby

author:Hotspot Beacon

Affected by the epidemic, Inner Mongolia's Ejin Naqi has implemented home anti-epidemic measures, and residents and tourists are not allowed to go out. Some netizens broke the news that in a local isolation hotel, there are tourists who dislike the free delivery of food, throw it into the trash can, a hotel employee responded that there is indeed this matter, there are only 6 people in the hotel, to serve 600 people, can not manage these things, some box lunch tourists did not take, the hotel staff ate it themselves.

Inner Mongolia is short of supplies, but tourists throw away free lunches, and what is more terrifying than the virus is the giant baby

Ejin Naqi household registration population of 19,000, the permanent population is only 35,000, all at once stranded more than 9,000 tourists, the local pressure is certainly very large, coupled with the local materials itself is very scarce, vegetables are relatively short, can not provide stranded tourists with five-star hotel-like services.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, local herders have taken out their own milk, rice and noodles to make steamed buns, oil cakes and other foods for tourists in the scenic spot, and give them to stranded tourists for free. Tourists are completely unsympathetic, and even throw food sent by others into the trash can, which will inevitably make the locals feel cold.

After being isolated in the hotel, some people may be in a bad mood and do not want to eat, or do not exercise much, consume a lot, and feel that there is no need to eat, which is understandable.

Inner Mongolia is short of supplies, but tourists throw away free lunches, and what is more terrifying than the virus is the giant baby

But at least we should communicate with the epidemic prevention workers, let them not give themselves meals, reduce their pressure, and waste food is not advisable.

Under the epidemic, everyone is not easy, doctors and nurses have to take risks, in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, braving the wind and rain to do nucleic acid testing, many medical staff sacrificed in their posts, forever lost the opportunity to reunite with their families, the operators of physical stores, may not be able to open the door for a month to do business, so they are saddled with huge debts, even children have to wear masks to school, can not go out to play.

In this context, each of us should be prepared in thought and action, and actively cooperate with volunteers to carry out their work. However, there are always some giant babies who put their own interests above the rules and will come out from time to time to show their sense of existence.

Inner Mongolia is short of supplies, but tourists throw away free lunches, and what is more terrifying than the virus is the giant baby

Before the implementation of home-based anti-epidemic measures in Xinjiang, a man developed symptoms such as fever, cough and asthma and went to the hospital for treatment. During this period, the doctor repeatedly asked him about his previous sojourn, but the man did not answer truthfully, concealing the fact that he had been in contact with Wuhan personnel, invisibly expanding the scope of the virus.

After the diagnosis, he spat indiscriminately during the infusion and quarreled with the medical staff, and as a result, two medical staff were unfortunately recruited.

What is even more distressing is that this is not an isolated case, a boy in Liuzhou City entered the elevator, took off his mask, spit on the elevator door, disgusting, all of this was recorded by the surveillance camera in the elevator. After the video was uploaded on the Internet, the police came to the door, and the boy's parents came forward to apologize: he is still a child, don't be so strict with him.

Inner Mongolia is short of supplies, but tourists throw away free lunches, and what is more terrifying than the virus is the giant baby

People have heard this sentence too many times, and when they make mistakes in their thirties and forties, their parents will also use this sentence to excuse them. If it is in ordinary times, spitting on the ground, at most it will be called no quality, but in the context of the epidemic, the virus is invincible, and to do so is not simply a bad habit, not stupid, but really bad.

A philosopher once said that being willing to think of others is the first class of learning in the world. But for the giant babies, such requirements are too high, their hearts are only themselves, no one else, need others to see, pay attention, obey themselves, fill the unsatisfied mental void.

They cannot see the efforts of others and understand the hardships of others. You can't really be compassionate and learn to be grateful. While isolating and isolating yourself, you feel that you are perfect, that you will never make mistakes, and that you have cut off the path of personal growth and progress.

The structure of the word man is to support each other, to think about others, but also to think about themselves. Isolation in the epidemic is temporary, but if you isolate your mind from others for a lifetime, then the road of life will only become narrower and narrower. Whether it is fighting the epidemic at home, vaccination, and cooperation with circulation, we should take the initiative to think about volunteers and medical staff, understand their difficulties, and defeat the epidemic faster and restore their previous lives.

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