
"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

author:Focus on your emotional life

Maternal love is the most selfless and greatest love in the world.

A mother can lay down her dignity for the happiness of her child, and she can sell everything just to make her child happy.

However, as the child grows up, he may turn a blind eye to the mother's efforts and even feel disgusted.

In Lao She's novel "Crescent Moon", it is written that there is such a mother and daughter.

When the daughter was 7 years old, her father died of illness, and there was no pillar in the family, and the mother and daughter depended on each other.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

The mother worked day and night and could only barely make ends meet, and in order to let her daughter go to school and have a good life in the future, she had to take her daughter to remarry.

The daughter went to school, but the stepfather disappeared, and the two's lives were in trouble again.

In order to let her daughter continue to study, the mother eventually became a prostitute.

The reason why maternal love is great is because she has no regard for herself and is willing to give everything she has to her daughter.

This girl is called Yue Rong, and she has loved to look at the crescent moon since she was a child, because only at this time can her mood be quiet, maybe this is the peaceful life she wants.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01.</h1>

Her mother became a prostitute for the sake of Yuerong, and Yuerong went to school for a few days, feeling that she had culture and should have lived a decent life.

When she came home and found out that her mother had done such a shameful thing, she was angry, and she loved and hated her mother.

The image of her mother collapsed in her heart, she felt that she had lost her whole world, and she began to abandon her mother.

Among the female students who graduated first, some became aunts and wives, and some became prostitutes.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

However, her mother was old and fading, and no one wanted to patronize her anymore.

The mother lived alone in the dilapidated hut, did not dare to go home, and on the cold and snowy night, she could only live alone.

Yue Rong looked in her eyes, hated and loved, but in order to survive, she also began to look around for a job.

The principal at the time was kind enough to give her a copy of the errand so that she could support herself.

Yue Rong feels that she loves herself and respects herself, works diligently, strives to be a useful person, and excels among girls.

The more she did this, the more she hated her mother, obviously she could earn money by her ability, why should she do that lowly thing?

Yue Rong did not understand her mother because she had not yet undergone the test of suffering, and she forgot that she could have today's life, and it was her mother's unconditional efforts that paved the way for her.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02.</h1>

Life was always a joke, the principal who was good to her was replaced, and she lost her job.

She thinks she can live the life she wants on her own, but although the world is big, she has not found a job that suits her.

At this time, Yue Rong finally understood that the skills and morals taught in the school were jokes, and understood that the path her mother took was the only one.

But she was not willing to sink in, and still had to continue her own path.

She went to the original principal for help, and at the principal's house she met the principal's nephew, a decent, kind, and enthusiastic young man.

He sent yuerong money that night, and said that the principal had found a good place for yuerong. Yue Rong was overjoyed and moved out of town.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

Later, she learned that this was all a lie he had made up to possess Yue Rong.

Although the two were getting along, Yue Rong soon found that she was just an outer room, because he had a daughter-in-law at home.

The daughter-in-law came to the door and begged bitterly, and she had no choice but to leave.

Since then, she has begun to look for a job again, and finally, she has to "go public" and betray herself, because if she does not do so, she will only go hungry.

She began to understand what her mother was doing, she could not support herself at such a young age, let alone her mother?

Only when people experience pain can they know that it is not easy for others.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03.</h1>

Life is always teasing people, Yue Rong from the beginning of disgusting with her mother, to now understand her mother, when she grows up, she also lives like a mother.

From that moment on, she came into contact with many rich people, and she believed, "Money is more powerful than man, man is a beast, money is the guts of a beast."

However, she had been doing it for a long time, and when she was sick and in pain, her mother appeared in front of her.

Mother and daughter have not given her any comfort, only concerned about my "business" and entry, her eyes have lost the luster of her youth, and only when she sees money can she occasionally flash.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

Yue Rong understands her mother, her own suffering is the same as her mother, living in this world, as long as there is no money, they cannot survive, and the resources they rely on for survival are only their own bodies.

Later, a high official came from the city and arrested her.

Because they are underground transactions, they do not pay taxes. As a result, she was arrested and imprisoned by the patrol police.

In prison, she felt good, prison was a good place, as soon as she came in, she no longer wanted to go out.

Because this world is not a dream, it is really hell.

"Crescent Moon": She lived to be disgusted to understand her mother

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04.</h1>

The crescent moon itself gives people a sense of desolation, and the memories evoked by it must also be a tragic imprint, a past of the destruction of a beautiful life, "like a night wind blowing through a sleepy flower."

The crescent moon is the most vivid image in the text, which envelops the whole text in a desolate atmosphere.

The author cleverly sets off the protagonist's situation and emotions through the time and time of the moon, light and dark, and sublimates the whole novel into a realm of symbolic poetry.

"Crescent Moon" is used as a metaphor for the heroine and symbolizes her destiny; the ice and jade purity and femininity of the crescent moon are like the heroine's pure and kind heart, self-love and self-respect; it is suspended in the air and helpless, just like the heroine's lonely and helpless, its faint light is always engulfed by darkness, just as the heroine is powerless to break free from the doom brought to her by the dark society.

I am focused on my emotional life and share a different wonderful every day!

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