
The world's largest planetarium unveils Visitors can experience "moonwalk" and "space station life"

author:China News Network

China News Service Shanghai, July 5 Title: The world's largest planetarium debuts Visitors can experience "moonwalk" and "space station life"

Author Zheng Yingying Xu Mingrui Li Qiuying

The Shanghai Planetarium, the world's largest planetarium, was unveiled on the 5th, and visitors can experience the "VR MoonWalk", and can also walk into the simulated Chinese space station Tianhe core module to understand how astronauts sleep, eat, go to the toilet and so on in space.

Moonwalk: "I'm going to the moon"

"Mom is going to 'explore the moon', be sure to help me take a picture," Chu Dan, a tourist, told his daughter on the 5th in the "VR MoonWalk" area of the Shanghai Planetarium. After weighing her weight, she successfully sat on a special chair, put on VR glasses, and began a "moonwalk", she also tried to jump, "the ground feels different, always feel floating in the air, there is a feeling of weightlessness." At this time, I felt that the universe was so big and human beings were so small. ”

The "VR Moonwalk" project is to make people feel immersive through the addition of realistic simulation effects inside the VR glasses to experience the visual feelings of astronauts.

This program limits weight, with participants weighing between 45 and 75 kilograms, so those who weigh them can start queuing up.

Staff Zhang Ran introduced that there were three moon scenes in the experience, allowing visitors to approach Chang'e-2, Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4.

In addition to the "VR Moonwalk", the Shanghai Planetarium also displayed the Chang'e-5 and Yutu-2 models. "This golden Chang'e-5 brought back 1731 grams of lunar soil for mankind, which is a 44-year return of lunar soil to the earth by humans," the on-site staff told the tourists.

Experience the Chinese space station "Space Life"

In a themed exhibition area of the Shanghai Planetarium, the 1:1 simulation model of the Chinese space station tian and core capsule is particularly attractive to visitors.

Staff member Huang Yawen introduced that in order to facilitate tourists to visit and move around, the simulated sky and core capsule are more spacious than in space.

In this day and core module, visitors can get a glimpse of the astronauts living and working in space, including their living, fitness, bathing, eating and so on.

Huang Yawen pointed to the sleeping capsule and told reporters that it is a real restoration of the sleeping capsule on the day and core module, and at first glance it may look very short and very narrow, which is because the height of the astronauts has strict requirements, "The astronauts sleep in the sleeping bag, and there are handles on both sides, fixed like this to prevent the sleeping bag from floating up after falling asleep." ”

There is also a familiar tablet holder at the bedside of the sleeping pod, which shows that these "lazy artifacts" are very popular both on Earth and in space.

In addition, in the food area, visitors can also see the astronauts' "space diet". Huang Yawen introduced that the previous space food was mainly compressed food, but astronauts now eat more "space kitchen" food, "We see food refrigerators, microwave food heaters, so that food can be eaten fresher and more delicious." (End)

Source: China News Network

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