
In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

author:Miss Hu's OK bandage

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<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > introduction</h1>

Have you ever wondered about such a question?

When you're seventy, if time can come again, do you choose passionate love or a bland love with little passion?

Many people will choose the latter because the former is exactly what they thought when they were young.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > movie "Twelve Nights"</h1>

The male and female protagonists, one an engineer and one a flight attendant, met in a car.

They soon fell in love, and the two seemed to be inseparable from each other at the beginning of love, and each was each other's god, and both felt a huge passionate energy in love.

But after a few days, the two felt a little tired, and for some reason, they chose to break up.

The relationship lasted only twelve days.

The two were miraculously reunited, but the heroine found that she did not feel that way about each other anymore, so she broke up again.

At the end of the film, the heroine takes to the streets in search of her second "Twelve Nights".

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > the embodiment of love being destroyed by passion in the movie</h1>

1, love time has been greatly compressed

For love, what is the year? It's both a minute and a century. It is said to be minute because in the sweetness of love it is fleeting like lightning; it is said to be century because it is the eternal life of happiness after it has built life in us. - Hugo

Once a high school had a record that a boy was particularly handsome, fell in love, and broke up after a day.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

Love is not a minute, nor is it twenty-four hours, but it should be a long-term stay.

Love may be beautiful for a short time, but it is certainly not a long-term solution.

The love affair between the two people in the movie lasted only 12 days.

It's not a glorious thing to do.

Their love time should have lasted longer with the degree of love at first sight, but they did not want to be compressed by passion into twelve days.

2, love suffered a sharp cooling

In the film, we can outline the reasons why the two broke up, and felt that they no longer liked each other so much, so they broke up.

It seems reasonable, but it is illogical in nature.

If love can't stand the test of emotion, then why should love be?

Therefore, we can infer that the emotional basis of love in the film is passion, and the estimate of the passionate elements of love between the two parties is too high, the requirements are too high, and they want to break up if they are slightly dissatisfied.

This is the reason why love encounters passion to cool down.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

3, love encounters "game life"

At the end of the film, the director gives us an open-ended ending, but it's another thought-provoking ending.

The heroine takes to the streets in search of new passions, which is actually a love similar to the game life.

After the last emotional failure, the heroine no longer trusts love so much, she believes that what is needed more is passion, as long as there is passion, there is stimulation, and the quality of love does not matter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > the effect of passion on love</h1>

1, passion is the most initial driving force of love

In any case, the other person is talented, good-looking, particularly good-natured, or the other person just eats your aesthetic, which can all be translated as passion.

That is to say, without passion, you cannot fall in love with each other.

We often say that love at first sight, the fate of love, is derived from passion, but this passion does not have an absolute standard, because the other party just likes you.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

Love without passion does not exist, just like there are so many beautiful women walking by the side of the road, you may stop and look at it, but you quickly forget, because although they are all beautiful women, there is no such special passion for you, and it will not make you like it so quickly.

2, only passion will reduce the richness of love

However, the results of passionate love alone are very different.

Only the love that is aroused, from a physical point of view, occupies the space of other elements of love, and we can know without thinking about it, and it is completely impossible to get a better development if there is only one element of a thing.

The same is true of love, passion because its magic is too large, it is easy to occupy other love space, and love is not only passion, but also responsibility, feelings, tacit understanding, cooperation.

3) Only passion may lead to a distortion of the concept of love

On a psychological level, only passionate love can easily lead to distortions in our values.

For example, in the future, when we carry out love activities, we will subconsciously look for the person who can stimulate our passion, but it is precisely many times that the person who stimulates our passion is not necessarily suitable for you, even if you are lucky to catch up, the result of love will not be too good.

If our concept of love is passion-oriented, it will make us lose our minds and make wrong judgments about love.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > how to build a more nutritious love? </h1>

1. Use passion correctly

1) Understand that passion has logistical limitations

In war, logistics supplies are the lifeblood of war.

And passion is like a battle, but also very dependent on logistics.

The logistical supply of your passion is your energy and physical strength.

For example, everyone will always experience emotional orgasm and fatigue every day, this is your logistics supply line, when your brain and body automatically enter the fatigue period, such as napping, chatting until you don't want to talk, you will lose all your passion, just want to rest and leave.

So you have to understand that your passion is logistically limited, and once your energy and physical strength reach the extreme, your passion is vulnerable.

2) Understand that passion has a limit to pushing

Joy and pain in love alternate. —Joe Byron

Passion has logistical limitations, so it has the limit of what it pushes in love.

The limit of passion is to give love a short-lived joy, which is the limit of passion.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

We need to know that passion can bring a lot of love, but the larger level is only a temporary happiness, and we should not think that the power of passion is particularly great.

When the passion in love reaches its limit, it is the dividing point between the pain and joy of love.

3), passion is more of an embellishment of love

Looking at the problem from another perspective, passion can be called an embellishment of love, of course, this exists after both parties establish love.

The essence of love is to look at each other, not the joy of passion.

The sanctity and complexity of love and its long-term nature doom it to be a paradise of joy all the time.

However, love is not happy and not very good.

Therefore, we should see passion more as a kind of love embellishment, constantly create freshness from love life, and add icing on the cake to our love.

2. Build a comprehensive love

1) Introduction of cooperative activities

In heaven wish to be compared to a winged bird, in the earth wish to be a branch. --Bai Juyi

"Long Hate Song" makes Tang Xuanzong Li Longji and Yang Guifei Yang Yuyan a pair of partners who will never be separated, in fact, this is more of Bai Juyi's inspiration after learning about Li Bai's description of the two singing and dancing together in the once prosperous City of Chang'an.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

This shows that cooperative activities in love are particularly important, because Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji will not just look at each other every day.

The love cooperation activities of Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji have left behind works sung through the ages such as "Neon Dress Feather Song" for future generations, so our ordinary people's love activities can also be brilliant.

Bringing your lover to hike, picnic, swim, and even go to k-pop together is a great love cooperation activity.

2) The introduction of a sense of humor

Love can't sometimes leave the sense of humor, and the sense of humor is still very important for love.

Many times, husband and wife quarrel, at this time, if one party makes a proper joke, reflecting a sense of humor, you can reduce the negative anger of love.

This is also a balance for love, with a sense of humor balance, love will not be dead.

3) Understand each other's needs

If you have to ask what is the most important thing in love, it should be mutual understanding and support.

But the prerequisite for this is that you need to know what the other person is thinking, and the key is to know what the other person needs.

You don't understand the other person's needs, you can't really understand the other person, so you have to carefully judge the other person's needs or you can ask the other person directly.

In-depth analysis of "Twelve Nights": When only passion is left, love is destined to be only "consumables" Introduction Movie "Twelve Nights" Movie Love is destroyed by passion, reflecting the impact of passion on love How to build a more nutritious love? epilogue

In summary, passion in love has advantages and disadvantages for love, but if only passion will have a negative impact on love, it will reduce the comprehensiveness of love and lead to a distortion of the concept of love.

Therefore, we must build a more comprehensive and balanced love, and we must control the degree of use of passion in terms of passion, and build more in other aspects.

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > epilogue</h1>

Passion is the driving force of love, without passion it can be said that it is difficult to produce love, but passion is not so uniquely important in the process of love, and love needs more and more comprehensive factors to cooperate and build in the process of development.

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