
"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

author:I'm a sunny wind
"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

I once heard such a lyric: Don't love so much, only love a little, others frown and go, I only peek at you.

I don't know if everyone has such a feeling, always think that to love a person is to try to love, to do their best to love, even in order to love each other, anything can be done, but we have to understand that when we give too much expectation and desire for a love, we have invisibly put a layer of shackles on love.

Let our love have a purpose, but also began to ask for return, once the other party feels such love, then the other party will not be able to stand, and finally leave us.

As the saying goes: when the moon is full, it loses, and when the water is full, it overflows.

From the perspective of love, in fact, it is said that loving a person too much will not only not have good results, but also make a relationship problem.

That's why a lot of people say I'm so good to her, he's still doing this to me, I've given so much for her, and he's indifferent, because we love too much.

In the movie "Twelve Nights", there is such a scene, the heroine Jenny is too full of love for her boyfriend, she loves her boyfriend very much, she is willing to pay anything, but it is precisely because the love is too full, and finally let the feelings have problems.

Jenny on the birthday, friends are coming, but her boyfriend has not appeared, and finally Jenny and her boyfriend broke up, she can't stand the boyfriend's inattention, and then inadvertently she fell in love with Ah Lan, they were soon together, together soon, the two fell in love.

Hot love is always good, everyone seems to be showing their best side, and they are doing their best to love each other, and Jenny is like this, when she and her boyfriend are together, they are eager to stick together all the time, even if the two are very busy, they will stick together as soon as they have time, and even her boyfriend will go to see her in the early morning because he thinks of him.

"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

The boyfriend is very good to her, and after experiencing the scum of the ex-boyfriend, Jenny believes that the boyfriend really loves herself, so she also devotes herself to her feelings, she begins to take the initiative to be good to the boyfriend, take the initiative to do something for the boyfriend, and always think of the boyfriend, care about the boyfriend.

But the reality is often not satisfactory, when Jenny takes the initiative to love, try to love, the boyfriend slowly becomes indifferent.

Every time Jenny wants to ask her boyfriend out, the boyfriend always pushes back, and even sleeps with his head covered, before he said that Jenny was very good, beautiful, smart, etc., but now, he can't look at it, Jenny is dressed and he spits too low.

Almost what Jenny does is not right, in his eyes Jenny is all kinds of bad, almost how good it was before, how bad it is now, Jenny does not understand why her boyfriend is like this, does not understand why she loved her boyfriend so much before, and now she does not love.

In fact, it is not that the boyfriend does not love, but that she loves too much, in fact, the psychology of men and women is the same, always verifying a sentence: what is not obtained is always in turmoil, and the favored is always fearless.

The boyfriend knew that Jenny had fallen in love with himself, completely in love, and more than he loved herself, at this time he had no desire to conquer, nor did he have the heart to work hard, because in his opinion, in this relationship, he succeeded.

In fact, from a psychological point of view, a person in a relationship, there will also be hope of success, that is, when the other party is not in love with themselves, they will work hard, hope to get the love of the other party, if the other party has not been wholeheartedly handed over to themselves, they will always work hard, but if the other party gives their body and mind to them, they will feel that they have succeeded, do not need to work hard, and will have a great contrast with the previous person who was very patient and very attentive.

"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

I have seen such a sentence: love a person 7 points is good, 3 points to keep to yourself.

That is to say, when we love a person, do not give 10 points of love, because 10 points of love will make the other party not cherish, will make the other party look down on us, and will make the other party have no fear.

The important thing is that in such a relationship, we do not love ourselves well, put all our thoughts on each other, and the other party will have a lot of pressure, so as to want to escape such love, because such a love will give them a feeling of suffocation, making them feel that they cannot breathe.

But if we only love 7 points when we love a person, and leave 3 points for ourselves, then the other party always feels that there is room for effort, that is to say, they always have a feeling of being close to success but not succeeding, at this time they will always work hard, hoping that one day they can succeed.

"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

At this time, we also know how to love ourselves and know how to care about our feelings, which in the eyes of the other party, is actually our best respect for ourselves, that is, we know how to respect ourselves, then the other party will also know how to respect us.

Just like Guo Jingjing and her husband Huo Qigang, they have been together for many years, and Huo Qigang still loves Guo Jingjing.

Because Guo Jingjing not only loves her husband, but also loves herself, after marriage, she is not only Mrs. Huo, but also herself, she maintains her own nature and always insists on being herself.

Just like she is obviously rich, but still go to buy affordable clothes, still go to the stall to buy clothes for children, even if she is rich, she still takes her children to the ground to plant seedlings; obviously she is a very rich person, but she never forgets to learn, she studies abroad, learns at home, not only learns various skills, but also improves her knowledge level.

Such a person who always knows how to love himself has not only been recognized and appreciated by her husband, but also recognized by her mother-in-law, you know, it is not easy to be a daughter-in-law of a rich family, but Guo Jingjing has done it.

For so many years, her husband has also loved her as always, adoring and loving her like a little fan.

"Twelve Nights": In a relationship, if you love too much, you will lose

In fact, I have to say that Guo Jingjing is very smart, and she also knows the secret of getting along between the sexes, she knows that in the relationship between the two sexes, not only to love each other, but also to learn to love themselves.

In the world of feelings, we must understand that loving someone cannot be too full, and we must also understand that it is important to love ourselves.

Just like Bi Shumin said in "May You Embrace the Warmth of the World": Waiting for others to love you, it is better to try to love yourself.

That is to say, in a relationship, we only pay 7 points, the remaining 3 points are used to love ourselves, and even if we pay 7 points, don't expect the other party to love us, don't expect the other party to give us the same love, instead of expecting these unknowns, it is better to learn to love ourselves.

It is important that we understand that love seems to be a matter of two people, in fact, sometimes, it is a matter of one person, whether the other party is love or not, whether the other party is giving, when we love a person, we feel that love brings us a different feeling, which is enough.

Therefore, at any time, do not love a person too full, always know how to keep some for yourself.

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About the Author:

Sunny wind, rational to see the world, warm to see love, may my words can move you, bring you warmth.

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