
Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

author:Yan Yanchen

Yan Yanchen

Yesterday, a family of three watched "Truman's World", which is a 1998 film by Paramount in the United States. After 23 years of looking at it, I feel that it is still so profound, philosophical, and has made such accurate predictions about today's world. It's the standard of good work, fun, inspirational, and humane. Our lives seem to happen every day, but is it really real? There are so many rules and regulations in the real society, just like the extras that make up Truman's world in the play, setting the plot for our lives. In the play, through a reality show, to attract attention, to bring goods to the scene, it is the same as today's live broadcast with goods model. Truman's life, which are real, which are false, which are realistic, which are virtual, it seems impossible to distinguish? Truman felt that he was living in a lie, and the Taoyuan Island he hoped to leave was looking forward to returning to reality. But is what is true real? What are our true emotions and manifestations in our daily lives? In the worldly rules, living with a mask, agreeing on our days according to other people's standards, I myself have been pursuing the so-called "self", which may be the reason why I left the workplace, and I seem to be looking for a self-consistent lifestyle now, but I have not found the real day that I can live according to my own wishes, right? As long as we still need to work hard for money, we may not have freedom?

Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

Think about the days when you left the workplace, really have a lot of time, and do what I like? At least I had the freedom to choose my job, to travel, to draw, to write articles, to do calligraphy, and to complete the children's picture book I wanted to make. I am thinking now, my career can not be promoted, in fact, because if I do it further, I will do things against my heart, and I need to ask others? But this period of time is really more than before there is still a lot of freedom, suddenly thought of Wang Yangming's matter on the practice, the real practice, in fact, is their own heart, let themselves be free in the heart, not to embarrass themselves, this and the things done in the hand, may not have a direct relationship, if you want to find inner freedom, in fact, all the things in your hands are a way of cultivation, where you can grow, isn't it?

Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

The final shot of "Truman's World" is beautiful, let us come to the so-called boundary, where the blue sky and white clouds are the movie set, there is a small ladder of the same color leading to a small door, Truman walks up the ladder, the figure is printed on the wall, the small door opens, the outside is black unknown, but it is "outside", in Truman's heart, "outside" leads to a real and autonomous life; in the eyes of the director, the outside is full of lies, fraud and danger. Isn't this gate a door to leave the "siege"? Is the outside of the besieged city really good? People used to desperately want to enter the besieged city, come in and then want to escape, like a marriage, a company, a school, or a trip, always feel that the future and the distance are good, and what we have to work for is to leave "here", leave "now". But as the director said, the outside world may be the world of real lies and dangers. Truman's shooting studio is a circular vault, just like our earth, we think that the natural blue sky and white clouds, is the formation of natural water vapor, is the projection of the sky curtain, or painted, is it really so important? It's all about our perception, are boundaries boundaries? Is a door a door? In fact, the director is right to say that "maybe everything is fake, or real, what's the difference"? In any world, only "self" is real.

Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

Seeing truman finally close the curtain and walk into the small door, I cried uncontrollably. At that time, the real feeling was that the baby sitting next to her was about to leave the small world we had created for her and go on a long journey. Although from childhood to the present, we may not be free, we have control, and we have strict discipline, but we try to give her safety and comfort. At this time, the baby has come to the border of this small world, after applying for school, it is really going to go out of this range that we can control, the outside world, we know that there is fraud, there is danger, there is pressure, of course, there is truth, beauty, growth and experience, although I know that I must let go, can only watch her leave, everything outside needs her to experience, to create and experience; but after leaving, we may really not be able to do anything, only worry, endless worry. I think I shouldn't cry at this time, even if I am worried, I should keep it to myself, let the child see my smiling face and blessings, and walk out of her own "Truman" with peace of mind, which may be the best and most important thing we can do for the child. Just tears, indisputably flowing uncontrollably...

Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

The same movie, the child saw Truman's bravery and pursuit, and I saw the director's good intentions and insights, I believe that at the beginning, the director is hoping to produce a best-selling show, can have good commercial value, but after 30 years of live broadcasting, the plot and Truman have become himself and become the purpose of his existence; the actor who plays Truman's father in the play can't help but come back after leaving; then, as the director who designed "Truman", how to face his future life? At the end of a play, Truman found a new life and direction, and there was a girlfriend who really loved each other waiting for and greeted him; the crew could disperse, but just to change to a new job; but what about the director? "Truman's World", in fact, is not Truman's, but the director's, this Truman Show, is the director's show and life, I don't know how he has to face it, the curtain falls, the performance ends.

Truman's world, the return of the heart gate--- the movie impressions after 23 years

But this is life, any thing, for a while, is like a unit, a small world, a show, there is always a time to go to the boundary, there is always a time to close and leave. The ending is sad or happy, the performance is good or bad, the future is light or dark, these seemingly important things, may not be so important, what matters is that I am, once came, in every paragraph of my show, I am real, firm, kind, can sincerely laugh and say, "If I don't see you next time, I wish you a good morning, good afternoon and good night, if you need to add time, that's ten thousand years." ”

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