
"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

author:Ma Qingyun

On October 24, the TV series "Assassin Academy" can already be watched in the first 10 episodes of the genuine video platform. According to the official chasing calendar released by the TV series, this work is a total of 18 episodes of the plot. Based on the 10 episodes that have been broadcast, I think it is an unexpectedly good-looking work, the suspense atmosphere is very strong, and there is even a lot of content that can be thought about. Based on these current plots, I think "Assassin Academy" has the shadow of "Truman's World".

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

The movie "Truman's World" released in 1998 should have opened a skylight for the thinking of many fans, and we may wish to revisit the story content of this movie first.

Truman (Jim Carrey) is an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary, except for some strange experiences - his first girlfriend suddenly disappeared, his father who drowned suddenly seems to appear in front of him, he is no different from most men in their 30s. This made him feel very disappointed. He also tried to leave the place where he had lived for many years, but he could not do it for various reasons.

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

Until one day, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be being followed all the time, no matter where he went or what he did. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Truman decided to run away at all costs from the place where he had lived for more than 30 years in search of his first girlfriend.

But he found himself unable to escape. The truth is actually very cruel, Truman is just a doll that is broadcast live in real time, and audiences all over the world are watching his life through live broadcasting. In other words, all his life is false, designed, and his life has long been fixed.

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

The core story of the movie "Truman's World" is actually to escape from the world that has been stereotyped and designed, but in the end it is not possible. When we find out that the world we live in is false, what is the real escape? Can we escape the world and enter a world without design? After Truman pushes open his own world gate, does the world outside the door continue to be Truman's world?

Next, we can talk about the "Assassin Academy" that is in the air. I vaguely feel that the screenwriter of this TV series should be inspired by "Truman's World". In Assassin Academy, a group of Assassin apprentices gather to learn martial arts and various assassination techniques. In this academy, only those who won the first place can officially graduate and leave the academy. Those who are unable to obtain the first place will continue to study in the academy until they get the first place.

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

Later in the plot, the heroine's performance is excellent, and she already has the opportunity to win the first place in the competition. At this moment, she was sent out of the academy blindfolded and went on a mission to a place called Mangcheng. Who knows, the mission fails, and the heroine falls into a state of partial amnesia. After returning to the academy, the female protagonist met the male protagonist of the play. Another crisis has emerged, and the "chasing master" of this academy may be the biggest villain of the whole drama.

The male and female protagonists found that the people who won the first place in the academy could not leave the academy, but on the contrary, they would be locked up and subjected to various abuses. Why did the two great villains in the Academy do this? For the time being, it is not known. Then, it is the male and female protagonists who, with their own strength, want to leave this assassin academy with no exit. And they went through several twists and turns, but to no avail. In the second competition of the Assassin Academy, the heroine won the first place, and a greater crisis awaits her.

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

In the plot content that has been broadcast in this "Assassin Academy", there are many suspense points hidden. Where is the exit of the Assassin Academy? Why doesn't this academy let the students leave? Where did the trainees who won the first place each time go? Why are they being abused inhumanely? Can the male and female protagonists find out the truth and push open the door of the Assassin Academy?

Based on this plot, I think that "Assassin Academy" has a strong shadow of "Truman's World". In both works, the protagonist's intention is to "push open the door" and "find the truth". Of course, in "Truman's World", the male protagonist is "locked up" and is shown to the world as the protagonist of the live broadcast. In "Assassin Academy", the students compete, and the dean also takes people from outside to peep and judge. What conspiracy is hidden by this person on the outside?

"Assassin Academy" began broadcasting, unexpectedly good-looking, suspenseful, Chinese version of "Truman's World"

Therefore, whether this "Assassin Academy" can become an excellent work depends on whether its final plot part can justify itself. The male and female protagonists have to push open the door of the Assassin Academy, and what kind of world is outside the gate? This kind of "pushing the door" type of film and television drama works is actually leading fans and audiences to re-examine their own world. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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