
"Truman's World" - a struggle against the self

author:A little shadow

Truman's World. It's a story about betrayal. The world is a lie, and the Creator allows us to live in the good that He has woven.

Christopher said, "I'm the creator." He is the Creator of truman's world, and we are the Creator in our own hearts. We imagine a lot of beauty, we don't want to jump out of the false world we are in, and we never dare to face the lies of the outside world, but we never remember that beauty itself is false, it is a falsehood that is more powerless than lies, and lies may be the most beautiful truth.

"Truman's World" is a defection of the self, a defection that each of us never dared to carry out. None of us can shout: "I don't want false beauty, I want real cruelty." Truman did it, and he tied his life to the reality he wanted, the ship, and let the waves be strong.

So Christopher gave up, everyone gave up, and Truman escaped from Truman's world.

I've always wondered why the audience would be willing to follow a person's life for thirty years, watching Truman live alone in deception without knowing it but feeling happy. Perhaps it is precisely because they can't find that Taoyuan that they pin all their hopes on Truman, so the audience craves the power of lies to achieve Christopher's great work- Taoyuan, not the play itself.

However, at the end, the audience who were extremely eager for this film to continue, when Truman walked to the exit, they all laughed and cheered, even more excited than when they found Truman's traces, which was the opposite of the expression that should have been frustrated, I think it was only because Truman escaped from the self that they could not escape.

And each of us, just like Truman, was banished by the world in a paradise, the lie is cruel, but the truth is more cruel, everyone hopes: "Lie to me, deceive me in this life, I am happy." "So we'd rather let ourselves drown in this false world than face the truth, because reality is slowly smoothing out all our edges and corners, all our edges, and that's a pain to the bone, so we're cowardly, and we'd rather shrink up and give ourselves a peach." As Christopher said, "If he's a little ambitious, if he's determined to find out the truth, we can't stop him." "This world is the confinement of our own hearts, but Truman's desire for true power to break through the cage of the Creator gives us the courage to resist lies, so it is the desire of people's hearts to break through lies that has made Truman's defection.

Perhaps only a lie is the truest existence, even if it is full of pain.

Like the monkey in "The Legend of Wukong", who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, eager to break through the shackles given by creation, when Truman discovered the hypocrisy of the Creator, he was also violating the laws of this world again and again, he drove the car around like a madman, personally tearing all the disguises of this world little by little, he could even laugh, laughing to make my heart hurt little by little. I don't know if such a person who craves the truth will compromise like that monkey.

But fortunately, fortunately, he stood under the beautiful blue sky and white clouds, with his back to the black Exit, and smiled at Christopher and said, "If I can't touch you again, I wish you a good morning, a good afternoon, a good night..."

"Truman's World" - a struggle against the self
"Truman's World" - a struggle against the self

Therefore, at the moment when Sun Wukong finally closed his hands and became a Buddha, Truman escaped from Truman's world.

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