
Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious


I had the privilege of going to Shaanxi and tried shaanxi noodles, as a large province of noodles in the Guanzhong region, you can basically eat 50% of the country's noodles here. There are too many delicious foods, some very distinctive recommended to everyone, braised hemp food is one of the best.

Maybe many people have already tasted this braised hemp food, but I still want to tell you about this braised hemp food, which is made by rolling the noodles into small rolls and then braising them with their favorite vegetable side dishes. Although it is a very simple process, there is a lot of attention to it, which can make the braised hemp food have more taste changes.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

The noodles of braised hemp food are not limited, can be ordinary flour, can be spinach juice noodles, of course, can also be the pumpkin noodles made today, golden color, oily brilliance, with the side dishes of the upper and lower pots, very beautiful, eat is also warm. Pumpkin has a high nutritional value, usually may not like to eat, made into a braised hemp food to ensure that you do not eat enough, can not stop.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

And the supporting dishes can also be freely matched, carnivores can put diced meat, lamb rolls, diced beef, etc., and vegetarian choices are more, carrots, tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms to green leafy spinach, cabbage, artemisia annua, etc., as long as you like can put in, so this dish is also a very free degree of cuisine, their own DIY is the most appropriate, let's take a look at this braised pumpkin hemp recipe.

【Dishes】Braised pumpkin and hemp food

【Ingredients】100g chestnut pumpkin, 135g medium gluten flour, 1 potato, 1 tomato, 1/2 carrot, 2 shiitake mushrooms, 1 green onion, 1 coriander, cooking oil, salt, 1 spoonful of original fresh chicken powder seasoning

【Cooking steps】

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

1: First of all, peel the pumpkin, remove the melon inside, wash it and cut it into slices. I usually like this chestnut pumpkin, the taste will be better, and it will be more convenient to cook.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

2: Place the pumpkin slices on a plate and steam them in water.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

3: Remove the steamed pumpkin slices from the steamer, place them in a larger container and use a spoon to crush the pumpkin slices into mashed potatoes.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

4, add some medium gluten flour to the mashed potatoes, first grasp the pumpkin puree and flour by hand into this cotton flocculent, and then knead into a smooth dough, you need to let the dough sit for about half an hour, so that you can make the dough better awake.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

5. In the process of waking up the noodles, you can prepare the side dishes of this braised hemp food, wash the green onions and cut them into green onions.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

6, potatoes need to be cleaned, peeled, and then cut into small cubes, need to be soaked in cold water, because the potatoes in the air for too long will change color, the taste will be greatly reduced.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

7: Cut the tomatoes, carrots and shiitake mushrooms into small pieces and set aside.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

8, like to eat coriander friends, you can put a little coriander, so that the taste will be very positive, of course, if you do not like to eat coriander, then you can omit this step.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

9: Knead the waking dough again and smooth it, then press it into a cake shape.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

10: Roll out the dough pin into 0.5 cm dough, and then cut into 1 cm size small dough slices, you can sprinkle a little more dry flour, which can prevent sticking. Take a fork, put the small side piece on the fork, and rub it in the direction of the fork to become this beautiful hemp shape.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

11, from the pot to burn the oil, after the oil is warm, you can add green onion to fry fragrantly, under the small potato cubes continue to stir-fry evenly.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

12: Add the tomatoes, carrots and diced shiitake mushrooms and continue stir-frying. Bring to a boil with the right amount of water and add a little salt to taste. When you come out of the pot, you can add a little coriander leaves, and you can also put a little chicken essence to eat.

Small noodle rolls are braised with hemp food, warm and delicate, and the side dishes are all-encompassing and nutritious

【Cooking Tips】

1, pumpkin water content is a lot, so to slowly add water, flour should also slowly increase.

2, friends who like to eat celery, you can put a little celery crushed in the hemp food, the taste is also great.

【Copywriting】Muhai Food + Gourmet Xiaoxue Sauce

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