
Today to share with you a delicious home-cooked meal, braised hemp food

author:Foodie small farmers

Today to share with you a delicious home-cooked meal, braised hemp food. Down we prepare the ingredients.

Ingredients: half a catty of raw hemp food. Ingredients: 1 tomato, 1 green pepper, 1 egg, 1 potato, 2 or 3 green vegetables, 1 green onion, 1 small piece of ginger, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, chicken essence, 13 spices, oil splashed with chili pepper, cooking oil.

Today to share with you a delicious home-cooked meal, braised hemp food

Step 1: Wash the tomatoes, cut into chunks, plate and set aside.

Step 2: Pick and wash the peppers, cut them into small pieces, and plate them for later.

Step 3: Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into small cubes and plate them for later.

Step 4: Pick and wash the greens, cut them into small pieces, and plate them for later.

Step 5: Pick and wash the green onion, chop it and plate for later.

Step 6: Wash the ginger, chop and plate for later.

Step 7: Beat the eggs into a bowl, beat them, beat into egg mixture, and set aside.

Today to share with you a delicious home-cooked meal, braised hemp food

Step 8: Boil the water, after the water is boiled, put in raw hemp food, boil on high heat, cook and fish out, set aside.

Step 9: Start the pot to boil the oil, after the oil is hot, pour the egg liquid into the pot, fry, out of the pot into the bowl, set aside.

Step 10: Start the pot again to burn the oil, after the oil is hot, put in the ginger, green onion, fry out the aroma, put in the tomatoes, fry the juice of the tomatoes, put in the potatoes, the right amount of salt, thirteen spices, soy sauce, stir evenly, add the right amount of boiling water, boil on high heat, cook until the potatoes are mature, put in the cooked hemp food, green vegetables, green peppers, eggs, the right amount of chicken essence, balsamic vinegar, stir well, cook until the vegetables are ripe, put out the pot into the bowl, put in the appropriate amount of oil to splash the peppers, stir well, you can eat.

Today to share with you a delicious home-cooked meal, braised hemp food

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