
Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

author:Feng Lin read Journey to the West

Have trouble eating alone? The problem of eating alone, what to eat, and how to eat is more of a headache than the loneliness of not being accompanied. If you only eat by yourself occasionally, just ordering a takeaway may be solved. But if you need to face this problem for a long time, eating will become a problem that you must solve in your life. Long-term eating out, food safety problems are worrying, and cooking at home, and do not want to often eat instant noodles, speed dumplings these convenient but not innovative fast food, take the food to be under the pot will always extinguish your enthusiasm for cooking at home.

This kind of food that is to be introduced to you in this issue of [Art Pot Cooking] can turn the trouble of eating alone into a kind of enjoyment, and you can no longer worry about wasting food and eating monotonously. Even if there is only one person, you don't have to deal with those monotonous foods, hemp seeds can make your rice bowl colorful, and this feast only needs to wash one bowl.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

Hemp food is hemp food, which is a traditional cuisine of ethnic minorities. There are also other names in different regions, such as "cat ears", "hollow noodles", "secondary noodles", etc., which is an ancient pasta. The practice is not difficult, the average person can do it at home, if you are busy on weekdays, you can also do more in the refrigerator when you have time.

Pasta starts with noodles, and after waking up the noodles, kneading the noodles, and rolling the noodles, the practice of hemp food is not much different from the ordinary pasta method. Roll out the dough into a thick dough about 1 cm, then cut the dough into wide noodles about 1 cm wide and roll into a column and evenly diceed. Hemp food is made with this cut small dough cube, sprinkle flour on the board and gently rub it with your thumb, and the noodles will roll up like cat ears, which is the special feature of hemp food. The resulting "cat ears" can be eaten either boiled or boiled in water and then fished up and fried.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

Cooked and eaten commonly known as braised hemp food, prepare some pork, chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, tofu, greens, etc. all cut into small cubes. Sauté the onion and ginger in a hot pot, fry the diced ingredients until seven ripe, then add hot soup and seasonings to the soup, boil and then add raw hemp food to the inside to cook, a braised hemp food is ready. The ingredients for making braised hemp can be flexibly changed according to their own preferences, a pot of boiled out of both staple foods and different dishes, looking at the bowl containing pleasant color food makes people appetite, of course, the mood is much better than facing only one color of frozen food. The same is true of the principle of stir-frying hemp food, except that the raw hemp food is cooked with water first, and then fried with other side dishes.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

The earliest records of hemp food can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty, this dynasty is more special, the ruler is mongols, the Mongol iron horse is strong and belligerent, and even hit Europe, so in the history of the Yuan Dynasty's heyday of the territory is also the largest. Open the Yuan Dynasty drinking food Tai Doctor Ku Sihui's book "Drinking and Eating", which mentions: "Bald and numb food back to the noodles, tie the hand skimming noodles, white noodles 6 pounds to make bald and hemp food, lamb a foot, fried charred meat begging horses, with good broth, stir-fried onions and evenly, garlic cheese, coriander minced." "The Yuan Dynasty ended the situation in which several regimes coexisted in the late Song Dynasty, and after reunification, to a certain extent, it promoted the exchange and trade exchanges of various ethnic groups, people of different nationalities lived together, culture, life, and eating habits collided, and it was not surprising that hemp food was popular at that time.

In the fields of TV dramas, movies, and novels, we rarely see stories set in the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty is a relatively unfamiliar dynasty to many people, most of whom only know that the Mongol Empire had a Genghis Khan who was fierce and good at war, or from the slogan "Tang poetry and Song Poetry Yuanqu Ming and Qing Novels" by the way, they know that the Songs of the Yuan Dynasty were very popular. Meta Qu, do you really know what it is? Compared with the Tang poems and Song Ci, the Yuanqu makes many people look at the question mark. In fact, the meta-song is also called the sandwich, which contains miscellaneous dramas and scattered songs. In the Song Dynasty, miscellaneous drama was a performance form characterized by funny, and in the Yuan Dynasty, miscellaneous drama was no longer limited to this feature, and the opera form based on four folds developed and formed in the Yuan Dynasty, adding wedges at the beginning or between folds.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

So are you dizzy again, thinking that the yuanqu is stranger? In fact, we have long been in contact with Yuanqu, but you don't realize that it is from Yuanqu. For example, when they are wronged, people often say that they are more wronged than Dou E, and it will snow in June. "Dou E'er", "Wutong Rain", "Han Palace Autumn", and "Zhao Orphan" are the four major tragedies of the Yuan Qu, and "Zhao Orphan" was also put on the big screen two years ago.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

In addition, there are four major love dramas in the yuan song, "Baiyue Pavilion", "West Chamber", "Wall Head Horse", and "Qiannu Leaving the Soul". Even people who are not researchers of literature have learned some of this through today's plays, television, movies and even popular songs. For example, "West Chamber" not only has a TV series, but also has a song called "West Chamber" on the back string. Yuanqu inherited the beautiful elegance of poetry, because at that time it was ruled by the dictatorship of nomads, and the darkness of society made the readers of Yuan Dynasty society in the position of "eight prostitutes, nine Confucians and ten beggars", and the rebellious emotions could only be revealed in the yuanqu, which was the reason why yuanqu was popular.

The story of Yuanqu has always maintained its unique charm. After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, engraving technology developed unprecedentedly, and at this time illustrations of literature appeared. Many plays, novels and other literary works have been illustrated. Many of the miscellaneous dramas in the meta-song are even more fascinating after the addition of prints. At that time, many painters combined with engravers to greatly improve the artistic standard of printmaking. Chen Hongshou is one of the outstanding figures.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

(Illustration of Chen Hongshou's Western Chamber" "Peeping Jane")

As a famous love story, "The Tale of the West Chamber" was engraved in many editions at that time, the most famous of which was the version produced by Chen Hongshou, which was also his masterpiece and the one he illustrated the most books. The characters in the above illustration have high lines, vivid expressions, and short heads and short bodies, which look quite childish. Chen Hongshou made a lot of use of Ruili's square pen, the twists and changes of the lines were obvious, and the lines of the clothes naturally explained the actions of the characters. The screen as a background, the pattern in it is also very carefully depicted, it is not difficult to see that Chen Hongshou has a deep foundation in painting.

Of course, in addition to the "West Chamber" in the Ming Dynasty with print illustrations, there are other miscellaneous dramas that are illustrated. Yuanqu left many good works, as the popular hemp food in the Yuan Dynasty appeared in these miscellaneous dramas is also very common, Yang Xianzhi's miscellaneous drama "Zheng Kongmu Wind and Snow Cool Cold Pavilion" has "bald tea food", when it is a mistake of bald hemp food. In the third fold of the play, Zhang Bao reported to his family when he came on the scene that "the villain Jiangxi Renren, surnamed Zhang Mingbao, because of the chaos of the soldiers and horses, was driven and taken captive, and came back to Mahe Masha Xuancha Ya, usually in the service of the chief slave. What he ate at home was garlic stinky leeks and water cakes. Bald tea food. Where do I eat? ”

In the anonymous "Ten Spies Make a Big Fuss in Yan'an Province", there are also officials who complain about bald and numb food. Hemp food began to be popular from the Yuan Dynasty and is still prevalent in many places today.

Hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty, a feast for one person, a meal to wash a bowl, are you moved?

Eating alone at home, don't be on it, be nice to yourself, the same noodles, quick-frozen dumplings to eat tired of eating, it is better to change a new trick, make a hemp food from the Yuan Dynasty. Equally convenient and hassle-free, just by washing a bowl, this rich one-person feast will not disappoint you.

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