
Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

author:Miki Ko-sei

Shaanxi braised hemp food this snack can be said to be very common, many people will make it at home. However, the braised hemp food sold on the street outside is very delicious, and the ingredients are refined, and the recipe may be the winning magic weapon of the braised hemp food. Today, Shaanxi Blue Bird Catering talks about this very grounded delicacy - Shaanxi braised hemp food. The method is simple, you can learn it by reading it once, and if you learn to make it for the children at home, you will definitely be able to double your appetite.

Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

Shaanxi braised hemp food preparation:

1, Add boiling water to the flour and heat the flour. Then stir, start kneading, knead the surface smoothly, put aside to wake up the noodles for 30 minutes, and then roll out the kneaded noodles with a rolling pin to a small finger thickness.

2. Cut the dough into small squares of 0.5 cm. The menu is dipped in some flour and the dough is sprinkled with some flour so that the dough does not stick together during the cutting process. Use your thumb to press the small square into the shape of a cat's ear. This is technical work, hold your thumb diagonally, and press it in and it will come out.

Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

3, pork, tofu, radish, chicken, ham, green vegetables are cut into small cubes, green onion, ginger cut into strips, pot add a little peanut oil, heat with green onion ginger shredded, add pork, tofu, radish, chicken, ham, green vegetables and other raw materials, sautéed to 70% heat, add broth, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, boil after adding hemp raw blanks together to simmer until the soup is thick.

Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

4, pour more water, otherwise the hemp food will become too thick after opening the pot. Cook until 7 is ripe (about 5 minutes) and add the whistle, then cook for another 4 minutes, then add the tomato eggs, finally add the chopped spinach and shallots, and cook for another minute to cook the fragrant hemp food.

Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

Braised hemp food

Shaanxi snack - the method of braised hemp food, a pot of stew is actually very delicious, 2 minutes can learn

Stir-fried hemp food

Then the above is the home-style version of Shaanxi braised hemp food simple method, professional braised hemp food recipe or come to Shaanxi Blue Bird catering to learn, hemp food types in addition to braised hemp food, there are fried hemp food, cold mix hemp food many ways to eat, can better meet the picky taste of many diners.

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