
Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

author:Shredded potato burrito bxh
Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

This dish seems simple, but the taste is amazing, I think there is no one who does not like to eat.

Vegetarian for dinner, stir-fried kale. It's one of my favorite ways to eat, not one.

Although the alias of kale is also called cabbage, but in our kale and cabbage is also different, we say kale is generally very loose, the taste is crisp; and cabbage is holding the heart of the cabbage very tight, the taste is solid. I prefer to eat kale. My favorite recipe for kale is to stir-fry, do not put soy sauce, pepper, only put salt, and then season with small peppers and garlic cloves, just these three spices, the finished product is fragrant, absolutely delicious.

If you are a friend who does not cook often, I definitely recommend that you try this dish, not only the material is simple, but the method is simple, but the taste is not simple, this small dish will teach you to increase your appetite, and there will be no burden of long meat.

Because kale in addition to a variety of camps we do not say, it itself has the effect of weight loss. Many of the world's supermodels love to eat cabbage because they know it's good for losing weight. The rationale for this is that each 100 grams of kale contains only 25 calories and contains very little sugar. Therefore, kale can stabilize blood sugar levels, and you will not feel hungry after eating this vegetable, so as to achieve the purpose of diet and weight loss. Coupled with a few weight-losing small peppers, how to eat will not be fat.

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

The ingredients needed to stir-fry kale are simple: 1 small brussels, about 400 grams, 4 small peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, salt to taste.


1: A small cabbage, a few cloves of garlic, use four small peppers, cut the pepper into sections, and slice the garlic

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

2, kale petals, washed and torn into small pieces by hand, do not use a knife to cut Oh, with a knife to cut the real taste is not the same.

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

3: Heat the oil in a wok, put the chili pepper and garlic cloves together into the stir-fry spoon, fry the aroma, and fry the chili pepper until it is slightly mushy

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

4: Add the cabbage cubes, be sure to stir-fry

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

5: Add salt to your taste while stir-frying, and stir-fry well

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

6, see the olives are about to collapse and fall, it is good

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

Kitchen Whispers:

Remember a few tips, one is to tear by hand, the second is to be sure to put peppers, and the third is to stir-fry. Remember these three points to ensure your success.

Do not put soy sauce pepper, fragrant, crispy, original taste, so that the fried kale can not get tired

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