
Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking

author:The Prince of Bread Notes

Grease is one of the most commonly used materials in our bread making, and it is also a very important material to improve the taste of bread and the inside, so let's understand what is grease today. What are the commonly used oils and fats in bread? What is the role of grease in bread?

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking


What is grease?

Oils and fats we simply interpret literally is the general term for oil and fat, composed of fatty acids and glycerol, which can provide us with calories and various nutrients. Then at room temperature, if it is presented as a liquid state, we call it oil, which is an unsaturated fatty acid, and its stability is not very good. Relatively speaking, if it is presented as a solid state at room temperature, then we call it lipids, which are saturated fatty acids, and the stability will be better. If the right amount of addition can improve the organization of the bread and improve the aroma, the specific production process can also make the bread more crispy.


Types of grease

There are many types of oils and fats in the market, we can divide them into natural oils and artificial oils according to its different raw materials, so what is the difference between the two?

1 Natural Oils:

Natural oils and fats are derived from animal and vegetable oils, so what is the difference between the two oils?

Animal fat: Literally, it means that it comes from animals, and we are common and use more often than that of butter, lard, and butter.

Vegetable oils: Then nature is from plants, common use is corn oil, olive oil, palm oil and so on.

2 Artificial oils:

Artificial oil is the animal and vegetable oils, refined, to produce plastic or fluid oils, common use is white oil, marciline and a variety of shortening products.

Knowing the two major classifications of oils and fats, do you really understand the greases you commonly use? Next, let's introduce some of the major oils commonly used in baking.


A complete list of commonly used oils and fats


In the ancient Indian scriptures from 1500 to 2000 BC, there were items similar to butter, and the inference should be that it already had the ability to make it at that time, and in Europe, in the 5th century BC, the famous Greek historian Herodotus recorded the production method of butter in the article. In modern times, it is only an oil and fat product derived from dairy products, which needs to be sterilized, stirred and refined to make a water-type emulsified state in oil, and its milk fat content can reach more than 80% of a product.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking

White Oil:

The use of animal and vegetable oils and fats as raw materials, after decolorization, deodorization and other processes, improve its melting point to meet the processing requirements, thereby forming a tasteless and colorless white solid oil, stability, fusion and expansion performance are better, can also replace lard to eat. Snow white oil is made by adding white oil to an emulsifier and treated with nitrogen.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking


Margarine refers to the edible oil and fat properly added to water and food additives, after emulsification, quenching, kneading and other treatment, or without quenching and kneading and other treatments, to produce a product with plasticity or fluidity, and its oil content will also be more than 80%, we call it margarine. The more common one on the market is Marcilin, with preferential prices, high melting point, good emulsification, good plasticity and integration.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking



Lard is made of pig fat or raw plate oil refined, but relatively poor stability, and very easy to spoil, now the market is more commonly used refined lard, the main raw material is lard or mixed with other animal, vegetable oil, after degumming, decolorization, deacidification, deodorization and other refining of the relatively stable grease, its grease is delicate, tasteless, odorless, more white, crispy, but the melting point is low.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking



It contains no water or salt, but has the aroma of butter, which is made by adding yellow pigment and butter spices to white oil. The hairiness is better, but the plasticity and integration are not good, and it can also be used instead of natural butter in baking.


salad oil:

Vegetable oils and fats extracted from soybeans are generally liquid, yellow and transparent in color, and are the most common kinds of oils and fats in liquid oils.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking


Anhydrous cream:

Also known as milk fat or milk fat, anhydrous butter is to cream or cream as raw material, through physical methods to destroy the fat balls, so that the fat from the fat balls free out of the touch together to form a fat continuous phase, and then the fat continuous phase is separated to get anhydrous cream. Methods of destroying fat balls include heating and melting, mechanical crushing of fat balls, and so on.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking


Fermented cream

In Brittany, France, people usually let the milk mature naturally, and the lactic acid bacteria contained in the milk itself will turn it into French whipped cream, and in turn, the French whipped cream will also turn the milk into fermented cream. When acid bacteria convert the sugar in milk into lactic acid, they will produce a variety of odor-emitting compounds, such as diacetyl, which make the cream taste richer and the butter flavor stronger. The sterilized milk fat is fermented by lactic acid bacteria, and then the fermented cream is made according to the processing procedure in the preceding paragraph. If the purpose is to produce a sour taste, the same fermentation type lactic acid bacteria can be used for fermentation, if the purpose is to produce flavor, different fermentation type lactic acid bacteria can be used for fermentation, usually each strain is taken. The former has Streptococcus lactate, Streptococcus cheese, and the latter has Bitreptococcus acetate. The fermentation temperature is 25 °C, and the fermentation time is about 16h. Today's fermented cream is generally made of pasteurized cream, and in this process, people usually use probiotics for fermentation. Fermented cream can also be made by several simple methods, such as mixing butter, acid bacteria and lactic acid, and placing it in a cold place to ferment and age, thus cultivating a more intense taste. Fermented cream generally contains about 86% of the cream component.

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking


Flake butter:

Flake butter generally has a milk fat content of about 85%, it has more melting point, better operability, and is easier to use when making puff pastry. With flaky butter with a high milk content, the taste will also become more crispy.

The reason why grease is the more important material in bread, the most important thing is its role in bread, continue to look at it~

Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking

The role of oils and fats in baking

Increases the flavor of the bread

The addition of grease increases the flavor, crispness and crispness of the bread, making the product softer when it enters without drying. Oils with strong aromas and flavors, such as cream or milk marlin vegetable oil, are directly reflected on the bread.

To make bread with a unique aroma or flavor, add strong flavored oils such as cream, milk marlin, olive oil, etc. to the dough recipe. But what must be considered here is that it is necessary to choose a grease that suits the flavor of the bread, and it is also necessary to consider the suitability with other materials. The stronger the taste and aroma of the oil, if it is not used very cleverly, it will be the opposite of the point reduction.

It can delay aging and increase the shelf life of bread

The right amount of oil is added to make the bread softer and can better delay the aging of the starch in the dough, which can increase the shelf life of our bread.

Provides calories and nutrients

Oils and fats can also provide us with calories and the oil-soluble vitamins our bodies need.

Increased swelling

The right amount of grease added to the bread can make the bread expand better, and when the oil is stirred in the dough, the small bubbles in the air will enter the dough, so that the volume of our dough will increase, which can make our products softer.

Increased mechanical resistance

Grease also lubricates and softens gluten toughness in the dough, so it can make the dough better organized and shiny during fermentation, and the bread with the grease added will become softer and smoother.

Preservation of grease

Grease needs to be placed in a sealed container, and must be kept dry, low temperature environment is the best, because grease in the process of storage, due to the role of light, heat, water, metals and microorganisms, will be very easy to cause fatty acid oxidation and deterioration.

The content of grease is introduced here today, and if you want to know, please leave a message to discuss ~

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Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking
Bread food knowledge丨What is oil? Explain in detail the classification of oils and fats and their role in baking

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