
What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?

author:The sound of food safety in Yunnan

What is Green Tea (Oolong Tea)?

Green tea, commonly known as oolong tea, is a semi-fermented tea, which is a unique type of china's six basic tea types, mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. Its processing process is: fresh leaves → withered→ green → killed→ kneaded → dried. Green tea integrates the preparation method of green tea and black tea, and forms a unique quality style with its unique green making process, combined with stir-frying, shape and unique drying process. Green tea has a sweet and fragrant taste, no bitterness of green tea, astringency of black tea, fragrant and clear, and mellow taste. Coupled with the green tea has the color of "green leaf red trim" or "three red and seven green", as well as the shape of strong knots, uniformity, high-grade oolong also pays attention to "charm", such as Wuyi rock tea has a rock rhyme with rock bone flower fragrance; Anxi Tieguanyin has a unique fragrance of Guanyin rhyme, etc., which makes this type of tea particularly attract attention, its wonderful. Oolong tea is specifically divided into Fujian oolong tea, Guangdong oolong tea and Taiwan oolong tea according to different origins. Among them, Fujian oolong tea is divided into two kinds: northern Fujian oolong and southern Fujian oolong.

What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?


Tea .

What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?

What is black tea?

Black tea is a post-fermented tea, is a unique tea in China, the production history is long, the product is mainly black hair tea pressed into tight pressure tea, mainly sold to the border areas, is an indispensable beverage in the daily life of ethnic minorities in China's frontier, so it is also known as "side selling tea". Black tea is mainly produced in Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi and other places, according to the different places of origin can be divided into Hunan black tea, Hubei black tea, Sichuan black tea, Yunnan Pu'er tea, Guangxi Liupao tea, etc.; according to the different processing methods and appearance can be divided into bulk black tea and pressed black tea two categories. Bulk black tea is mainly black hair tea and some finished tea; pressed black tea is a kind of black hair tea as raw material after steaming and pressing and then processing made of tight pressure tea and basket tea. The raw materials of black tea products are usually relatively coarse, and the basic processing process is: fresh leaves→ killing green→ kneading→ wo pile→ drying, of which wo pile is the key process to determine the quality of black tea.

What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?

Note: Wo Dui - Wo Dui is the key process for forming black tea color, aroma and taste. It is similar to the accumulation and fermentation of black tea, but the pile is large, tight, and the pile is long, and it is first carried out on the basis of inhibiting the enzymatic action, which is a unique manufacturing technology of black tea.

What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?
What is green tea (oolong tea) and what is black tea?

Source: China Tea Circulation Association

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