
Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

author:Shenzhou tea rhyme
Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea
Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

Characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea leaves

The origin is one of the characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea. As a famous tea-producing area in history, Mount Emei is not unrelated to its geographical location. In particular, the Emei Mid-Levels have abundant rainfall, humidity and fog, and are called by United Nations experts as the best protected area for organisms and vegetation at the same latitude in the world, and this environment is particularly suitable for the growth of tea plants. The famous mountain produces good tea, and the main production area of bamboo leaf green is the alpine specific tea area of Mount Emei at an altitude of 800 to 1500 meters. Surrounded by mountains, cloudy and misty all year round, lush forests, tea plants receive light for a short time, low intensity, and more diffuse light, which is conducive to the increase of chlorophyll and amino acid content in tea plants. So that the tea aroma is high, the taste is strong, fresh and the quality is good.

Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

The appearance is characterized by the characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea. The fresh leaves used to make bamboo leaf green tea are very delicate and the processing technology is very delicate. Generally mined 3 to 5 days before the Qingming Dynasty, the standard is one bud and one leaf or one bud and two leaves, fresh leaves are tender and uniform, and the size is consistent. After proper spreading, after high temperature killing, three stir-frying and three cooling, using shaking, sprinkling, grasping, pressing, striping and other techniques, shape drying. Make bamboo leaf green tea have the characteristics of flat and smooth, emerald green, and resemble bamboo leaves; Then roasted, the tea aroma increases, the appearance of the tea is beautiful, and the endoplasm is very excellent.

Quality is the third characteristic of bamboo leaf green tea. The shape and taste of bamboo leaf green tea with different qualities are different, the highest quality bamboo leaf green tea has a pleasant aroma, and the tea soup shows a yellow-green color, which is very bright, transparent and has a very strong taste. The second quality of bamboo leaf green tea due to the poor quality of the tea leaves, the taste will be slightly bitter, the color of the tea soup is not so clear.

Ornamentality is one of the characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea. Many people pay more attention to the taste and grade of bamboo leaf green tea, in fact, drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment, in addition to the taste also needs a visual feast. The color of bamboo leaf green tea is very tender green, and the touch of green with the clear tea cup is beautiful. In addition, the aroma of bamboo leaf green tea is very flexible and ethereal, after the tea leaves are brewed, take a deep breath, and the aroma will fill your entire nerves.

Functionality is one of the characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: The taste is bitter and cold, non-toxic. Bamboo leaf green tea can treat the knots of guan ge, urinary inconclusivity, prickly, swollen, blind removal, abortion, and blood closure. Nourish the kidneys, chase the bladder evil rebellion, stop cholera, and grow hair. The main five forests, menstrual obstruction, broken blood clot discharge pus, hemorrhoidal fistula and diarrhea, eye swelling and pain and swelling poison treatment of soaking sores and women's genital sores.

Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

Brewing method of bamboo leaf green

Suitable for brewing with a transparent glass, the water temperature should not exceed 80 degrees, not for a long time. The amount of bamboo leaves can be adjusted according to personal taste, and can be placed in an appropriate amount.


Generally, the tea volume of bamboo leaf green tea is one-fifth of the container, and the teaspoon is evenly dialed into each cup.

Infiltration foam:

Infiltration foam is divided into upper throwing method and middle casting method, generally for some high-quality bamboo leaf green tea can be used to brew these two methods.

Brewing times:

Bamboo leaf green tea brewing times is about three times, during the brewing process should pay attention to etiquette, brewing posture should be beautiful, to the arrival of guests to show welcome.

Tea Viewing:

After brewing, you can first watch the posture of the tea leaves and appreciate the natural style of the tea leaves, but this is for high-grade famous bamboo leaf green tea.


Smell the aroma of tea leaves before tasting tea, then take a small sip, and use the tip of your tongue against the root of your teeth and inhale to taste the sweetness of the tea.

Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

The above is an introduction to the characteristics of bamboo leaf green tea, if you are also a tea lover, you may wish to try it!

Characteristics and brewing method of bamboo leaf green tea

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