
In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

author:Temperature history

One day at the end of 1965, a peasant woman named Li Huachu in Luotian, Hubei Province, lay in bed and died. Perhaps anticipating that there were not many days to come, she called her two daughters to her side, gave them a bag of things, and said, "This is what your father left behind, I have been hiding it around, now I will give it to you as a souvenir!" ”

The two daughters were surprised to open the package, only to see that the bag contained a military command certificate, a red jade stone platform with the words "Chiang Kai-shek" engraved on it, and a large number of photos, letters and other items.

The two daughters have not been heard from their father since 1948. They said in a slightly reproachful tone, "Why are you still collecting these things?" "If this pile of things were discovered, it would bring ruin to this family."

Li Huachu once heard from a friend that her husband had gone to Taiwan, so she returned to her hometown with her children and waited for 17 years. She had a firm belief in her heart that her husband was still alive and would come back. For he once wrote: "In the future, when victory is won, I will be reunited with you." ”

Soon after, Li Huachu died of illness, and she did not wait for any news about her husband. Two months after Li Huachu's death, the local civil affairs department sent a certificate of Zhou Zhiping's martyrdom.

Zhou Zhiping is Li Hua's husband. At this time, the daughters learned that their father's identity was not only a senior Kuomintang officer, he was actually a three-habitat agent, and he was also a special member of the CCP.

As a three-habitat agent, what kind of legendary experience does Zhou Zhiping have? After liberation, he lost contact with his family, where did he go, and why did he die?

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

Zhou Ho

Zhou Zhiping, known as Zhou Hao, was born in 1910 to a peasant family in Luotian, Hubei Province. At the age of 14, he was admitted to the private Chengcheng Middle School in Wuhan, and after entering the school, he was deeply influenced by the spirit of Sun Yat-sen's "Three People's Principles", and took advantage of the opportunity of winter and summer vacations to gather the villagers to give speeches in his hometown.

Zhou Ho's hometown is a closed mountain village, there are not many readers, and the "Three People's Principles" expounded by Zhou Ho have attracted many ordinary people. Li Huachu, who came from a wealthy family, saw Zhou Ho talking in the crowd and was deeply attracted by his knowledge and insight, and the two eventually became husband and wife.

Zhou Hao, who had just graduated from middle school, was influenced by the revolutionary trend of thought and was admitted to the Fourth Army Battalion Officers' School founded by the Gui Army in Wuhan. The school was later reorganized into the Wuhan Branch of the Central Army Officer School (i.e., the Whampoa Military Academy), with Chiang Himself serving as the principal.

After graduating from the military academy, zhou ho was introduced by his fellow villagers to serve as a platoon leader in the 19th Route Army. The 19th Route Army was a local unit, with more than 8,000 casualties in the Songhu War of Resistance. However, after the war, Lao Jiang still transferred him to Fujian to "suppress bandits" in an attempt to further deplete his strength.

The 19th Route Army was constantly attacked by the Red Army in Fujian, and gradually realized that there was no future in the civil war, and launched an incident on November 20, 1933, openly declaring the anti-Japanese resistance against Chiang Kai-shek, known in history as the "Fujian Incident". However, due to military, political and economic isolation, the incident was eventually suppressed by Chiang Kai-shek, and many of the officers involved in the incident were also wanted.

Zhou Ho originally wanted to go home and hide, but as soon as he arrived in Hankou, he was arrested by the Kuomintang gendarmes on the charge of "participating in the rebellion." Zhou Hao, who was only 24 years old at the time, was imprisoned for the first time, and it was inevitable that he would feel uneasy when he encountered such a disaster. Fortunately, the person who interrogated Zhou Hao was a friend he knew.

This friend gave him an idea: "You are from Whampoa, as long as you join the Revival Society, the previous things can be written off." "The Revival Society is the predecessor of the military command. At that time, Zhou Ho did not understand the nature of the Revival Society, and in order to save his life, he could only join the Society according to the advice of his friends.

Zhou Hao's official fortunes were good, and soon after he was appreciated by Zhou Weilong, the core figure of military command, and he introduced him to Dai Kasa. Since then, he has been promoted all the way and has worked in Hankou, Guizhou, Guangdong, Chongqing and other places, becoming the chief of the colonel section.

During this time, his wife Li Huachu also traveled around with Zhou Hao, and his two daughters, Zhou Huibing and Zhou Huilin, were born in Hubei and Guangdong.

In the spring of 1943, the situation of the world anti-fascist war took a major turn for the worse. Previously, the United States won the Battle of Midway, turning the tide in the Pacific. The Soviet Union also won the battle for Stalingrad, and the situation on the European battlefield began to change. At this time, the traitors of all sizes in the Wang puppet regime began to look for a way out.

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

Zhou Fohai

Dai Kasa captured Zhou Fohai's mother in Guizhou and persuaded Zhou Fohai to do anything in his mother's tone. Zhou Fohai, who was looking for a way back, hit it off with Dai Kasa and promised to provide information on the Wang puppet government. A special radio connection was needed between Zhou Fohai and Chongqing, and only those who sent military commanders to Nanjing would be relieved.

Nanjing was extremely dangerous, and Li Shiqun, the head of the Wang puppet special agent, had destroyed the organization of the military command in Shanghai and Nanjing several times, making it impossible for it to gain a foothold. This task was so important that Dai Kasa had no choice but to find someone to break into Wang Fei, and he thought of Zhou Hao.

Dai Kasa appointed Zhou Hao as the station commander of the Nanjing station of the military command and gave him the task of assisting Zhou Fohai in contacting Chongqing, collecting intelligence on the Wang puppet government, and establishing personal relations with the senior generals Sun Liangcheng and Wu Huawen who surrendered to the puppet army, and winning them over.

Zhou Ho took the radio station and a translator into Nanjing by Zhou Fohai, and was later arranged to serve as the chief of the sixth section of the Wang Puppet Military Commission. Zhou Hao used his pseudo-position to cover the activities of Sun Liangcheng and other ministries, and established a good personal relationship with them.

At this time, Zhou Hao also lost contact with his family, and his wife and daughter were taken to Chongqing by the military command.

Zhou Hao is active in the upper echelons of Wang Pseudo on weekdays, and on the surface the scenery is infinite, but in fact, he is in a state of panic every day. He went to Nanjing alone, and it was difficult to gain the trust of the Wang pseudo-upper echelons. In order to cover his identity, Zhou Hao later married Wu Xueya, a law student, in Nanjing.

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek's troops were in the southwest and rear areas, while the troops led by the Chinese Communists were mostly in the northern region, especially the New Fourth Army was almost across the river from Nanjing. Underground CCP members have already pasted slogans inside Nanjing to welcome the New Fourth Army into the city.

In order to seize the territory, the old Chiang Kai-shek strictly ordered the Eighteenth Group Army to "garrison the defense on the spot and not to move arbitrarily", while appointing a group of Han Jiang as the receiving vanguard. Zhou Fohai became the commander-in-chief of the "Beijing-Shanghai Action Corps", and Zhou Hao was appointed as the commander of the "Nanjing Command".

Zhou Hao acted decisively, forcibly taking over the radio and newspaper on August 16, and issuing a proclamation to take over the Wang puppet regime. He drafted a letter of surrender to Ninji Okamura, commander-in-chief of the Japanese-Chinese dispatch army.

The next day, Zhou Hao sent people to take over various institutions in the city and arrest the traitors, Chen Qun, the director of the pseudo-examination institute, committed suicide in fright, the puppet minister of the military and political department resisted and was killed during the arrest, and Bao Wenpei, the principal of the pseudo-Central Army Officer School, was arrested. When the news came out, the people in Nanjing city all clapped their hands and applauded.

Zhou Hao did not report Dai Jia and Lao Jiang in advance, and some of the Wang and pseudo-officials he arrested already had links with Chongqing, and his actions undoubtedly disrupted Lao Jiang's deployment. Old Jiang was very angry after hearing the news, and secretly ordered the Japanese army to maintain order in Nanjing.

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

Victory in the War of Resistance

At this time, the students of the puppet military academy were dissatisfied with the arrest of the principal and confronted Zhou Hao's troops. Okamura Ningji invited Zhou Hao to the Japanese army headquarters for an interview on the pretext of mediating the contradictions between the two sides, but unexpectedly, Zhou Hao was placed under house arrest by the Japanese army after arriving, and then handed over to the military commander to be detained in Shanghai.

Zhou Hao felt very wronged, as the supreme person in charge of the military command in Nanjing, he had neither embezzlement nor discipline violations, so why should he be detained? He once asked Cheng Kexiang, the governor of the Beijing-Shanghai District of the Military Command, to intercede with Dai Kasa, but Cheng said that "love cannot help."

It was not until 1946, after Dai Kasa's plane crash and death, that Zhou Hao was released from prison on bail by a friend. Friends told him, "If Dai Kasa hadn't died, I'm afraid you wouldn't have been able to get out in this lifetime." ”

At this time, Zhou Hao knew the reason why Dai Kasa had caught himself. One is the suspicion that he has links with the New Fourth Army. The second is that he is in charge of Zhou Fohai's connection with Chongqing and knows too many things. At that time, the society demanded that Zhou Fohai be brought to justice, and Old Jiang was anxious to clear up the relationship with Zhou Fohai.

During that time, Zhou Hao lived idly in Nanjing, and looking back on the past few years, he was already disgusted with the identity of the military command, especially the mutual inversion and corruption and dereliction of duty within the Kuomintang, which made him very hateful. Zhou Hao fell into pain and wandering, and could not see the future.

In June 1946, an old friend Xu Chuguang came to Zhou Hao's house. He and Zhou Ho are fellow countrymen and classmates of the military academy, and his real identity is the director of the Third Working Committee of the Central China Bureau of the Communist Party of China. In 1942, Xu Chuguang was ordered to infiltrate Wang Pseudo as the colonel of the War Department, and had contacts with Zhou Hao.

After Zhou Hao's arrest, Xu Chuguang was very concerned, and this time he returned to Nanjing to be ordered to carry out counter-insurgency work. Xu Chuguang brought some progressive books to Zhou Hao and listened to his experience. Xu Chuguang thought that Zhou Hao could fight for it and had been doing ideological work on him. As a professional agent, Zhou Hao actually detected Xu Chuguang's identity.

One day, Xu Chuguang told Zhou Ho his true identity. Zhou Hao was very happy to see Xu Chuguang treat him frankly and took the initiative to ask to join the CCP. With the approval of the Central China Bureau, Zhou Hao became a special party member and was appointed as a special commissioner of Beijing, Shanghai, Xuhang, responsible for collecting intelligence in the Kuomintang and carrying out counter-insurgency work.

Nearly three years after their separation, Li Huachu learned from friends that Zhou Hao was in Nanjing and married, and he was devastated. Until then, the relationship between the husband and wife had been very close, and she wrote to question Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao, worried that Li Huachu would misunderstand, wrote two letters in a row to ask his wife to go to Nanjing for an interview.

After Li Huachu took his daughter to Nanjing, Zhou Hao saw his two daughters crying with headaches, and then took them to the street to buy a set of clothes. Zhou Ho patiently explained his work to his wife and said: "Our feelings will not change, you have to take good care of your daughter." The nature of my work is no longer what it used to be, and I hope you will give in. ”

Mr. Zhou did not mention to his wife about his joining the CCP. Li Huachu is still relatively enlightened, she chose to endure grief alone, support her husband's work, and return to Wuhan with her daughter.

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

Zhou Ho and Wu Xueya

At the beginning of 1947, Zhou Hao was reactivated by the military command and transferred to Shanghai to work. Later, Lao Jiang suspected that Sun Liangcheng was in contact with the New Fourth Army, and secretly ordered Zhou Hao to go to Sun Bu to investigate. Before that, Zhou Hao had received orders from the organization to plot against Sun Liangcheng, and he was worried that he would not find a reason to go to Sun Liangcheng's residence.

Sun Liangcheng is a capricious person. He was once a general under Feng Yuxiang, and after the defeat of Feng Yuxiang in the Central Plains War, he was dug up by Lao Jiang. Old Jiang dug him just to use him to absorb the old headquarters of the Northwest Army, and did not pay much attention to him.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chiang Kai-shek sent Sun Liangcheng to the Cha-Ji Theater as a guerrilla commander-in-chief. Sun Liangcheng did not have many troops in his hands, and he was often swept up by the Japanese army, and gradually wavered, and later led his troops to surrender to Wang Jingwei.

Zhou Hao went to Sun Liangcheng's department to inspect it in a bright and upright manner, and was warmly received by Sun Liangcheng. After the crowd dispersed, Zhou Hao showed Sun Liangcheng the secret order of Old Jiang. Sun was astonished that he did have ties to the New Fourth Army, and that there had been a stain on surrender. Han Fuyu, the chairman of Shandong Province who was also from the Northwest Army at that time, was executed by Lao Jiang for disobeying his orders, and his status was still inferior to his, in case he was investigated.

Thinking of this, Sun Liangcheng's back was cold, and he quickly asked Zhou Hao how to deal with it. Zhou Hao took the opportunity to brief him on the situation of the Liberation War and said bluntly: "Now that the People's Liberation Army is getting stronger and stronger, last year dai Zhiqi, commander of the 69th Division, committed suicide by raising his gun in defeat, then Zhang Lingfu was killed, and Li Xianzhou was captured as a prisoner of the order. ”

Although Sun Liangcheng listened, although he frequently nodded on the surface, he was cunning in his heart. Under the pretext that the officers' families needed to be resettled, he asked the New Fourth Army to allocate him 1500 taels of gold before the uprising. At that time, the New Fourth Army was still more difficult, where to get this money, after raising it everywhere, and finally the new promise was to allocate him 500 taels of gold, and the shortage was made up with cotton.

Zhou Hao repeatedly stressed to Sun Liangcheng: "The Communist Party is full of sincerity toward you, and now that old Chiang Kai-shek is suspicious of you, you must abandon your illusions and make an early decision that uprising is your only way to live." Sun Liangcheng nodded his head and agreed. Subsequently, Zhou Hao returned to Nanjing to reassure Chiang Kai-shek that Sun Liangcheng had no tendency to defect to the Communists.

However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened to Zhou Hao, Xu Chuguang was preparing to go to Dabie Mountain to ask for instructions, and when he passed through Wuhan, he was arrested for informing traitors. At first he refused to admit his identity, but soon after his traffic officer Lu Xiangrui was also arrested. This person was a soft bone, not only confessing Xu Chuguang, but also confessing Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao was arrested again and imprisoned. But after all, he was a professional agent from the military command, and he knew nothing more about the military command's interrogation of prisoners. He insisted that he and Xu Chuguang were only fellow villagers, military cadets, and colleagues of the Wang puppet government, and did not know his true identity.

Xu Chuguang, on the other hand, allowed the enemy to torture him for several months, never revealing any information. Although the traitor Lü Xiangrui had heard of Zhou Hao, he did not understand his specific situation and could not say why. Eventually, under the operation and organization of his second wife, Wu Xueya, Zhou Hao was released on bail. Xu Chuguang was killed by the enemy, and he saved Zhou Hao with his own life.

In view of the fact that Zhou Hao was already suspected by the enemy, the East China Bureau arranged for Zhou Hao's family to enter the Northern Jiangsu Liberation Army in September 1948, and it was at this time that Li Huachu no longer heard from Zhou Hao.

Zhou Ho, who read a large number of revolutionary books in the Liberated Areas, wrote in his diary: "When I became a Communist Party, I was indeed driven by bad politics. ”

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

Xu Chuguang

This passage records his mental journey, and in the early days, because of his grievances, he was guided by Xu Chuguang to join the organization. After participating in the revolutionary work, coupled with reading a large number of revolutionary books, he had a deeper understanding of the CCP, completed his ideological joining the party, and became a real revolutionary.

Sun Liangcheng ostensibly promised to revolt, but in his heart hesitating. It just so happened that old Jiang sent a handwritten letter to him to "persuade him" to reuse it. The Xuzhou "Suppression General" sent more than a dozen large trucks to ask Sun to bring the troops to Xuzhou. Sun Liangcheng's thoughts were shaken again, and he led the 260th Division toward Xuzhou.

However, on the way, it was surrounded by the 2nd Column of the East China Field Army. In order to reduce losses, Wei Guoqing, commander of the Northern Jiangsu Corps, still decided to win Sun Liangcheng's surrender. Chen Pixian called Zhou Hao, hoping that he would do Sun Liangcheng's work again. Regardless of the danger to his life, Zhou Hao went to Sun Liangcheng's camp alone.

After being besieged, Sun Liangcheng regretted it and still wanted to fight for the treatment of the uprising, but was reprimanded by Zhou Hao: "We originally agreed that you would lead the whole army to revolt, it was you who rebelled, and now you are surrounded by the People's Liberation Army, and if you stubbornly resist, the whole army will only be destroyed." You have no choice but to surrender. ”

After that, Zhou Hao met with Sun Liangcheng's deputy commander and persuaded them to surrender. Under internal and external pressure, Sun Liangcheng had no choice but to lead more than 5,800 officers and men and a large number of weapons to surrender. But for Sun Liangcheng, this is a helpless choice forced by reality, and he is not convinced in his heart.

After eliminating Sun Liangcheng's forces, Zhou Hao was again ordered to devote himself to the rebellion against Liu Ruming, a general of the Northwest Army. Sun Liangcheng and Liu Ruming are called brothers, and the two have a good personal relationship. At that time, Liu Ruming's army had already been severely damaged by the People's Liberation Army, and Zhou Hao believed that using Sun Liangcheng's relationship with Liu Ruming was very sure that he could plot against Liu Ruming.

Sun Liangcheng also took the initiative to express his desire to make meritorious contributions and wrote a letter to Liu Ruming to persuade him to revolt on the battlefield. However, in private, he instructed the aide-de-camp who delivered the letter to verbally tell Liu Ruming that he had been forced to surrender, and let Liu Ruming try to rescue him.

Liu Ruming was also a capricious man, and the CCP top brass knew Liu Ruming well and repeatedly instructed Zhou Hao not to rush to the enemy area. But at that time, Zhou Hao was obsessed with the work of counter-insurgency, worried about missing opportunities, and lacked analysis of the environment. He took Sun Liangcheng and others to Liu Ruming to carry out work.

When Sun Liangcheng met liu Ruming alone, he wept bitterly about his surrender. Liu Ruming eventually arrested Zhou Hao and others and handed them over to the Secrecy Bureau, which killed Zhou Ho around the Spring Festival of 1949 without interrogation. Sun Liangcheng was released from prison on bail by several former northwestern army generals and later took refuge in Shanghai.

In 1948, the major general of the military command disappeared, his wife thought he had gone to Taiwan, and 17 years later the state issued a martyr's certificate

After liberation, Li Huachu returned to his hometown with his children and never received any more information from Zhou Hao. Later, Wu Xueya went to Nanjing, Shanghai and other places to look for Zhou Hao, and found Sun Liangcheng in Shanghai, so he reported to the People's Liberation Army. Sun Liangcheng was arrested and later died of illness in prison.

At that time, Sun Liangcheng also did not know the whereabouts of Zhou Hao, and after a long investigation, the organization confirmed that Zhou Hao had died, and only then did he issue a martyr's certificate to his family.

The first half of Zhou Ho's career can be described as a chaotic nightmare, from being a platoon commander of the 19th Route Army to a special agent of the military command, these jobs are not choices he made after serious consideration. No ideals and beliefs, no lofty goals, and even great grievances, all of which make him extremely wandering.

After meeting Xu Chuguang and joining the CPC, he established ideals and beliefs, and only then did he feel that the path of life was suddenly enlightened. Therefore, he was not afraid of sacrifice, broke into the enemy camp alone, and made a great contribution to winning the surrender of Sun Liangcheng's troops. Unfortunately, he ended up in the night before dawn. History will always remember such unsung heroes.

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