
How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

author:Brief Food

Introduction: How should I distinguish a noodle with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

The mention of vermicelli makes many people addicted to it, and they like it! Especially when it comes to shabu-shabu, come with a plate of wide flour, smooth and delicious, Q bomb delicious. Or when you stew cabbage or stew tofu, add some noodles to it, and the taste will instantly increase by a hundredfold!

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

But what I'm going to tell you is that you eat noodles with alum added to them, will you still eat so comfortably? Tell you again, this kind of noodles eat too much is easy to become dementia, do you still order noodles when you are shabu-shabu? When stewing cabbage, do you still add some noodles to it?

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

First of all, why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli?

1: In order to make the vermicelli form, the sweet potato flour mixed with water will only form a paste, and the vermicelli cannot be molded. Some unscrupulous merchants add a lot of alum in order to be opportunistic, which not only helps the formation of sweet potato flour, but also increases the taste of the tendons.

2: Added alum to reduce the chipping of the vermicelli! In fact, simple sweet potato flour does not have any tendons, especially improper storage after drying is very easy to cause crushing, which not only affects the appearance but also affects the taste. After adding alum, these headaches can be solved.

3: The most important point is to increase the taste! Sweet potato flour itself has no gluten, if you do not add alum, sweet potato flour is relatively easy to cook rotten, simple boiled rotten, greatly affecting the taste. The addition of alum can effectively increase its taste, and the boiled noodles are rooted in the root and smooth Q bullet.

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

According to the regulations, each 1 kg can not exceed 200 mg of aluminum! Each kilogram of alum contains 57 grams of aluminum, which means 100 kilograms of vermicelli, and the added alum must not exceed 351 grams! Whether it is bought at a high price or at a low price, the noodles will be more or less filled with alum. Even if the merchant advertises pure handmade additives, it is possible to add alum!

With the continuous innovation of science and technology, now the state stipulates that the processing of vermicelli, vermicelli products is not allowed to use alum, not to mention the use of phosphate, preservatives, borax and other non-edible substances, otherwise it is a violation of the Food Safety Law! Many people have explained that the alternatives to alum are salt, guar gum, konjac powder, which can also enhance the toughness and tendon strength of the noodles!

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

So, can you still eat it with alum? It is recommended that you figure it out before buying! How should I tell when buying? Keep in mind that health issues should not be ignored!

1: Add more alum vermicelli, generally speaking, the color is more vivid and bright white. Vermicelli strips without alum are usually dark in color. It can also be folded in half, the noodles with alum are not easy to break, and the noodles without alum are easier to break.

2: Burn it again! Good noodles are burned with fire, smell is a sweet potato burnt aroma, not pungent, burned noodles by hand gently pinched into powder. And the noodles with alum smell more pungent, like a glue smell.

2: Finally, soak for a while, soak the noodles with alum in boiling water for 1 minute, usually become soft! The noodles without alum are still very hard after a minute.

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

After reading this content, I believe that everyone will gain something! In fact, we should not blindly pursue good vermicelli, although the handmade sweet potato flour will be delicious, but also pay attention to it, after all, more or less added alum, long-term eating is not good for the body! Therefore, for the sake of good health, you can focus on eating some grains, beans, brown rice, grains and other foods to maintain the body's acid-base balance, you say?

How should I identify noodles with alum? These common senses should be kept in mind, and health problems should not be ignored

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