
Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

author:Lin Daguanren

When it comes to vermicelli, the first thing that many people think of is sweet potato flour, which is smooth and delicious, and is one of the favorite staple foods of many people. Although sweet potato flour is very delicious, many people are afraid to buy alum noodles, because alum plus more vermicelli is poisonous, but the problem is that most people have to put alum when making sweet potato flour, which makes many people do not understand, why do you have to add alum to make noodles? Can you still eat it after adding alum? The following Linda will answer one by one for everyone.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? </h1>

The reason why you want to add alum to make vermicelli is as follows:

1. In order to make the vermicelli form. Because when making sweet potato noodles, the sweet potato powder itself mixed with water can only be mushed and cannot be shaped, and the reaction between alum and water has the effect of increasing the gluten of sweet potato flour, which can help the noodles to be shaped into strips, so the folk handmade noodles will add alum;

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

2, in order to avoid the crushing of the vermicelli. Because the sweet potato noodles themselves have no gluten, after drying, it is easy to break and not form during transportation, which affects the appearance and taste, and if alum is added, it can effectively increase the toughness of the noodles and prevent excessive fragmentation during transportation;

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

3, in order to increase the taste. Because the sweet potato flour itself has no gluten, if you do not add alum taste is relatively soft and rotten, eating no tendon, easy to clip on the break, affecting the eating experience, and if you make sweet potato noodles to add a little bit of alum can effectively increase the texture of the noodles, to ensure that after boiling can also be rooted intact, smooth Q bomb.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > can you add alum to the vermicelli? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? </h1>

Many people have been very afraid of eating alum noodles, so often do not go to the supermarket to buy cheap noodles but will be more willing to spend high prices to buy handmade sweet potato noodles in the countryside, thinking that the rural handmade sweet potato noodles must not be added alum, must be more nutritious and delicious! So is this really the case? Not really.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

First of all, to answer the first question, can you add alum to make vermicelli? Yes, but be sure to control the amount of additions.

In the national health standard, the aluminum content in the noodles is required to exceed 200mg/kg, and the aluminum content in each kilogram of alum is 57 grams, that is to say, the amount of alum in every 100 kilograms of noodles must not exceed 351 grams.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

To answer the second question, rural handmade vermicelli is not added alum? Of course not, the sweet potato powder made in the countryside will also add alum, and it will definitely be added, because the handmade sweet potato flour in the countryside without alum will not be formed at all, so even if you are a handmade sweet potato powder purchased at a high price, it is the same as the noodles with alum added, but compared to the supermarkets that twist and turn, there will be less alum.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? </h1>

Can alum noodles be eaten? The answer, of course, is that you can eat, but you can't eat more, and you can't eat every day, because too much alum noodle intake is very harmful.

The reason why noodles can not be added in excess of alum is because alum contains aluminum, and excessive intake of aluminum will seriously affect brain development, long-term intake of more alum noodles will easily lead to memory decline, affect brain development and even dementia.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? </h1>

Because whether it is handmade vermicelli or supermarket machine pressed sweet potato noodles on the market, there are alum added, so everyone must learn to distinguish when buying, do not think that the high price of handmade vermicelli must be a good product, there are also some people deliberately from the Internet low price batch purchase cheap sweet potato noodles and then claim to be handmade high-priced sale, so here Linda needs to teach everyone 3 selection skills:

1. Fold the vermicelli in half. Because alum is mainly to avoid the breakage of vermicelli and added, so if you add more alum noodles, generally folded by hand will not break, toughness is very sufficient, if you buy sweet potato vermicelli is so folded in half do not buy;

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

2. Flick the vermicelli. If the vermicelli is a good vermicelli, it is easy to break it by pressing hard with your hand, if you try to play it with your hand and bounce back continuously, then this not only adds alum may also add gelatin to increase the taste, do not buy;

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

3: Burn the noodles. If it is a good vermicelli, with a lighter to ignite after burning smell is a sweet potato burnt aroma, the smell is more normal and not pungent, if the smell is relatively light or smell slightly pungent, then do not buy; in addition, the burned vermicelli is generally a good vermicelli, then the hand pinch is powder, and if it is inferior vermicelli by hand pinching will not be easy to break, just like burning gum, so certainly do not buy.

Why do you want to add alum to make vermicelli? Can I still eat it with alum? It is recommended to figure out why you should add alum to buy vermicelli again? Can you make vermicelli with alum in the end? Rural handmade vermicelli without alum? Can alum noodles be eaten? What is the harm of eating too much? How to quickly distinguish between more alum noodles? epilogue

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

So I believe that everyone should know why to make vermicelli why to add alum and alum noodles to buy and eat related knowledge points of it, although handmade sweet potato noodles are very delicious, but often delicious is not necessarily good goods, it is recommended that everyone still eat more brown rice or steamed buns are healthier, do not blindly pursue sweet potato noodles, in exchange for nutrition to be more balanced, you say? Welcome to comment below and interact with me, I am Linda, food on the road together to refuel duck!!

(The headline of this article was first published, originally produced by "Lin Da Guanren", unauthorized removal and plagiarism is strictly prohibited)

#Sweet Potato Noodles##Sweet Potato Noodles##Alum#@Toutiao Food@Toutiao Food Alliance

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