
Only by understanding the Song Kingdom can we know what Song Xianggong and Confucius are doing

author:Short and fast language
Only by understanding the Song Kingdom can we know what Song Xianggong and Confucius are doing

How many things human beings do seem incomprehensible, but putting them into a certain cultural atmosphere seems so natural. Song Xianggong and Confucius, their behavior in the eyes of people is doing "perverse acts", and they are doing this with their own lives, are they stupid, stupid? If you put it into the Spring and Autumn Period, you may not be able to see it clearly, but if you put it in the cultural struggle between China's "royal way" and "hegemony", you can see clearly: what they are doing


Song Xianggong and Confucius, two "stupid people"

Song Xianggong and Confucius, more than a hundred years apart, a monarch, a scholar, seems to be out of touch, in fact, there is one thing that can twist these two people together: benevolence

At that time, these two people were talking to the red-eyed princes of the world under the banner of "hegemony" in different fields and levels about the "royal way" with the purpose of benevolence, righteousness, and faith.

The reason why Song Xianggong can be familiar to us today is mainly because of the Battle of Hongshui

In the Battle of Hongshui, Song Xianggong adhered to the ancient concept of benevolence and righteousness, and did not launch an attack when the Chu army was unfavorable, but was defeated and wounded and fled

If you are interested, you can go over the life of Song Xianggong, and you will find that in Song Xianggong, such a "stupid thing" did not happen once or twice

Such a "stupid person", have you ever thought: how can he be the king of a country, and how can he still become one of the "Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons"? In the spring and autumn for hundreds of years, there were so many kings of all sizes in the world, and few people could dominate for a while. How could such a Spring and Autumn overlord do so many "stupid" things, and what was he doing?

Confucius, who was slightly later than Song Xianggong, was originally a rich five-car, talented eight buckets, and was once a state executive, but as a result, a good card was played sparsely, often without food and clothing, "panicked like a dog that lost his family", but he did not change his call around, so why is it not the same "courtesy, righteousness, benevolence" as Song Xianggong

With the talent of Confucius, compared with Su Qin, Zhang Yi, and Shang Martingale Lisi, I don't know how many times higher, others worship each other one by one, the power is tilted to the opposition, the great plan is great, and actively and effectively transform the ideals of life and social concepts into reality, while Confucius reports the outdated "etiquette to rule the world" and does not let go, peddling a circle back empty-handed, a white hair, what is he doing

Song Xianggong and Confucius, the two "benevolent and righteous stupid people", their "stupidity", is there a relationship?

Yes, all have a relationship with the Song State

Only by understanding the Song Kingdom can we know what Song Xianggong and Confucius are doing


Song Guo, San ke, Song Xianggong, Confucius

Song Guo, Sankei. What does it mean?

"恪": Pronounce the "guest" sound

"恪": Is a colloquial character for the word "愙"

"Humility": the intention of being attentive to guests, treating guests with heart, and respecting them

Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty's "Explanation of Words and Characters": "Shu, Jingye." From the heart, the guest voice. ”

"Three Respects": Can be jokingly called "Three Respects" (has nothing to do with "Three Represents")

"Three Respects": The Zhou Dynasty was newly established, and the descendants of the previous three generations: the Yu Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, and the Shang Dynasty were given the title of prince, and the three kingdoms of Chen, Qi, and Song were established respectively, and treated each other with courtesy, called "Three Ke"

This is the idea of "rising and dying and then extinguishing" that the ancient Chinese, and it is the spiritual flower of a "state of etiquette"

People who have watched the "Animal World" program know that from the nature of animals, the first thing after defeating the opponent is to kill the enemy's cubs, which is bound to kill them all and cut the grass and roots. This is the legacy of human animality, the tail of human animality, which still remains on the buttocks of the Americans, the leader of the world civilization, and to this day, they still insist on doing this kind of thing all over the world to physically destroy their opponents, and in recent years, they have seen Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Laden, Sulaimani...

Chinese, thousands of years ago, regarded it as barbaric and shameless

Thousands of years ago, we understood the Analects of Yao Yue: "Rise and destroy the kingdom, inherit the world, lift up the people, and return the people of the world to their hearts." (The Analects of Yao Yue)

Shang replaced Xia, courtesy to the descendants of the losers Xia, and after Zhou took over the world, he made the son of king shang gong of Song and established the Song Special Zone. The Song people practiced a high degree of autonomy in the Song Kingdom

The Song Kingdom enshrined the ancestors of the merchants, did not need to hang the portrait of King Wu of Zhou, the Song State performed commercial ceremonies, did not need to hang the national flag of the Zhou Dynasty, the Song State played commercial music, did not need to play the national anthem of the Zhou Dynasty at the time of the meeting, and the Song Gong went to Beijing to hold a meeting, sat on the rostrum, and sat on an equal footing with the King of Zhou

This is China's "rise and fall and extinction" culture three thousand years ago, this is the "Three Ke", this is the Song Dynasty

Regarding this Song kingdom, how did song xianggong and Confucius be entangled, and its relationship is as follows:

Song Xianggong: The twentieth monarch of the Song Dynasty

Confucius: A descendant of the nobles of the Song Dynasty

Song Xianggong and Confucius both have the surname "Zi"

Son: The surname of the Shang Dynasty, all Shang kings are surnamed Zi

Having said that, we have seen the back of history, and seen the color of blood under the stupid skin of these two "stupid" people: they in the Zhou Dynasty, they are all the blood of the Shang King

In class life, the descent class determines the ass of the person, and then determines the head of the person, and in the clan society of Xia Shang Zhou, blood determines the ass of the person and determines the head of the person

Only by understanding the Song Kingdom can we know what Song Xianggong and Confucius are doing


Song Xianggong's stupidity = Confucius's stupidity = the restoration of shang li

Song Xianggong, who is he, stupid or stupid? Put him in the background and pattern of the time to see, in order to really see the three-dimensional real Song Xianggong

Song Xianggong lived around 600 BC, during the reign of King Xiang of Zhou, who reigned as the king of the Song State for fourteen years, during which time he sent an inconspicuous Song State to the position of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons. Can such a person be a fool, a fool, a fool, and a fool, a fool, and a rookie between the two hegemons, with the family foundation of the Song Dynasty and the status of a descendant of the previous dynasty???

Song Xianggong's "stupidity" really needs everyone to think about it, and Confucius's "stupidity" does not need to be said, as if everyone on the earth knows it. Confucius's body is to diligently do one thing: "Know that it cannot be done."

Talking about benevolence and righteousness with the princes of the world, and making everyone abandon the hegemony and follow the royal way, this is what Confucius did. Isn't this what Song Xiang did, it's just that Song Xiang used it on the battlefield and Confucius used it in politics

In fact, we stand at the end of history today and look at them at that time, they are not stupid people, stupid people, they are full of feelings with ideals in their chests

What kind of ideals do they have in their arms?

This is to put them in history again

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty reached the time of King Xiang of Zhou, that is, around 600 BC. The Decline of the Zhou Dynasty from the Rebellion of the Youwang in 744 BC, as always, it was not long before the Duke of Qi Huan came forward to clean up the rivers and mountains for Zhou Tianzi, but the State of Qi himself was confused by the Duke of Qi Huan himself, who was faint in his later years

Zhou Tianzi is not good, the good brother Qi Huangong is finished, what should the world do, who is the lord of ups and downs?

It was in this situation that the brave Song Xianggong stood up, united the princes, swept away the dirt of the Qi court, and resisted the invasion of the Chu state with the "outsider" as the authentic emperor of the Central Plains

At this time, Song Xianggong, like the co-lord of the world, had the ability to lead the trend of the world, and he, a descendant of the Shang Dynasty, resolutely and resolutely raised the banner of "benevolence and righteousness" in the spring and autumn of a "struggle for hegemony", this "benevolence" banner was not zhou Tianzi's "benevolence", and the banner he raised was the banner of the Shang Dynasty that had disappeared for hundreds of years. He was dreaming big: to take back the political ideas of the Shang Dynasty and clean up the world of the Zhou Dynasty

What is this called, this is exactly the same as what Confucius did in his lifetime, this is a complete "restoration"

The ancients of three thousand years ago did not have today's view of historical development. In the face of the chaotic situation of the collapse of the world, people who can do something are looking for a way out of the chaos, and use the way of benevolence and righteousness that Shang Zhou has successfully used for hundreds of years to implement their hegemony, which is what Song Xianggong wanted to do

"Serve people with virtue", "attack the heart first", "those who win the hearts of the people will win the world", this sentence, is not today a large bowl of chicken soup that is accepted everywhere

Song Xianggong, Confucius, throughout their lives, the things that they promised with their lives, this is such a thing, their hearts are full of such feelings, not stupid, not stupid, not stupid

We said something like this earlier:

"We stand at the end of history today and look at them at that time, they are not stupid people, stupid people, they are full of feelings with ideals in their chests."

At this point, we must add the most crucial sentence of the last sentence, as a historical figure

"They are the ones who do wrong, they are the ones who fail"

Don't say how Confucius later, his life is depressed, this is in everyone's eyes

History is so ruthless that history does not recognize feelings, and it must follow its law of development of moving forward, forward, and forward again. Any retrogression and restoration, whatever its sentiments, will end in tragedy. Song Xianggong is so, Confucius is so, how Ren Er does not abandon it, and finally it is a sentence of "falling flowers and flowing water in the spring"...

Only by understanding the Song Kingdom can we know what Song Xianggong and Confucius are doing

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