
Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and president of the Red Cross Society of China, went to Yingshan to investigate the revitalization of rural areas

author:China Net Hubei

From September 23 to 24, Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and president of the Red Cross Society of China, and his party went to Yingshan County to investigate the rural revitalization work.

Chen Zhu and his party came to the Red Cross Service Station in Shuikou Village, Shizui Town, Yingshan County, to learn about the "Fraternal Homeland" project; inaugurated the Confucius Fang Township Tongxin School aided by Beijing Chaoxing Group and inquired about the Red Cross work entering the campus; at the Home for the Elderly Service Center in Yingshan County, watched the demonstration of the smart pension platform and investigated the development of the Red Cross Society's support for the development of the Yingshan Pension Industry; at Hubei Chenmei Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., visited the Chinese Medicine Cultural Center and inspected the Yingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry; and the Red Cross Society of China designated to help the village - Fangjiazui Township Sikefeng Village Visited the village Red Cross first aid training base and industrial support base; came to the Yingshan County Red Cross Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to investigate the relevant work of the named medical institutions; inaugurated the Yingshan County Red Cross Society Disaster Preparedness and Relief Center with the assistance of the Macao Red Cross Society, to understand the development of emergency rescue, first aid training, volunteer service and other work, and visited the red cross rescue team members.

Chen Zhu stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on rural revitalization, closely integrate the core business of the Red Cross Society with rural revitalization, widely mobilize social love resources, implement the Red Cross "Fraternity homeland" project, and increase the assistance to the key counties of national rural revitalization; we must further give play to the role of the Red Cross as an assistant of the party and the government in the humanitarian field, continue to actively participate in the old-age service work, and provide targeted humanitarian services for the elderly with disability and dementia and empty nest elderly. Promote the formation of a pension service guarantee system with Chinese characteristics; it is necessary to implement the new development concept, further improve the ability to prevent and reduce disasters, and actively assist relevant government departments to carry out disaster preparedness, disaster reduction, disaster relief and other work, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property to the greatest extent.

After the investigation, Chen Zhu witnessed the donation ceremony of the Red Cross Society of China to help Yingshan, and the two sides signed a contract on the rural revitalization "Fraternity Homeland" project, village health station, school doctor's office, automatic external defibrillator and other projects, and signed a memorandum of cooperation on helping the development of Yingshan's pension cause. The Red Cross Societies of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other provinces donated funds and materials to Yingshan County.

Wang Ke, secretary of the party leading group and executive vice president of the Red Cross Society of China, and Erkenjiang Tulahun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, participated in the investigation.

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