
Science and technology symbiosis to ensure health Academicians such as Chen Zhuzhan Qimin, Li Jinsong and other academicians called for more "China solutions"


Technological innovation is the golden key to opening the door to health. As a large country with a population of 1.4 billion, China is rich in clinical resources and has great potential in diagnosis, treatment and medical translation. In recent years, with the development and progress of information technology, materials science, artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological fields, interdisciplinary disciplines are accelerating the promotion of life sciences to the forefront.

Science and technology symbiosis to ensure health Academicians such as Chen Zhuzhan Qimin, Li Jinsong and other academicians called for more "China solutions"

Scientific and technological innovation promotes "0-1" breakthroughs

At the 2021 World Congress of Life Science and Technology held over the weekend, expert academicians offered suggestions and suggestions on how scientific and technological progress can promote the development of clinical medicine in China. Chen Zhu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "At present, China's scientific and technological development has indeed made great progress, but we are still lackluster in major issues such as the basic principles and basic laws of science and the basic understanding of the material world. ”

Chen Zhu said that China's scientific progress in physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, information technology, artificial intelligence, big data and other fields in recent years has attracted worldwide attention, and has also provided an unprecedented opportunity for the cross-disciplinary promotion of the leapfrog development of life science and technology and biomedical industries. At present, cutting-edge disciplines such as digital medicine and digital diagnosis and treatment are also being promoted.

He called on the life science and technology community to jointly strengthen cutting-edge, primitive and other scientific research projects, concentrate on overcoming the major problems facing human health, and achieve more original results in the basic research and key core technologies of life science and technology; make more breakthroughs in the fields of emerging infectious diseases, the prevention and treatment of difficult and complex diseases, advanced medical technology research and development and drug development, and medical informatization, and promote the global sharing of scientific and technological achievements.

Zhan Qimin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and expert in tumor molecular biology, said: "We have provided the 'Chinese solution' to the world in bone marrow transplantation, organ transplantation, etc., but the current 'Chinese solution' is not enough, in the final analysis, our clinical research is still insufficient, and the ability of scientific and technological innovation in this regard still needs to be strengthened, which is the only way to solve the problem." ”

Zhan Qimin was awarded the 8th "Shulan Medical Award" just presented, together with Academician Liao Wanqing and Academician Wang Qi, who has long been engaged in translational medicine research related to tumor immunity. Zhan Qimin said that China will face many challenges in the process of dealing with "major chronic diseases".

The so-called "major chronic diseases" include not only cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic diseases, etc., but also malignant tumors. Zhan Qimin said that the five-year survival rate of patients with malignant tumors in China has just exceeded 40%, which is still significantly lower than the level of developed countries. Citing data, he said five-year survival rates for oncology patients in some European countries can reach 70 to 80 percent.

Multidisciplinary cross-cutting to promote the development of life science and technology

Zhan Qimin believes that there are two major focuses on the development of medicine, one is scientific innovation, and the other is multidisciplinary intersection. "China's medical development from 0-1 transformation capacity is insufficient, industrialization capacity and developed countries compared with the gap; secondly, large-scale medical equipment research and development capabilities are insufficient, in many large hospitals, including nuclear magnetic, color ultrasound, CT, PET-CT accelerator, surgical robots, minimally invasive devices and other important equipment is still mostly attached to foreign labels." Zhan Qimin said.

He stressed that China should provide more "China solutions" to the world. "Although we currently have its path and standard normative guidelines for the treatment of any disease in the clinic, most of them now also refer to developed countries. This shows that our clinical research capabilities are still lacking. Zhan Qimin said.

"Clinical medicine research is done because people don't know enough about the disease." Zhan Qimin said, "Mankind's exploration of disease and life science is endless. The death of tumors in the world can still reach tens of millions of people every year, and we have not done enough in early diagnosis and treatment, these studies are from 0-1 studies. ”

He suggested starting from genetics, immunology, neuroendocrine, etc., to understand the basic mechanism of disease development, and then from the cell biology, tissue and organ lesions, and then to study the patient as a whole.

"Multi-omics, stem cell and regenerative medicine, biotherapy, imaging, intelligent medicine, computational biology, etc. will become the commanding heights of medical technology development." Zhan Qimin said, "In addition, acoustic omics, gene editing, human microecology, precision medicine, liquid biopsy, multimodal cross-scale systems, etc., are also of great significance for the study of patients as a whole." ”

He also stressed the importance of multidisciplinary intersection. "Medicine is a big platform, and the combination of medical and industrial, medical and theoretical integration, optical electronics, nanotechnology, and big data can all be carried out on this platform of medicine." Zhan Qimin said, "These new technologies sound like they have widened the distance between medical staff and patients, but excellent doctors must have a deep medical humanistic background while having superb medical knowledge." ”

Li Jinsong, a researcher at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who has just been appointed as a newly promoted academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences this year, and a former winner of the "Shulan Medical Award Youth Award", talked about the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine providing the "Chinese solution" for the world at the World Life Science and Technology Conference.

"I think Chinese medicine is the earliest precision medicine, but also complex medicine, because it emphasizes that it varies from person to person; while Western medicine emphasizes more on disease, the process of simplifying complex medicine through technology." Both are indispensable. Li Jinsong said, "The future trend must be the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, using the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, using the technology and methods of Western medicine, to explore the essence of life and provide 'Chinese solutions'." ”

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