
Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, came to Guizhou to investigate

author:Guangxi News Network
Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, came to Guizhou to investigate

On May 24, Lu Xinshe, secretary of the regional party committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, met in Nanning with Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, chairman of the Central Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party, and president of the Red Cross Society of China. Reporter Deng Hua/Photo

Nanning, Guangxi News Network, May 25 (Reporter Wei Heng, Liang Ying) From May 22 to 25, Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, chairman of the Central Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party, and president of the Red Cross Society of China, led a research group to Guizhou to investigate and attend a forum on the promotion of experience in the treatment and management of thalassemia. Lu Xinshe, secretary of the regional party committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, met with Chen Zhu and his entourage in Nanning.

Lu Xinshe said that thalassemia is a high-incidence genetic disease in Guangxi. After years of efforts, remarkable results have been achieved in the prevention and treatment of thalassemia in the whole region, and the quality of the birth population has been greatly improved. For the care and support of the central government, the selfless help of the National Health Commission, the Red Cross Society of China and other parties, the people of Zhuangxiang are grateful and remembered. We are conscientiously implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions when he inspected Guangxi, accelerating the construction of a healthy Guangxi, and continuously improving the quality of life of the people. However, as an ethnic frontier area, Guangxi's medical and health foundation is relatively weak, and it is hoped that all walks of life will continue to care about and support Guangxi's health and health undertakings, and give more support and help in terms of policies, funds and projects.

Chen Zhu fully affirmed the great progress made by Guangxi in various undertakings, and said that he would vigorously support Guangxi in striving to create a national clinical medical research center for thalassemia, and accelerate the construction of maternal and child health care institutions and the Fangchenggang International Medical Open Pilot Zone. He said that the prevention and treatment of thalassemia is a people's heart project and a moral and political project to safeguard the health of children and children and respond to the expectations of the people and the concerns of society. The breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of thalassemia in Guangxi is of great significance to the construction of a community of human health by promoting these experiences to other high-incidence countries and regions, especially neighboring ASEAN countries. It is hoped that the Red Cross system will give full play to its unique advantages, do a good job in publicity and mobilization and fund raising, and continue to increase efforts in the health department to promote the prevention and treatment of thalassemia to a new level. All parties should systematically summarize and extract a set of effective "Chinese models" for the prevention and treatment of thalassemia, and contribute "Chinese solutions" to solve world problems.

The research team has successively gone deep into Wuzhou and Nanning to inspect pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and Red Cross first aid training bases.

Wang Jianjun, leader of the National Health Commission, Wang Ping, leader of the Red Cross Society of China, and Huang Weijing, Wang Yuefei, Yang Jinghua, and Huang Junhua, leaders of the autonomous region, respectively attended the relevant activities.

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