
The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

author:Flower's gourmet kitchen
The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

Fast forward to Thursday, and the week's working day is already halfway through. The recipe that Flowers came to share with her friends today, which I used to entertain my friends, was evaluated as a better food than home cooking. The reason why a simple fried noodle can be so highly evaluated by friends is that the ingredients are suitable, the soup tastes mellow, the taste is suitable for all ages, and the production method is simple.

Speaking of our traditional fried noodles, the taste is salty and fragrant, and many young people who are now fashionable like Western-style pasta methods, like Italian meat sauce noodles, there is really no one who does not like to eat. Therefore, the practice of fried noodles in hua'er has made innovations, and we have combined Chinese and Western styles to learn from each other's strengths. Western-style methods, to use pasta, although delicious, but the cooking time is long, the taste is chewy but also relatively hard, my parents do not like to eat this kind of noodles.

But it is undeniable that the sweet and sour tomato taste, rich and attractive black pepper taste, all make the soup have a different flavor, compared to our Simple Seasoning in Chinese, it is true that the soup taste is more delicious, then in the production we might as well use Chinese noodles + Western sauce, so that the cooking noodles are short, the soup is sour and sweet, and it is not delicious to be strange.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

Although it is only a simple stir-fried noodle, there are dishes with meat and staple foods, and it is quite comfortable to eat for dinner, do you want to try it too?

【Fried noodles with black pepper sausage in eggplant sauce】

Ingredient Preparation:

2 sausages

2 tomatoes

4 small rapeseeds

A little minced green onion and ginger

2 cloves of garlic

A pinch of black pepper

80 g of noodles

Cooking oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar


1. Buy hand-rolled noodles or use noodles. Add water to a wok and bring to a boil before hanging the noodles.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

Keep on medium heat, pour in half a small bowl of cold water after the first boil, then turn off the heat and remove from the boiling again, the time is about 4-5 minutes.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

2, this time the noodles are only cooked to six ripe, fished out and poured on the board or basin, poured into some cooking oil, quickly scattered, so as to prevent the noodles from sticking.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

3, 4 small rape to remove the stem and wash, two tomatoes peeled and chopped, two sausages steamed and sliced, and then cut the appropriate amount of minced ginger and minced garlic, minced garlic cut into granules, do not crush too much.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

4: Add a little cooking oil in a wok, heat it up and then add minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

Then add the diced tomatoes, this step to be patient, the tomatoes should be fried out of the soup, the rich flavor of the tomato juice is the key to ensuring a seductive taste.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

5, then pour in the sausage, grind the appropriate amount of black pepper, like the taste of black pepper, put more.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

The sauce is mixed in advance, 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of sugar, 1/3 spoonful of salt, pour in a small half bowl of warm water and mix well, pour together into the pot.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

6, at this time put in the garlic granules, stir well, the soup boiled for 1 minute, in the process to taste the soup, as appropriate, put sugar or salt.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

7: Then add the rapeseed segment, and then pour in the noodles after the rapeseed collapses, stir here with chopsticks instead of a spatula to fully integrate the noodles into the soup.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

Keep on medium heat, no need to cover the pot, 2-3 minutes until the soup is almost finished, turn off the heat, keep some soup, don't collect too dry Oh, so that it is delicious.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

8, so out of the fried noodles, tomatoes have long been melted into a rich sauce, sausage and black pepper, minced garlic perfect combination, and then garnished with refreshing rape, even a few times a week will not be greasy.

The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat
The fried noodles are simple, and the rich soup is fried but there is a doorway, and the tomato black pepper is not even greasy to eat

【Flower's Gourmet Kitchen】

Veteran independent food original writer

National level public nutritionist

Contracted author for multimedia platforms

Clarion, the authoritative management body of global self-media, signed a contract with media people

Special guests of several food programs

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