
The originator of instant noodles - Yangzhou Yifu noodles

author:Brother Alfred Tiger

In China, people who haven't eaten instant noodles probably don't. But few people know that the original prototype of instant noodles is Yangzhou noodles.

The recognized inventor of instant noodles is Momofuku Ando of Japan, a Chinese-Japanese national born in Taiwan.

The originator of instant noodles - Yangzhou Yifu noodles

Itanium Momofuku

It is rumored that Momofuku Ando passed by a ramen stall one morning in 1957, when Japan was in ruins. Although the time is still early, there is already a long line of 20 or 30 meters in front of the stalls, and people are waiting for the ramen noodles to come out of the pot in the cold wind. Standing opposite the ramen stall, Ando thought to himself, if there is a kind of noodle, as long as you use boiling water to rinse it, you can eat it, I think everyone will like it.

And this kind of noodles that can be eaten with a rush, the first prototype is Yi noodles.

The word Yi Noodles is derived from the "Yi Fu Noodles" in Yangzhou, China.

There are many places competing for the origin of Yimian, including Kaifeng, Suzhou and Yangzhou in Henan. However, according to Hong Weifa's "Yangzhou Continuing Dream • Yangzhou Noodles" in the Republic of China period, Yi Noodles was created by the home cook of Yi Bingshou, a Yangzhou native during the Qianlong period. Yi Bingshou also happened to be the prefect of Yangzhou, so this noodle was named "Yifu Noodle".

Although the noodles are delicious, they are not difficult to prepare. Simply put, the egg noodles are first boiled in water, the cold water is too cold, and then fried in a frying pan until golden brown.

Don't worry, it's only a semi-finished product at this time. Fried into golden noodles, one is to increase the taste, the other is to facilitate preservation. When eating, you just need to re-put the fried noodles in boiling water and wait for the noodles to soften before you can fish them out.

The originator of instant noodles - Yangzhou Yifu noodles

Simply understood, Izumi is fried egg noodles

So you say, is this the originator of instant noodles?

Yi Bingshou's family cook surname Isai, from Huizhou, Guangdong, after returning to Yangzhou with Yi Bingshou, combined with the characteristics of Yangzhou's Su-style noodle noodles, yi noodles were developed.

So, what is the su-style yang spring noodles?

In the north, we often call it "boiled noodles", that's because the noodles in the north are often pulled into a cylindrical shape, especially shanxi noodles, which are relatively thick and can only be cooked thoroughly if they are put into a pot and cooked. Here in Jiangsu, it is called "the following strip", which means that after passing the hot water into the pot, you can fish it out.

Yangzhou Yangchun noodles, the skin is thin. Unlike the thick noodles in the north, Yangzhou Yangchun noodles are made by pressing the dough into a cake on a board and then cutting it with a knife. Like all Su-style noodles, they are cooked through with a single stroke. The only difference here may be that Yangzhou is a knife cut here.

The originator of instant noodles - Yangzhou Yifu noodles

Yangzhou knife face

Speaking of which, Suzhou is also vying for the right to invent Yimian. Probably because of the yellow on both sides of this dish.

Yellow on both sides, Suzhou is most famous for yuxing. This bowl of crab flour shrimp on both sides is yellow, 98 yuan.

The originator of instant noodles - Yangzhou Yifu noodles

The golden fried noodles on the left are crab flour shrimp on both sides

This noodle recipe is similar to yi noodles, and the noodles must be fried first.

Answering the Lord Yangzhou people, it is natural to believe that Yi Mian is a specialty of my Yangzhou.

Plus historical records ~

Hong Weifa "Yangzhou Continues Dreams, Yangzhou Pastry"

Zhao Heng,"Old Food, Gossip Yifu Noodles"

Tang Lusun "Say East west, Yangzhou fried rice Yifu noodles"

Zhu Zhenfan, "History of Eating Forest, From Yangzhou Fried Rice to Yifu Noodles"

In other words, when everyone eats today's instant noodles, have you ever thought that its original source was my hometown yangzhou?

Whoops, instant noodles are sold all over the world, and Huaiyang cuisine is a Chinese state banquet dish.

However, as the originator of instant noodles, Yifu noodles are gradually becoming unknown, which is a pity.

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