
Zhengzhou cuisine no. 2 Casserole Yifu noodles

author:Five virtues

When it comes to Zhengzhou gourmet braised noodles, it is impossible not to mention another classic of Zhengzhou traditional noodles: casserole Yifu noodles. Casserole Yifu noodles were first served as the dominant variety of Changchun Hotel on Erqi Road. Now the Changchun Hotel has disappeared with the development of urban construction, but Yifumian continues to develop in Zhengzhou. Anyone who has been to a Zhengzhou roast duck shop knows that Yifu noodles are still the dominant breed of this old shop. Yifu noodles from kaifeng is the consensus of the industry, branches and leaves for hundreds of years to inherit the north and south of the river, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have Yifu noodles, the ingredients are different, but the production of noodles is still the same. The main reason why Yifu noodles are not popular in the place of origin is that the production process of the noodles is complicated and the ingredients are exquisite. Casserole Ifu noodles, originally should be three fresh casserole ifu noodles, if you want to have seafood Guangfu Ifu noodles are still the same, the local Ifu noodles are difficult to sustain. A steaming casserole of Yifu noodles, the soup is mellow and fragrant, the fried noodles are full of soup flavor, the entrance is full of raw aroma, and it is the finale of each table in the Changchun Hotel Night Market that year. At the time, the people who once enjoyed at least the 50s, the youth is no longer there, and the delicious taste still exists. Speaking of the Changchun Hotel, there are two things that can be said again. The original site of Changchun Hotel, in Erqi Square along Erqi Road to the north of more than 100 meters west of the road, now north of the Stomatological Hospital, adjacent to the Changchun Barber Shop. The reason why it is called Changchun Hotel is because Erqi Road was originally called Changchun Street, and now Erqi Square is the Changchun Bridge on the Jinshui River before liberation, and it is the main traffic road between the old city of Zhengzhou and the new city, so it has become the righteous place of the Erqi martyrs. Another is that after the reform and opening up, the Changchun Hotel was the first restaurant in Zhengzhou to open a night market and open 24 hours a day in the early 1980s, which was the first to lead the way.

Who can still remember the changchun hotel three fresh casserole yifu noodles, talk about the three fresh, how much money is in a pot, so that the brothers can understand the aftertaste more clearly.