
To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

author:Squirrel kitchen

How many people originally had a passion for baking, threw themselves into the baking army, and flinched after failing several times? I'm not in that category anyway.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Since entering the baking, I have devoted myself to it and failed, but only once or twice. Because before each production, I search for failed cases to avoid the mistakes they made. After each failure, I analyze the reasons for this? Will avoid it next time. So, my baking path is still smooth.

Chiffon cake is the saddest part of baking people, but I don't find it that hard. Grasping the main points, mastering the skills, and making a chiffon cake is actually not difficult at all.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

There are always fans who leave messages asking me questions about making chiffon cakes, such as: Can the amount of sugar be reduced? What can I replace lemon juice with? Why is flour sieved? How to release the mold empty-handed? ...... There are too many problems, let's take the 6-inch chiffon cake as an example, carefully explain it!

This chiffon cake recipe is simple and practical, and once you look at it, you can also succeed as a novice. To do qifeng, I only use this one square, every time it is successful, simple and practical, a look will be.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

——【6 inch original chiffon cake】——

【Ingredients】: 3 eggs, 30 grams of milk, 30 grams of caster sugar, 30 grams of corn oil or salad oil, 40 grams of low gluten flour, 3 grams of lemon juice or white vinegar

【Preparation steps】:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients you need and start making! Put the milk and corn oil in a basin first, mix it with your hands to make it evenly emulsified, and when it is emulsified, it looks like thick yogurt.

Q: Can corn oil be exchanged for other oils?

Yes, corn oil can be swapped for colorless and odorless vegetable oils, such as salad oil. Cakes made of vegetable oil without odor are fragrant and have no strong flavor.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 2: Sift in low gluten flour.

Q: Why is low gluten flour sieved?

Sift low-gluten flour, one is to remove impurities from the flour, and the other is to prevent the flour from clumping, which is easier to stir evenly.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 3: Prepare a clean basin, separate the yolks and egg whites, and place the yolks in the flour and milk mixed in the previous step. The egg whites are placed in a clean, oil-free and water-free basin, and it is necessary to ensure that there is not a trace of egg yolk in the egg white, otherwise, the egg white is difficult to pass.

Q: Can there be egg white in the yolk? OK.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 4: Stir well with your hand to make a delicate egg yolk paste.

Q: Can I stir at will? No. Casual stirring can easily make the flour stiffen, affect the fluff of the cake, and bake a "cake cake".

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 5: Take the egg whites and add a few drops of lemon juice, which can be used with fresh lemon or concentrated lemon juice. Q: What if I don't have lemon juice? There is always white vinegar in the house, right? Replace lemon juice with white vinegar for the same effect.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 6: The electric whisk begins to whip, the sugar is divided into 2-3 times and added to the egg white, until the egg beater is lifted, showing a firm and upright sharp angle, which is the so-called wet and dry foam, so that the egg white is completed. Without the toothpick test, the protein will certainly not pour.

Q: Can the amount of sugar be reduced? Sugar plays a big role in baking, and the coking reaction of sugar and the Maillard reaction can make the baked product form a beautiful golden color. Sugar stabilizes the protein state, making it difficult to defoam the good protein. In addition, the water retention of sugar can make the cake softer and taste better. I use low oil and low sugar, so the sugar is not reduced.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 7: Then remove a small amount of egg white into the egg yolk paste, use a hand pump or silicone spatula to stir in a mixing technique, and mix well. Remember not to stir randomly, otherwise the good egg white bubbles will gradually disappear.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 8: After mixing, pour back into the egg white basin and mix well again in a tumbling manner. When mixing, be sure to copy the bottom and mix, the edges and corners should be mixed well, there is no mixed cake paste, and the baked cake will have holes and black blocks.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Step 9: Pour the mixed cake batter into a 6-inch chiffon cake mold. I made two 6 inches and the portion size was doubled.

Put it in the preheated oven in advance, bake at 120 degrees on high and low heat for 30 minutes, then turn to 170 degrees on top and bottom and bake for 20 minutes.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

Q: Why did I strictly follow the temperature and time, or did I burn it?

The temperature of each oven is different, even if it is the same oven. The larger the space, the more uniform the oven temperature, the smaller the space of the oven, the temperature will be tens of degrees higher, are normal, so strictly in accordance with the recipe in the temperature and time is sometimes not necessarily accurate, you need to adjust according to your usual baking habits.

Immediately after baking, buckle upside down on the grilling net, or use three bowls to buckle upside down as a support. After thoroughly cooling, remove the mold, premature demoulding will cause the cake to shrink.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

The cake is cold, gently peel it around with your hand, and gently lift the bottom with your fingers, the cake is easily demolded, and it is clean and slag-free.

This is a formula that can also be successful for novices, simple and practical, the material ratio is easy to remember, and it will be easy to see. To make chiffon cake, I only use this one square, and I succeed every time. Don't bother to remember, just read it and remember it.

To make a chiffon cake, I only use a square, every time it is successful, simple and easy to remember, one look will be

6 inch chiffon cake is shared here for you, do you have any questions? Feel free to send me a private message! See will be the first time to reply.

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